Recent movies you saw - recommend or no

Gf & I watched "Out of Death" with Bruce Willis on Netflix last Friday and thought there's something just not right with Willis ... learned yesterday he's suffering from a cognitive condition called aphacia.

Probably the worst movie we've ever seen but we now understand why Willis's performance was what it was.
He has made a stream of terrible B grade, straight to vhs quality movies over the last 5 or so years. Not sure if his brain issue had him accepting terrible scripts but he has gone from a decent action star to pretty much trash in a very short while.
Lucky Number Slevin - Since we're on a Bruce Willis topic, here's one of his earlier excellent ones. Great cast and solid story. Recommended if you haven't yet watched it.
Kansas City Shuffle
Rescued by Ruby. It’s a dog lovers movie! I’ll fight anyone that says it’s crap. Pretty touching.

Also “Dog” with Channing Tatum. Both of these are feel good movies. Well worth a watch. Also both are based on true stories.
Both Oscar winners Belfast and CODA are wonderful and deserved the accolades.
Belfast hearkens back to Best Years of Our Lives which cleaned up at the Oscars in the 40s. Brilliant cast, amazing cinematography and recreation of an era.
Reminded me a bit of Billy Eliot as well.

CODA just plain feel good and also based on a true story ....the best kind.
I watched CODA last night. @MacDoc is right, this is a genuine simple movie. Meaning great story and characters not caught up in FX or trying to hard. The main character is the same actress from Locke & Key, she is much better in this. Kinda surprised she didn't win the award for best actress (maybe I should watch the other nominated movies to know). All the characters are great, relatable, and believable. To me the main character and the teacher were the standouts.

Both Oscar winners Belfast and CODA are wonderful and deserved the accolades.
Belfast hearkens back to Best Years of Our Lives which cleaned up at the Oscars in the 40s. Brilliant cast, amazing cinematography and recreation of an era.
Reminded me a bit of Billy Eliot as well.

CODA just plain feel good and also based on a true story ....the best kind.
Thanks for the CODA reminder, we enjoyed Belfast but forgot about that one.
Putting both Belfast and CODA on the list.

We watched The Invisible Man on Netflix - was pretty good.
Why is every movie 2.5 hours long now??? I miss 90 minute movies that didn‘t require such a huge amount of time
I wonder if it has anything to do with streaming from home. Long watching times means more use of services 🤷‍♂️
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