Recent movies you saw - recommend or no

Inferno. Another Dan Brown film with Tom Hanks. Basically the same as the others but substitute a virus for the other human race killers of the previous movies. Interesting for the rather hot female assassin dressed as an Italian carabinieri motorcycle cop.
Inferno. Another Dan Brown film with Tom Hanks. Basically the same as the others but substitute a virus for the other human race killers of the previous movies. Interesting for the rather hot female assassin dressed as an Italian carabinieri motorcycle cop.
It was a much better book. Loved the concept of unleashing à strain on the world that rendered 1/2 the population sterile.
LOGAN - Keep your expectations low and you won't be disappointed.

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Saw it last week and had low expectations as X-Men/Wolverine movies have all been terrible. This is not the case with Logan, all I can say is WOW. Fantastic movie, you will not be disappointed. This is exactly what a Wolverine movie should be.
"Scout's Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse" - As the title implies, just plain dumb fun. Don't go in expecting some writer's magnum opus.
Saw Logan yesterday and it was Great! It leaves a lot open for other off shoot stories to be told as well. Which... I'm sure will happen in a year or two to help explain a few things.

Huge Jackman did great with Wolverine in this flick. Go see it Bub!
Watched "Lion" on the plane Monday.

Shouldn't watch emotional dramas in public. Good movie. Cried like a baby.

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After Logan....waiting for the new X-Force franchise with she-Wolverine(X-23, the daughter/clone) and the rest of the kid mutants grown up.
Saw Logan with my three boys. Four thumbs down. It was bad. Very bad.

Going to see if I can find somewhere that has all the dialogue that I couldn't hear.
Saw Logan with my three boys. Four thumbs down. It was bad. Very bad.

Going to see if I can find somewhere that has all the dialogue that I couldn't hear.

Dialogue? Wolverine? What the Eff? Lol.

Grunt, run, kill, repeat.

Witty banter between Charles and snide remark from Logan.

Just enjoy the pop corn.

But seriously, I found the movie was pretty good. I have one pet peeve but don't want to spoil anything for others.

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Split was pretty decent. McAvoy's acting was well done.

I liked Logan but I thought it was a bit overhyped. People were raving like it was gonna win an Oscar or something. But I found it to be lacking in any real message even though it was a more "grown up" film compared to the other X-men movies. I did very much enjoy the direction in terms of filming and the acting was good.
Get Out.

Nice thriller, not too gory horror that was really well done.

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I thought Logan was alright. Agreed that it was over hyped. I downloaded it, though.

Watched Don't Breathe recently. It was alright. Interesting premise for a horror (or is it a thriller?).
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Kong, Skull Island. Hopelessly corny. Cliché Saturday matinee style violence. There's no story there, just an excuse to make explosions with computer software.
The Discovery - Starts slow then picks up (a bit) around half way. Didn't keep me interested but it wasn't terrible.
Wonder Woman - I still don't think that Gal Godot is the right physical type for WW, but the movie was actually quite good. It had its weak points but compared to the other recent DC stuff, this is out of the park. The right feel. The right story. They shifted everything from WWII to WWI but I didn't really care, because everything else seemed to work.
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