Recent movies you saw - recommend or no

Patriots Day on Netflix with Mark Wahlberg, John Goodman, Kevin Bacon.

This is about the Boston Marathon bombings and I’d avoided watching it for a long time. I thought it would be turned into some jingoistic rah rah USA USA thing but it wasn’t. It was actually pretty good. In fact, it was very good and touching in places and did a decent service in showing the plight of the affected. There’s a whole bunch of real footage woven into the film and it is very well done. Wait until the end credits and you’ll see that the casting was actually masterful!. Oddly, Wahlberg may be the only one that doesn’t look like his real life character. He is good in this though.
Home Team (Netflix) - it’s a Happy Maddison production so expect some of that humour but it’s actually pretty darn good.
Watched Dune 2021 last nite. It was really good, but I'm going to watch Dune 1984 tonite. I think it was better when i watched it last. But that was in a theater back in 1984.
Power of the Dog is getting accolades - anyone watch that yet?
Watched Dune 2021 last nite. It was really good, but I'm going to watch Dune 1984 tonite. I think it was better when i watched it last. But that was in a theater back in 1984.
Dune 1984 is better. Much more in line with the book. There is no cgi, but it's not needed with a script that has much better detail. Highly recommended.
Dune 1984 is better. Much more in line with the book. There is no cgi, but it's not needed with a script that has much better detail. Highly recommended.

Some directors have such a strong, distinctive style, David Lynch was one of them. Dune 1984 might have had many flaws, but it had such a Lynchian quality to it - that lent itself nicely to the story.

I'm a huge fan of surreal cinema, and one of the director's I like is Alejandro Jodorowsky. In the 1970s, he was given the opportunity to direct his version of Dune. If he had made it, it would have been mind-bendingly awesome:


It never came about, but years later, they made a documentary about his ideas for the film, which just whet everyone's appetite for Jodorowsky's Dune all over again:

Some directors have such a strong, distinctive style, David Lynch was one of them. Dune 1984 might have had many flaws, but it had such a Lynchian quality to it - that lent itself nicely to the story.

I'm a huge fan of surreal cinema, and one of the director's I like is Alejandro Jodorowsky. In the 1970s, he was given the opportunity to direct his version of Dune. If he had made it, it would have been mind-bendingly awesome:


It never came about, but years later, they made a documentary about his ideas for the film, which just whet everyone's appetite for Jodorowsky's Dune all over again:

Dali wanted a million dollars a minute to play the Emperor. Jodorowsky said he couldn't afford it, but suggested a robot in his likeness. Dali agreed, provided he got to keep the robot.
Dune 1984 is better. Much more in line with the book. There is no cgi, but it's not needed with a script that has much better detail. Highly recommended.
The recent movie kept pretty close to the book but if that's what you want, then the old SciFi (SyFy?) miniseries is better still. The 1984 version. "Weirding Modules"? SERIOUSLY?!

For my money you can't beat the effects in the most recent movie. Ornithopters that actually flap to fly? YUP?!
The recent movie kept pretty close to the book but if that's what you want, then the old SciFi (SyFy?) miniseries is better still. The 1984 version. "Weirding Modules"? SERIOUSLY?!

For my money you can't beat the effects in the most recent movie. Ornithopters that actually flap to fly? YUP?!
Meh if you want realism just watch a documentary, Dennis Villineune would be great in that genre. The cast, delivery, were just boring, not a memorable experience. I don't mind if they stray from the source material if it provides decent entertainment or fits better with visual medium.

1984 Dune had a great cast with charisma, who could deliever, and characters with importance, weight, interesting sets, and you felt like you were along for the ride. Yeah some of the FX don't hold up well, third act is rushed, and it's definiately quirky, because it's a Lynch film, but you will remember it.
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