Recent movies you saw - recommend or no

Eye in the Sky was great.Helen Mirren did an excellent job.Alan Rickman was good as well.Too bad he's gone.
Room - it's good and it deserved the awards.
Finally got around to watching Sicario. It was a good film - sometimes hard to watch. Recommended.

Also, The Big Short. Recommended. I knew about most of the shenanigans going on with mortgages, but I didn't realize how many degrees those derivatives were. They were 4-5 degrees removed from the mortgage, and got their AAA status because of the supposed risk smoothing. Unbelievable stuff. Funny enough, it's starting again.
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Trumbo - interesting how paranoid were the Americans about the communists back then. I had no idea about this, so it was quite educational. The "chemistry teacher" can act, that's for sure ...
Move that to the "TV" shows. lol.

Watching it too. Very good.

billions was great, kind of ****** im going to have to wait till the winter apparently for the next season. anyone watch Bosch? I finally saw the new batman vs superman and deadpool last week, both were all right.
Went to the theater to watch Deadpool last weekend. I went in knowing absolutely nothing. I guess it was entertaining, but it should be renamed Deadpool: The Movie of One Liners.
Went to the theater to watch Deadpool last weekend. I went in knowing absolutely nothing. I guess it was entertaining, but it should be renamed Deadpool: The Movie of One Liners.

Deadpool's nickname is "The Merc With The Mouth." One-liners are a way of life. He's also certifiably insane, bisexual, and...., well anything else can be written off as part of those two.
The Big Short is a brilliant movie. I've watched it plenty of times now and still doesn't get old.
Watch Margin Call right after and they kinda tie in together. :)

Spotlight is another brilliant one!
Civil War is well done. Enjoyed it very much. Won't say anything else to avoid spoilers.

Money Monster. It's ok. A little predictable and thin on story but, a decent pop corn thriller. Better of waiting for it go on Netflix or something like that.
Finally got around to watching Reverent. The camera work is outstanding. Good flick.
Just watched deepwater horizon in theatres. It was a great movie about the BP oil spill. I would absolutely recommend it

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Sully - they managed to turn it into a solid 90min watch. Much better than the horrible Denzel Washington airplane movie from a few years back.
I streamed the Martian yesterday night.

It's a good movie, not as "amazing" as people say it is. It's definitely well done, however. It also could have been a little shorter.
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