Recent movies you saw - recommend or no

"The Hunt" on Netflix - Does a pretty good job of skewering both political sides in the US. A group of "Liberal Elites" kidnap a bunch of "Deplorables" and have a human hunt. The stereotypes on both sides are pretty thick.
"The Hunt" on Netflix - Does a pretty good job of skewering both political sides in the US. A group of "Liberal Elites" kidnap a bunch of "Deplorables" and have a human hunt. The stereotypes on both sides are pretty thick.

So it's Predator XVII set on Earth.
The newest Batman, what a steaming pile of shite. Batman is played as a weird goth kid
Same basic idea. There are a bunch of books and movies that use the premise.

Hollywood is completely void of creativity thesedays.... everything is a remake of a remake or a crappy sequel.
Hollywood is completely void of creativity thesedays.... everything is a remake of a remake or a crappy sequel.
Funny thing: I do tend to agree but whenever someone tries something that's legitimately new, audiences pan it.
I remember about 6 years ago Alex Winter (yes, William S. Preston esq. Alex Winter) stumping for crowdsource money to save and restore Frank Zappa's extensive archives. The family gave him full access. Finally got to see the documentary that he helped produce. I'd recommend it to any fan of Frank.

"Body Cam" on Netflix: Mary J Blige stars as a cop, who discovers that her co-workers are being killed by something supernatural. I'm not giving anything away here, because this is literally in the opening scene. It's rather formulaic, but I enjoyed it.
"Dave Not Coming Back" (Prime) - Interesting documentary (more so if you enjoy diving).
New Dr Strange movie, meh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Story premise is almost identical to the recent Spiderman, but not as fun or entertaining.

Easy, entertaining watch.
Hobbit trilogy was a stretch to make 3 movies while LOTR should have been 4.

Star Wars II and III worth a revisit ... I not so much cept for yummy teen Natalie Portman who was only 16 when filming started.
This Sherlock actress could have played Padme Amidala in Star Wars | Radio  Times

I had not realized Kiera Knightly was one of the "duplicate" queens.
Keira Knightley Literally Can't Remember Who She Plays In Star Wars |  Cinemablend

Have you watched The Expanse? Big sprawling scifi filmed in Toronto at Pinewood.
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