Recent movies you saw - recommend or no

Justice league was an enjoyable popcorn film. Lots of action.

I am surprised DC allows Zach Synder to have a hand in their movies, they all have been pretty bad. I am not holding my breath for Justice League.
Saw Thor last weekend, dragged out by my sister and nephews. Was pretty surprised but then I wasn't expecting much. Seems like this one had a moral to the story, which is that you have to lose things you treasure most in order to move forward. Also liked the character Korg, kind of pokes fun of do-gooder Millenials but in a nice way. Awed but also a bit disappointed that they used Led Zeppelin for some of the fight scenes. Hate that violence is played to any glorifying soundtrack to begin with, but to use Led Zep is double sacrilege to me. Still fun enough movie to recommend it.
I am surprised DC allows Zach Synder to have a hand in their movies, they all have been pretty bad. I am not holding my breath for Justice League.
I'm not into comics so I'm not invested in the movies. There was lots of average-ness. It's a weaker offering in the genre of comic book hero Hollywood movie releases, though thankfully not at bad as some have been.

This makes me wonder what do people think is the best comic book hero movie released? Maybe early vs late/modern releases too.

For me Captain America The Winter Soldier is a winner for surprise standout. Great film and parable mirroring current real life. There is a big, hidden and unaccountable government surveillance state at this time, and leaks showing it even in world leading democratic countries.

And for me Christopher Nolan redefined what a comic book hero movie can be with his interpretation of Batman in his trilogy. The overall #1.
Saw Thor last weekend, dragged out by my sister and nephews. Was pretty surprised but then I wasn't expecting much. Seems like this one had a moral to the story, which is that you have to lose things you treasure most in order to move forward. Also liked the character Korg, kind of pokes fun of do-gooder Millenials but in a nice way. Awed but also a bit disappointed that they used Led Zeppelin for some of the fight scenes. Hate that violence is played to any glorifying soundtrack to begin with, but to use Led Zep is double sacrilege to me. Still fun enough movie to recommend it.

Korg was played by the director, Taika Waititi. If you haven't seen his vampire mockumentary "What We Do in the Shadows", you should.

My only complaint about the soundtrack was that they used "Immigrant Song" at the beginning AND climax. They should have save the impact for the climax. Did you catch the Batman ripoff, ummmm "homage" in the final fight scene?
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Korg was played by the director, Taika Waititi. If you haven't seen his vampire mockumentary "What We Do in the Shadows", you should.

My only complaint about the soundtrack was that they used "Immigrant Song" at the beginning AND climax. They should have save the impact for the climax. Did you catch the Batman ripoff, ummmm "homage" in the final fight scene?
Didn't catch that but I'm not usually much of a movie guy so I might not even recognize it even if you pointed it out to me.
Thor left me a little thor. It would have been better had I payed half price for tickets, as it was somewhat convoluted and mediocre at the same time.
Didn't catch that but I'm not usually much of a movie guy so I might not even recognize it even if you pointed it out to me.

When they went to silhouette in the final battle, when Thor did the high jump and was coming down on the huge pile of undead warriors, it was a direct ripoff of a splash panel from a Batman comic. "Batman Returns" I believe.
When they went to silhouette in the final battle, when Thor did the high jump and was coming down on the huge pile of undead warriors, it was a direct ripoff of a splash panel from a Batman comic. "Batman Returns" I believe.

Was that the part where he should have been impaled, but fired his maneuvering jets to shift mid flight and avoid it?
Why do I feel like I'm watching an episode of Big Bang Theory?
This year has been mediocre for good films. Big releases poorly done or let downs.

Personally, I try not to be the arm chair critic and just enjoy movies for what they are and avoid nit picking.

Thor was done well. They injected some of the haha recipe that works so well from the Guardians Franchise without being a direct formula copy.

Fingers are crossed hoping some good stuff scheduled for release doesn’t get canned due to improper conduct from the creators/actors etc.

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Atomic Blonde was okay. I hate Charlize Theron, but the movie got a little better as it went along, comic violence and all.

American Made was good, especially for anyone who grew up in the 1970s and 80s. Done in Wolf of Wall Street style.
This makes me wonder what do people think is the best comic book hero movie released? Maybe early vs late/modern releases too.

I was into comics when I was younger and it has been great to revisit some of them on the big screen, as there was nothing like this back then. Not all of it translate well or has that comic like feel to it, hard to explain that one. I try not to nitpik the movies because of my comics days. But as well I am a fan of movies and it's hard to let slip some things when they are not executed well.

The movies which I think have been done well. As mentioned the Nolan Batman, the first one. Spiderman with Toby Maguire, Avengers, Captain America, first one, and Deadpool, yea it was pretty much what you expected and then some, and the first Guardians of the Galaxy. I had nothing going into that, and it was great, too back the second one couldn't pull it together. Ironman was very good.

Generally it seems the origin stories work well.
Enjoyed the Justice league....a couple of weak points but better than BVS. Thor was all out fun. Only weak point was the traitor character. Love the actor (Urban) but his character wasn't believable.
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