Recent movies you saw - recommend or no

Fantastic four was crap. Why did they make this? I couldn't imagine them ****ing up fantastic four more than the original and silver surfer one, but they made it worst.... WHY?

One word: producers. Seems like they dumped the original cut because it didn't have enough 'spolsions and dukin' it out with Doom so they tossed out about half the film, brought the actors back (Kate Mara in some abortion of a wig because she had already cut her hair after filming), and shot a whole bunch of new footage.

Watch "The Death of 'Superman Lives': What Happened", the documentary about a film that was never made, to see just how much studio execs and insane producers can screw with a movie project.

... or watch this, because CBG19 is way hotter ;)

A little off topic, but, just watched iRobot on tv. Anyone know what bike Will Smith is riding in it?

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MV Augusta f4i. Correction, IMDB says it's a 2004 F4 SPR.
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Straight Outta Compton was awesome! Saw it in the AVX cinema and since I was dj'ing this album in in my high school after it came out and still listening to it for years afterwards, the flick resonated with me. Had no idea how much Eazy E was responsible for their music - I always equated him to like a Flava Flav type of guy!
MV Augusta f4i. Correction, IMDB says it's a 2004 F4 SPR.
Cool looking bike.

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The Visit - If I saw this on my own, I would have thought it was ****... but seeing it with a group of friends and low expectations: priceless!
Straight Outta Compton [2015] - well covered life story of Ice Cube, Dr. Dre, Easy-E and other Compton entrepreneurs. Was awesome to watch Snoop and Tupac make an appearance.

Hitting The Apex [2015] - Not a bad watch, but I enjoyed it less than 'Faster' and 'Fastest'. It's not as rapid as the others. Good tribute was given to Marco Simoncelli. Brad Pitt as a narrator... hmm, I'd rather listen to Ewan McGregor.
Sharknado 3 - Oh Hell No! -- While they toned down some of the highly energetic Thespian performance prevalent in the previous instalment of this cult classic series, they definitely made up for it by increasing the level of scientific content. If you enjoyed the previous two instalments of this fine series, you are bound to enjoy the latest release.
Everest: depressing but great movie. Would definitely recommend.

They definitely didn't need to shoot it in only 3d though.

Makes me want to climb a mountain
Black Mass. Well put together film, quality is there. Some jumps in the story but the cast was great. Depp was finally performing to his abilities.

Black Mass. Well put together film, quality is there. Some jumps in the story but the cast was great. Depp was finally performing to his abilities.


Just came back from Black Mass...great movie and really enjoyed it. Highly recommend. Depp is great in it.
I know it's old now but couldn't sleep and scrolled through Netflix.

Nightcrawler good in a disturbing way. Lead character is creepy/geeky which is a nod to Jake's acting chops.

Was avoiding it for some reason and shouldn't have.

Two thumbs up.

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Anyone seen the Martian? Loved the book, but I'll probably watch it in a month or so when I get back home. Don't wanna put up with Spanish subtitles
Watched Sicario yesterday. Good story telling but that story is overdone. Good acting by Benicio del Toro as always. Josh Brolin doesn't disappoint either
Martian was pretty good.

i would recommend it
Everest: depressing but great movie. Would definitely recommend.

They definitely didn't need to shoot it in only 3d though.

Makes me want to climb a mountain

I saw it in IMAX 3D and it was one of the few times where I felt IMAX was actually worth the money but LOL @ you for wanting to climb after watching that. No thanks.

Why would you climb Everest? Because it is there.....right? ;)
I have trouble climbing the stairs. @roasted, nice to see you back. @Boots, I get what you're saying...getting motivated and all...after watching wolf of wall street, I really wanted to snort coke off a hooker's @$$ ?

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I saw it in IMAX 3D and it was one of the few times where I felt IMAX was actually worth the money but LOL @ you for wanting to climb after watching that. No thanks.

Why would you climb Everest? Because it is there.....right? ;)
Seems like a worst case scenario kinda thing. I'm sure nowadays it's a little more well planned out. Did some research and about 13 ish people have died each year in the past couple years. This year it was closed for climbing.

Plus the way they died didn't seem that bad. If I was gonna go I'd go that way. Lack of oxygen in the air, cold temperatures = making it as painless as possible.

More people die on motorcycles probably in Canada alone. And if I had to choose between going on a bike vs going on Everest, I'd choose Everest.
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