Recent movies you saw - recommend or no

Going back to my preference for new media, a movie has just been released that might strike a cord with a few here. Does anyone remember the panic, by the Christian Right in the early '80s, about how Dungeons and Dragons was going to turn impressionable kids to demon worship? it resulted in the movie "Mazes and Monsters", which was absolute crap and starred a young Tom Hanks. It also caused a guy named Jack Chick to publish a short comic book, one of his "Chick Tracts", called "Dark Dungeons." It's now been made into a 40 minute long movie by Rallsfilm and Zombie Orpheus Entertainment. Despite the fact that the majority of people producing this film are gamers, they played the movie completely straight and true to the source material. As a result it will have people who have a clue about tabletop RPGs rolling in the aisles, while Evangelical Christians just nod their heads at how on-point the movie is.

... and it's a dirt cheap download ;)

The knockers were the highlight of the movie, for sure.. Other than that... The CGI was cheesy, the acting was uninspired, waaaay too heavy on the rah rah rah USA USA USA sap and the realism went out the window. Didn't see anything vaguely similar to a hoplite battle formation - the very thing that allowed the Greeks to dominate everyone.

Oh, have I got a Youtuber for you!

Lindybeige -
Lol funny.. My main beef with this movie were the land battle scenes where the Greeks just enter a melee instead of using the phalanx formation that made them so effective against their contemporary opponents. Too much focus on individuals instead of teamwork. At least the original 300 showed some of it.

Watch his other videos about "Helen of Troy." There are three in total, if I remember correctly, and in one of them he talks about how the Greeks disembark their ships by jumping into the sea, weapons, armour, and all. My favourite is the "Crap Archery in...." video.
Lol funny.. My main beef with this movie were the land battle scenes where the Greeks just enter a melee instead of using the phalanx formation that made them so effective against their contemporary opponents. Too much focus on individuals instead of teamwork. At least the original 300 showed some of it.
The movie is not meant to depict history. It was for entertainment purposes. The character played by Eva got killed by smashing herself to a rock in history. Not killed by Themokeles (however you spell that). Xerxes who dresses like a transexual... I highly doubt the actual persian king dressed like that.

Just because they omit a particular military maneuver, I won't dismiss it as a ****** movie.

Even Saving Private Ryan, which is supposed to be historically accurate has some Hollywood glorification. Do you really think bullets travel through water like that? Nope, they fragment in 1 foot of water.

But to each their own
TMNJ. first of all what did Megan Fox do to her face? Why in the world would she think she needed surgery. Sad really. As to the movie. Easily forgettable. Nothing crazy, nothing stood out, just another mediocre action movie butchering the characters of our youth.
The movie is not meant to depict history.

True, but they went WAAAAY overboard in this iteration.. I wouldn't be surprised if the Greeks grab their M4's and fight AK-toting Persians in a sequel depicting the Battle of Plataea :D Also, as I mentioned, the CGI was way too cheesy and the acting was bad, so I wasn't particularly entertained.
My hopes are on Brad Pitt's WWII tank movie, Fury. If it even comes halfway close to Saving Private Ryan I'll be satisfied.
Has anyone seen the trailers for the foxcatcher? I'm pumped for that one. I really wanna see a sadistic Steve Carell.
My hopes are on Brad Pitt's WWII tank movie, Fury. If it even comes halfway close to Saving Private Ryan I'll be satisfied.

If you want Military Drama, I highly recommend "lone survivor"
If you want Military Drama, I highly recommend "lone survivor"

I liked it, until I came across multiple critical reviews that throw cold water on the story. As tragic as the actual events were, the movie itself was too "Hollywood-ized".
Re: Lone Survivor

I liked it, until I came across multiple critical reviews that throw cold water on the story. As tragic as the actual events were, the movie itself was too "Hollywood-ized".

I agree. I went into this movie expecting the usual, "Poetic Licence" that Hollywood is known to take with "based on actual events" type movies. But after seeing it, then the documentaries, excerpts of the book and websites against it I'm left with an overwhelming sense that Berg really screwed the pouch on this one. Almost as bad as Affleck did with Argo.

If it's military action / intrigue you're looking for I suggest "The Kingdom" and "the Hurt Locker". If you want "Military Drama" based on actual events then go back to the original, "Black Hawk Down". Watch the extended edition. Then all the behind the scenes and interviews with the survivors to get the full impact of the events and what it took to bring it to the big screen.
Re: Lone Survivor

Yeah, I found Lone Survivor to be mildly entertaining but it was neither here nor there.... Too much drama for a no brainer action flick, but took too many liberties with the facts to be taken as a serious flick. Still enjoyed it but wouldn't get it for my collection.
TMNJ. first of all what did Megan Fox do to her face? Why in the world would she think she needed surgery. Sad really.

She's been slowly transforming herself into a wax dummy so that it will save time for Madame Tussaud's when she finally kicks it, and they make her display.
Good military drama, tons of action, and with accuracy it's gotta be "Band of Brothers" series. IMO anyways.

TMNT - was pretty bad.

Dom Hemmingway - I tried to make it through but found it pretty boring. Made it 2/3rds of the way and then turned it off.

And yes, the knockers in 300 ROE were excellent.
Just saw 'The Drop'. Great performance, as always, from Tom Hardy. One of my favourite actors right now.
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