Recent movies you saw - recommend or no | Page 242 |

Recent movies you saw - recommend or no

the original did not do a lot for me but so far the extended version is improved but Joachim so wooden still.
Certainly spectacular. 🍿
Much better movie...can't wait to see the next longer cut
good, was waiting for this. will watch tonight or tomorrow!
Lower budget Twister and maybe covers off too much but pretty good after a slow burn lead up.
I've been in Oklahoma as a kid in a tornado outbreak.
While not directly affected the service station we stopped at the day before was completely flattened...left an impression.
My sister who was at uni in Enid had one go over her rooming house but not touch down, She said it sounded like every nail was being pulled out.
I was also watching the big cu that was associated with the F4 that hit Barry Ontario
It was a stunning blue sky day and this monster anvil head rising tens of thousands of feet.
There was a 747 taking off from Toronto Aiport and was in front of the cloud and looked like a tiny model as it powered up and away.
Client was actually at ground zero in a big assed truck and while he was okay he was pretty terrified.

Pretty good portrayal.

I've been i a few near misses when out riding. Stationary and lots of gear on but still wild weather.

Anyway decent movie so far. A couple of unneeded dramatic conventions. Worth your time IMNSHO

nother popped up will watch later.
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4k UHD is wonderful but aside from that it is a great movie....
Been long enough since I watched it have forgotten stuff. 🍿

UHD is really impressive in some scenes especially those in space.
Duct tape very useful -
Not sure what I watched...there is a 4k Blu Ray extended not that I care.

Might as well read the book
enjoyed the combo/
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Well it is a tornado double header

Tornado Valley
still watching

Don't know what to make of this....the cg and disaster footage was amazing, the plot rather ragged and over the top.
was okay in the end just for the special effects
lol, originally posted in the wrong thread.

Snake & Mongoose

Drag racing version of Rush or Ford vs Ferrari, I did enjoy it. Direct to video quality with TV people in the main parts. The beginning was odd as they kind of started with some background--but did not spend enough time on it IMO--and then jumped forward to the main story.

If you like drag racing or car movies it is a decent enough watch.
lol, originally posted in the wrong thread.

Snake & Mongoose

Drag racing version of Rush or Ford vs Ferrari, I did enjoy it. Direct to video quality with TV people in the main parts. The beginning was odd as they kind of started with some background--but did not spend enough time on it IMO--and then jumped forward to the main story.

If you like drag racing or car movies it is a decent enough watch.
Was this an older film? I watched a movie about Don Prudhomme but it was likely from the 70's.

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