Recent movies you saw - recommend or no

Maze was so good I went and bought the four book set...reading book two right now and can't put it down...
This one scored 91% at RottenTomatoes. Amazing cast. Spectacular images. Believable story. Would watch it again.

All I can say is WOW. Finally someone came through with a new approach. Kept me on my toes all the way.

Thanks for the recommendations - grabbed both for a wife/child free night at the cottage this weekend - looking forward to it.
I know it's not out yet, but that new Avengers Teaser

189 days until release. It's gonna be a bigger hit than the first one.
I'm a big fan of the marvel/DC movies. Some are crap of course. But have to say the latest X Men was done very well. Nice tie ins to previous films etc.

Also found the latest Transformer movie was mindless fun.
I'm a big fan of the marvel/DC movies. Some are crap of course. But have to say the latest X Men was done very well. Nice tie ins to previous films etc.

Also found the latest Transformer movie was mindless fun.

So apparently, The Fantastic Four, the reboot version coming out in 2015 has none of the original cast.
Kate Mara instead of Jessica Alba? Hmmm, I don't know...
I know it's not out yet, but that new Avengers Teaser

189 days until release. It's gonna be a bigger hit than the first one.

Unless they give away all the good stuff in the trailers, over the next 6 months.
Unless they give away all the good stuff in the trailers, over the next 6 months.

Unless there's another leak, next trailer is due during the SuperBowl.
If history is any indicator, there'll be 2 Trailers, max.

Bonus points for Marvel on how they responded to this teaser getting leaked.
Monuments Men
I shut it off after half an hour. It's like they couldn't decide if they wanted it to be funny, or serious, or I don't know what because it was just plain awful.

Agreed. After 25 minutes of that movie I had to cut myself frequently for days because it wasn't as painful as remembering that movie.
Pretty much my thoughts as well. Trailer looked cool, movie was awful.
The thing that I find the most amusing is the amount of positive reviews that this movie was getting from self proclaimed intellectuals but I'm convinced it's a case of the emperor's new clothes. Yes, the movie is complicated and it takes a lot of thinking to understand it and figure it out but it's also so damn boring and uninteresting that you'd have to be a masochist to sit through the whole thing while paying 100% attention and even then you'd probably have to read the book it was based on to get it. But hey, one guy says that anyone who doesn't like it is an unintelligent moron and the sheeple trip over themselves all proclaiming that they loved it and understood it and if you didn't you're a dumbass.
So apparently, The Fantastic Four, the reboot version coming out in 2015 has none of the original cast.
Kate Mara instead of Jessica Alba? Hmmm, I don't know...

The Fantastic Four didn't do it for me even with Alba. So, fingers crossed for the reboot.
The Fantastic Four didn't do it for me even with Alba. So, fingers crossed for the reboot.

Pasting blonde hair and blue contacts on Alba was the wrong choice. There are enough suitable actresses who could have filled the role. In the reboot they're going to have Kate Mara in the part; another brown haired, brown eyed girl. On top of that they'll have to go a long way to explain how Michael B. Jordan, a black guy, is her brother.

I've already decided that I won't be going to any reboots.
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