I'm up front and honest about my "passion" right away... I would consider my obsession to be a bit more intense than most of the people on here since from April to end of October, I spend basically EVERY weekend at the race track (saturday for practice, camp at the track, sunday for racing). It's my #1 passion in life, I just can't make a career out of bikes.
My first dates, I pretty much always pick them up on the bike. This gives me a good idea of them being at least interested in it. They don't need to ride, heck they don't even need to want to go 2up, but they need to at least understand why I'm passionate about it, and allow me the time to do it.
Now, if I found the right girl I would split my time up a bit more evenly.
My ex fiance, who was the best girl I've ever spent time with LOVED to go 2up on the bike. She would come out and watch the MX races too on the weekends that I went and she enjoyed it... But it wasn't everything. We had the connectivity, conversations, and that "spark".... She just couldn't keep her legs closed long enough for me to get home from Afghanistan.
Good luck searching dude, it ain't easy. I'm hitting 28 in 6 days and still 100% single with no leads... and I'm enjoying it! Do what I want, do who I want (unless they say no lol) and hope that maybe tomorrow I'll bump in to who I want...