Public Inquiry? Nothing to see here

Bah it's only more smoke and mirrors, with the perception of them doing something, this will drag out, everyone will have forgotten or moved onto the next thing, and finally the only thing that will be done is a report stating they found nothing.
Our Gov sucks
Bah it's only more smoke and mirrors, with the perception of them doing something, this will drag out, everyone will have forgotten or moved onto the next thing, and finally the only thing that will be done is a report stating they found nothing.
Our Gov sucks
And the taxpayer picks up the tab for how many millions?
PP wanted to invest in crypto, is the current Canadian dollar not just GovCoin? Has no value in the US , little value globally, is supported up by promises ?

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That’s pretty much what happens when you let the Bank of Canada print money without having the gold reserves to back up the amount of money your putting into circulation, if you want an idea of where this will go if he isn’t stopped; just look at Venezuela (the first country where the Soros backed Dominion Voting machines where used).
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That’s pretty much what happens when you let the Bank of Canada print money without having the gold reserves to back up the amount of money your putting into circulation, if you want an idea of where this will go if he isn’t stopped; just look at Venezuela (the first country where the Soros backed Dominion Voting machines where used).
Got a spare $787.5M laying around?
I think we’ve all learnt that even most of what is and was reported left a lot of questions to ask

These are the conversations to have and not the baseless accusations and attacks
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folks letting their emotions run with emojis

You folks carry on with your politics,
I’m going to stick to the motorcycle threads

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I think we’ve all learnt that even most of what is and was reported left a lot of questions to ask

These are the conversations to have and not the baseless accusations and attacks
I could not agree more, I was asking about the money because my good buddy Rupert is looking for $787.5M (USD) as a fallout of his companies baseless accusations and attacks. Can anyone help him out? Apparently some of his staff had to be cut.
I could not agree more, I was asking about the money because my good buddy Rupert is looking for $787.5M (USD) as a fallout of his companies baseless accusations and attacks. Can anyone help him out? Apparently some of his staff had to be cut.
I doubt Murdoch lost a moments sleep over the award money... the embarrassment would gave been more painful.

The staff cuts were vengeance... something that helps powerful people feel better.

Don't worry too much about poor Rupert, he'll be just fine.
Not sure how this drifted down to the U.S.
That seems to happen frequently with the current Canadian administration.
If we're going there, they would have had a public inquiry, and possibly a special prosecutor, heads would roll.
As far as Poilievre and the "veil of ignorance", does Trudeau not see the irony in his statement?
Claiming that he and his ministers were under a "veil of ignorance" regarding what was going on, and passing the buck to the civil servants.
The people in charge of looking at top secret documents, don't get those documents, and say nothing & collect salary for ten years or so? WTF?
You also can't simply declare that electing six or eight more conservatives wouldn't change things for the better.

As far as Bitcoin, what I heard PP say was that it could be used as a hedge for the dollar, not a replacement. It was shown that it might not be a very good hedge when it cratered after COVID concerns "ended". The white supremacist accusation, I have no idea. Was that from the protest? Was someone thinking that truck drivers are white supremacists? I know some would like to picture us having the division they have in the U.S., but I haven't seen it. I went down once and took a look. More of the critics should have done the same. Are the leaders still in jail awaiting trial?
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