Recent movies you saw - recommend or no

Saw "The Judge"

Would have thought a movie with Robert Downey Junior would have been better - bored me to death.

Saw this a couple days ago and really enjoyed it. Good cast and story. Unless you go into it expecting Ironman I think you'll like it.

Hercules - wow that was bad. Seemed low-buck and the acting was bad even for the cast involved.
Interstelar was amazing. Blow Gravity right out of the water. The two movies arent close to the same caliber. I was mesmerized the whole time. Highly recommend it. Its gonna win a **** ton of oscars
Just saw Big Hero 6 with the family. I enjoyed it. Disney movies usually don't disappoint. Storyline was a little different from what I expected, which was cool.
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Interstelar was amazing. Blow Gravity right out of the water.

Yup and thats saying something as gravity was great!

Interstelar is easily the best scifi made in the last 20 years its almost a perfect movie..although I feel like the ending might have been tacked on by the studios but it didn't spoil it.
Don't know if anyone has posted yet, but "Fury" was awesome. Such a great war movie, a total guys movie though - not exactly a date night flick :P
Finally got around to seeing Gaurdians of the Galaxy. Not what I was expecting and that's a good thing. Entertaining and fun sci-fi action flick. Loved the part where Rocco asked for the guys eye ;)
Just watched Lawless with Tom Hardy, it's on the Canadian Netflix and I thought it was really good.
Just saw Big Hero 6 with the family. I enjoyed it. Disney movies usually don't disappoint. Storyline was a little different from what I expected, which was cool.
Sent from my Nokia Lumia 625 Windows Phone using Tapatalk

Took all three runts, ages 16 to 6......all of us enjoyed it.
For those who are into music and know how to read the notes - Whiplash.
Ballsy story.
Interstellar - 10++/10

Do yourselves a favour and go get your tickets asap. And be ready for the journey.
Pretty good movie but overrated.

It's no 2001 and the soundtrack is a pretty blatant rip off of this movie:

Movie would have been better if they left it at least a little open ended by ending it about 10-15 minutes earlier. They literally explained EVERYTHING. I thought this was supposed to be a mind-**** movie. When it ended there was NOTHING left to think about cause everything was wrapped up neatly with a big red bow on top.
"Sin City: A Dame to Kill For" - The first one was excellent. The second one seemed oddly forced, in the same way that "The Spirit" was. To me that indicates that Miller had too much influence over Rodriguez. Pity, because it seemed like Alba was trying to bring her "A" game.
"Sin City: A Dame to Kill For" - The first one was excellent. The second one seemed oddly forced, in the same way that "The Spirit" was. To me that indicates that Miller had too much influence over Rodriguez. Pity, because it seemed like Alba was trying to bring her "A" game.

I'll still watch it because I loved the first one. I figured it can't be nearly as good
One of the worst movies I've Ever seen. Almost walked out of the theater. The only good thing about it is the nudity. That's it.
Nudity in the first one is better as well.
I heard Eva Green is in it, so I might as well catch it in DVD
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