Range Rover runs over several bikers

Maybe not legally but he signaled his intentions and then the guy behind him went anyway. But you can't see it before the car go around so I suppose the car may have signaled his pass first.
So if I signal and you're beside me I can go anyways because I showed my intentions?

No but if I'm behind you I probably shouldn't try to pass at the same time after you signaled first that you were going to go.


I have not seen all of the info or heard the 911 calls with timelines and from whom.

I see 2 scenarios here:
1. The bikers did not want this guy passing them and they brake checked the SUV and the SUV hit the bike.
Some common sense that drivers know, hell even little kids know...you see a group of bikes much less hundreds of bikes, just signal, move over safely and let them go by. It is stupid to inject yourself amongst them. It is the same level of respect that normal ppl do not inject themselves in a funeral procession.

2. The SUV driver busted in on the pack further back and maybe forced some of them off the road or into each other. Now the bikers are boxing the SUV in whilst calling and waiting for 911 to arrive and deal with it. The SUV runs, they chase him block the SUV in again. Now the SUV plows over everyone vs. just rolling ahead and pushing them out of the way or making them move, honk and drive. Instead the SUV driver floors it and just RECKLESSLY plows over innocent people.

Where were the POLICE...how did this chase of bikers and SUV last so long?

At the end of the day, that SUV driver escalated it the moment he PLOWED recklessly over innocent people.

If you mugged me at gun point during a running marathon, and I started chasing you while you starting shooting at me, now we are in a park surrounded by other people. I pull out my gun and just start shooting at you and everyone around you. My shots hit bystanders and other marathon runners even killing a marathon runner and person standing in the park.

Am I justified in my actions?
A quick perusal of video shows SUV driver resisting citizens arrest. Corrective action taken clearly emulates currant police practise "As seen on TV" minus gun play, tasering and kick to groinal region. It's in the handbook.
A quick perusal of video shows SUV driver resisting citizens arrest. Corrective action taken clearly emulates currant police practise "As seen on TV" minus gun play, tasering and kick to groinal region. It's in the handbook.

Most police don't have helmets to beat people with, or knives to slash them.

Do normal New Yorkers / Americans always carry weapons and drive without licenses? These guys are saying that they aren't thugs, just normal law abiding citizens.
You just need to see these 3 links to get the complete picture what happened that day:

This one is very detailed starting from when they all ran the police checkpoint to meeting the Range Rover and purposely boxing the SUV down so that they can take over the roads and do their stunt.


This one breaks down the incident in still frames:


And this guy is a hero for stepping in and stopping the assault saving both Lien and his wife and baby.

Most police don't have helmets to beat people with, or knives to slash them.

Do normal New Yorkers / Americans always carry weapons and drive without licenses? These guys are saying that they aren't thugs, just normal law abiding citizens.

WSJ quotes law enforcement official "we don't know 80% of what happened yet". Those types of bike parading scenerios don't garner much public sympathy, so I'm wondering what happened before the video. That uppity bank vice president might well have felt he had certain "rights" about inserting himself into the group. From there it's an alpha male deal. Some bad spur of the moment decision making all around.
yeah the law doesn't work the way some people think it does... you have to look at timelines, justification doesn't work backwards

we see the driver at the end of the video getting pummeled, ganged up on, family threatened, think of the women and children, blah blah blah.... so then public opinion is DAMN RIGHT he was justified in taking them out! It's Mad Max out there with these bikers!

But by watching the videos that allegedly show the "beginning" of the incident (the brake check and bumper tap)...it really is hard to say what exactly is taking place there. Someone hits a mirror, dents a door, takes a swing at the Range Rover? Okay, for sure there's charges warranted against the bikers. For sure pulses are pounding all around... but it went from road rage / damage to property to attempted vehicular manslaughter FAST. Did the driver NEED to stomp on the accelerator and play bowling for bikers? He could have just rolled forward at least giving people a chance to dive for cover and then tried to make his escape? Makes his escape from 100 way faster, way more nimble vehicles who are now dead set on physical confrontation and exacting vengeance....

