Recent movies you saw - recommend or no

It migrated a fair bit from the true story though, The story line was close but the Rock's character didn't even exist in real life, It was a mismash of a couple real guys.

Did you see the size of Dwayne? He IS a couple of guys!
Watched Elysium, love it!

I can see the military technology in the future. That exoskeleton is already being used. The writers have a good rendition of what the future might look like.

Did I mention I love the guns?

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Winners Take All

Cheesy 80's movie set on a backdrop of dirtbikes and supercross.

Thoroughly entertaining. A good watch for any rider especially those into dirt.
Now you see me is pretty good. It was entertaining, but some parts didn't make sense and the flow through wasn't as smooth... felt a bit random at times, but nonetheless it was worth the time.
Getaway kept me laughing all the way through, even though it's NOT a comedy. I've never thought there can be too many crashes in a movie... Turns out I was wrong, there can be! :D

Jobs was captivating. I liked how they delivered the story. Could tell it wasn't an easy task especially when you are trying to squeeze as much of someone's life into a 2 hour film. Great acting by Ashton. His impersonating of Jobs was brilliant at times (even the walk!). Excellent cast selection. Would watch it again. :thumbup:
Just watched Pirates of the Caribbean "on stranger tides" surpringly I enjoyed it. Geoffrey Rush always give quite a performance. Love his accent, it always add to the drama

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Saw Kick-*** 2.

pretty violent. found the tone of the movie a little uneven.
Just watched Constantine in 1080p today. Audio sucks donkey balls (can't hear anyone talk) so had to have the volume so loud that my neighbour came over and asked me to turn it down (I live in a single family stand alone house, lol). Crazy theory about the cats, don't doubt it for one minute though!
Watched "The Human Centipede" on Netflix while at work last night.... I don't use the term "cinematic abortion" often or lightly, but it pretty aptly describes what I watched
Watched "The Human Centipede" on Netflix while at work last night.... I don't use the term "cinematic abortion" often or lightly, but it pretty aptly describes what I watched

Wait till you catch the sequel (also on Netflix iirc), even better, set in the UK.. And I think they're about to release the 3rd one - set in the US this time around! :D
Wait till you catch the sequel (also on Netflix iirc), even better, set in the UK.. And I think they're about to release the 3rd one - set in the US this time around! :D

Haha, I wiki'd the sequel to get an idea of the "plot" and decided that while I am usually a glutton for punishment... I will pass on this particular experience
KickAss 2 - For whatever reason never could get through the first one even though I tried a couple times, second one was a lot more watchable. Not a masterpiece, but would watch again if it's on cable.

RIPD - What the hell was that. Basically a rejected MIB script. Jeff Bridges spends the movie talking like he has marbles in his mouth. So forgettable I had to google the name of the movie even though I watched it yesterday.
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