Recent movies you saw - recommend or no

Great western, even has a horse in it....enjoyed it way more than the mediocre seven.

Great western, even has a horse in it....enjoyed it way more than the mediocre seven.

I gotta say I didn't enjoy as much.
True Grit was a better Western. Jeff bridges do a better job
The Accountant was pretty damn good. Nice story, good action. Better than I expected and not what I thought going into the movie. Great performance by all involved.

The ending is sublime.
Finally watched Creed. I enjoyed it. But I'm Italian, so I have to like every Rocky movie, right? ?
Also watched Bad Moms last night. For a movie that I thought people were saying was hilarious, I found it to be just meh.

Sent from the Purple Zone
The Accountant was pretty damn good. Nice story, good action. Better than I expected and not what I thought going into the movie. Great performance by all involved.

Great movie. As the parent of a high-functioning autistic son, it had me hooked from the very start.
Rogue One, great film. Much better than its' predecessor 'The Force Awakens'. Definite recommend.
Dang! Really enjoyed The Accountant.

Got mixed reviews? Maybe Afleck can't shake the piss poor Batman reviews and carried over to others???

Nothing wrong with this movie.

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I liked Money Monster.
Heard good things about Sausage Party -- I couldn't get through 20 mins. Not my type of humour at all.

Sent from the Purple Zone
Swiss Army Man absolutely blew me away. Amazing.

The strangest film I remember seeing; and the quirkiest. I cannot believe this film got made. This is not your normal movie, let alone hollywood type of movie. It won't be for everyone, but if you are open-minded and can roll with the absurdity... the depth, themes and acting are amazing. Very poignant and it is what great film-making and story telling is all about.

I'd recommend not reading or learning too much about the film before seeing it.

The basic premise is about a lonely suicidal man stranded on a deserted island who meets and befriends a flatuent corpse, eventually manipulating him like a swiss army knife and slowly reanimating him.
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I should also mention a couple of other movies I recently saw.

"Run, Hide, Die" (former title "The Anniversary"): Full disclosure; two of my friends are in the opening sequence and one of my favourite indy actresses (who is an absolute goddess in person) is on screen both at in the opening sequence, and at the end. Despite that, I just couldn't like the movie. It's standard '70s slasher with shakey-cam fare. More than half the time you're struggling to understand just what is going on, so it doesn't come off as all that frightening. The sound is rough and you can't make out what the main characters are screaming.

"Captain Fantastic": Another movie involving ANOTHER of my favourite indy actresses. Too bad she spends the whole movie dead. It stars Viggo Mortensen as the hippy widower father of a rather large clan who live, survivalist style, in the woods of Washington State. It's essentially a story about the family coming to terms with having to join the 'real' world, after the death of the mother (played by the actress I mentioned, in flash-backs). Quite a good, weird little film. I enjoyed it very much.
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I had to turn off Swiss army men. I just didn't get it, at all.
I left the room when hubby watched sausage party. That was stupid imo and the swearing was almost insulting. Pick some new words!

Captain fantastic was great. I read a book very similar to that years ago. Right now I'm reading Mildred Pierce and loving it so I'll start searching for an old copy of the original. I watch a lot of movies this way.

Also enjoyed hell or high water

Just watched Mastermind last night, amusing story of the Loomis robbery.
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I watched Patriots Day. I was surprised how good of a movie it was even though it was based on a true story
Rogue One - One of the best from the "new" series/prequel.

Patriots Day - Really good watch. Bit long but necessary.

La La Land - Musicals aren't usually my choice but this one is very well done and has a great storyline. Recommended

Falling Down - An old flick that I had never seen all of. Still a great watch after all these years.
Just saw "Hidden Figures" today. Really good movie. Reminded me of just how much things have changed over just my lifetime.

... and how much they haven't.
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