Recent movies you saw - recommend or no

Jack Reacher 2 was OK but not great. Passengers was also alright but not as good as I hoped.
John Wick 2 last weekend.
Awesome movie. Tons of action and surprisingly accurate gun handling.
I liked it better than part 1
John Wick 2 last weekend.
Awesome movie. Tons of action and surprisingly accurate gun handling.
I liked it better than part 1
I thought there would be alot of Hollywood cliches in it
Passengers was already but not great.
I thought there would be alot of Hollywood cliches in it

There were actually a lot of Hong Kong cliches in it. If you have ever seen early John Woo movies like "The Killer", starring Chow Yun-fat, you would recognize them. Woo practically invented the Gun-Fu genre and Chow Yun-fat was his go-to guy.
There were actually a lot of Hong Kong cliches in it. If you have ever seen early John Woo movies like "The Killer", starring Chow Yun-fat, you would recognize them. Woo practically invented the Gun-Fu genre and Chow Yun-fat was his go-to guy.
Haha grew up watching those
Dr. Strange - Visual eye candy. Thumbs up for another Marvel production.

Jack Reacher 2- No game on? Got a Sunday afternoon to burn up? Decent flick. Don't look for a plot twist or anything intellectual.

Lego Batman - Plenty to offer parents and kids. Nice little references to the past. Enjoyed.
There were actually a lot of Hong Kong cliches in it. If you have ever seen early John Woo movies like "The Killer", starring Chow Yun-fat, you would recognize them. Woo practically invented the Gun-Fu genre and Chow Yun-fat was his go-to guy.

Half the budgets of Hard Boiled, A Better Tomorrow, and The Killer was spent on ammo.
Half the budgets of Hard Boiled, A Better Tomorrow, and The Killer was spent on ammo.

If they didn't reuse any of the guns from just the opening scene where he kills the guys playing cards, then shoots his way out, those guns alone would be worth maybe $10K.
Totally. If you like join wick, check out the raid and raid 2.
Watched Raid 1. It was ok, nothing to go wow in my books
just re-watched the first half of Torque again. bad...
LOGAN - Keep your expectations low and you won't be disappointed.

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Fantastic Beasts and where to find them - It's basically a guy playing Pokemon with his suitcase. Got to catch them all! I thought it was alright.

Also watched 'Logan' on Tuesday. They should've just called it 'Logan's Run' because he was on the run for the entire movie. It reminded me of the game 'The Last of Us', due to some similarities. Totally recommend. Good way to end the arc.
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