Going back to my preference for new media, a movie has just been released that might strike a cord with a few here. Does anyone remember the panic, by the Christian Right in the early '80s, about how Dungeons and Dragons was going to turn impressionable kids to demon worship? it resulted in the movie "Mazes and Monsters", which was absolute crap and starred a young Tom Hanks. It also caused a guy named Jack Chick to publish a short comic book, one of his "Chick Tracts", called "Dark Dungeons." It's now been made into a 40 minute long movie by Rallsfilm and Zombie Orpheus Entertainment. Despite the fact that the majority of people producing this film are gamers, they played the movie completely straight and true to the source material. As a result it will have people who have a clue about tabletop RPGs rolling in the aisles, while Evangelical Christians just nod their heads at how on-point the movie is.
... and it's a dirt cheap download
Oh, have I got a Youtuber for you!
Lindybeige - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFBK-eVl76M&list=UU9pgQfOXRsp4UKrI8q0zjXQ
... and it's a dirt cheap download

The knockers were the highlight of the movie, for sure.. Other than that... The CGI was cheesy, the acting was uninspired, waaaay too heavy on the rah rah rah USA USA USA sap and the realism went out the window. Didn't see anything vaguely similar to a hoplite battle formation - the very thing that allowed the Greeks to dominate everyone.
Oh, have I got a Youtuber for you!
Lindybeige - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFBK-eVl76M&list=UU9pgQfOXRsp4UKrI8q0zjXQ