Recent movies you saw - recommend or no

Well dubbed - not intrusive at all.

Tipped for an Oscar..production values are superb.
Not lacking for melodrama or cast numbers.
Opening sequence worthy of an MCU epic as are other scenes. East Indian Capt America 🍿
Baz Lurhman feel to it...spectacle. Back to Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers (y) Big Hollywood productions... maybe even Ben Hur with better looking leads.
reveal ...I like Bollywood movies
about correct RRR movie review & film summary (2022) | Roger Ebert

I'm normally bored by action sequences, but from the opening riot to the assault on the governor's mansion to the big prison escape — during which Ram rides atop Bheem's shoulders with guns ablazing — RRR contains more exciting action scenes than all the Marvel movies put together.
Renner - eat your heart out. :eek: Too much fun but very long.
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"Ember Days" on Tubi - I don't recommend this movie, at all, unless you want an education on a particular subset of film makers, or are considering doing independent film yourself. Some independent film makers are of the opinion that they can do it all, not because they are trying to save money, but rather because they honestly think that anyone else would screw up 'their vision.' Writer, director, producer, star... Think of movies like "The Spirit" but with Frank Miller being even more full of himself, with zero self awareness. Take a look at the movie's IMDB page and you'll understand what I mean. I say this, despite a good friend having been in this... thing. The people I know, who make successful independent films, know that they need to get out of the way and let skilled professionals fill roles like director, screen writer, etc., and hire them.

As a counter-example on film making, it's excellent.
based on actual don't see many Korean War movies...
That it is a true story lifts it above the sentimental...nice to see some of the planes from the period.
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Finishing up Women at War and now

which I suspect I have never seen.:eek:
Clint's first directorial attempt.
High praise from critics
High Plains Drifter Is Clint Eastwood's Mysterious, Overlooked Masterpiece
Before he was known as a conservative filmmaker (both stylistically and politically), he made this strange and surreal Western.

By Chris NashawatyPUBLISHED: AUG 22, 2020


great cast and in 4k - Tantoo Cardinal and Michelle Dockery ...never thought I see that combo.
Started this last night but then realized I'd already watched it when it first came out. That's good because I didn't have time for a 7hr series anyways :)
Yeah me too.


The Jesse James movie was just okay. Was looking for the Billie the Kid movie with Dylan in it..can't find it free.

Got it

It's the better movie. (y)
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great cast and in 4k - Tantoo Cardinal and Michelle Dockery ...never thought I see that combo.
Great series wish they had a follow up.

Another good western series is The Son:
Godless....happy to watch most anything with Michelle Dockery....specially when she gets some of her clothes off. Lovely woman and good actress. Pulled off the American accent pretty well.

They discussed a second season apparently but felt the first was sufficient,

Thanks for the recco on The Son
Yup this is happening.... don't laugh.. Is it still about cars?
(there are some bikes in there too!)

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