Easy to arm chair quarter back, but makes you wonder if the beating/face slashing would have taken place at all if he had sat there on the side of the road and apologized profusely, let his Range Rover take a beating and call 911.

I don't think anyone was justified in their actions, all around. If the RR was really driving like an idiot, how difficult would it have been to all funnel into the left lane and pass? Why did they need to surround him and force him to stop? Idiocy.
When does having your blinker on give you right away?

Read it again. It's two sentences. He had his blinker on. He had the right of way. Car in front when both are traveling the same direction always has the right of way. eg: you're on the highway in the left lane. There's a car in the right lane. You both want to make a lane change to the center lane. The car that's further ahead on the roadway has the right of way.
Did the driver NEED to stomp on the accelerator and play bowling for bikers? He could have just rolled forward at least giving people a chance to dive for cover and then tried to make his escape?

That's the part I struggle with because if you you start mowing people down you've pretty much sealed the deal. If you start inching forward people WILL get out of the way. But on the other hand, this happening in the USA, shots could ring out at any time from any direction.
Let's get back to basics.
Let's assume the bikers are the Hells Angels or just some dangerous street bikers.
Let's just assume they are regular bikers.

I am the driver with my family in the car (new born).
Do I :
a. realize I am out numbered and let prejudices and biases kick in that they could be a biker gang therefore I will stay clear of them
b. take my family through them

This is no different than you especially a woman walking to street and seeing 20 sketchy looking guys with beer bottles kicking things over, yelling , swearing, carrying on...
Do you now:
1. proceed through them (yes, you have the right to proceed but it may not be the right thing for you to do)
2. find another route home

Bikers say they are family, some of the guys saw their buddy's get mowed down by the SUV. Remember, they did not see what occurred at the back. From my understanding they did not open the door or attack the wife and kid.
The way I see it this went from PROPERTY damage by the bikers (and the SUV driver) to the SUV driver committing attempted 2nd DEGREE MURDER. He did not just push through the bikes at 10mph. He floored it and crushed anyone in his path.

I damn well bet if any of you saw your actual brother or sister on a ride get plowed down like that you would have chased that SUV also. IF it was your relative in the hospital like the crushed biker, who would you be looking to get charged or will you just say oh well my biker buddies started this so it's okay that someone that was a bystander be crushed.
^^ There's a flaw in your argument. Said pile of garbage in the hospital had his license suspended in 1999. Shouldn't have even been on a public roadway driving anything until 2017. He shouldn't have been there to begin with. Add that his loser friends caused this to happen and the only ones that should be facing charges are them. That idiot is lucky he's alive. Yes it's extreme but mob mentality can not and will not be tolerated in today's society. This proves it. Maybe next time they won't ride like a bunch of douchewaffles :dontknow:
Saturday Night's Alright (For Fighting)
^^ There's a flaw in your argument. Said pile of garbage in the hospital had his license suspended in 1999. Shouldn't have even been on a public roadway driving anything until 2017. He shouldn't have been there to begin with. Add that his loser friends caused this to happen and the only ones that should be facing charges are them. That idiot is lucky he's alive. Yes it's extreme but mob mentality can not and will not be tolerated in today's society. This proves it. Maybe next time they won't ride like a bunch of douchewaffles :dontknow:

So what? Is that minor offence really that important to the actual incidents?
Is the licence issue the only record this guy has? If it is then I don't think that warrents him being called a thug either.
Riding like "douchewaffles" also has little to do with the actual incident.
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Read the news. This stand up citizen has charges on his record from guns to drugs to driving offences etc etc. would you ride from mass to ny without a license? No one I know would even consider it. These morons thought they owned the road. Obviously they were incorrect and by how they acted they are nothing more than a bunch of dumb fuckin thugs who deserve what they all get coming to them. Riding like douchewaffles is what started this incident so I'd say it's rather relevant. Anything else?

Sent from my piss poor iPhone while sitting on my squidly gixxxxxxxxer sippin on kool aid
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