Public Inquiry? Nothing to see here

Now if we could only get a refund of the payment back. What a complete waste of money and disaster. I guess can still consider it a win, and more embarrassment for Justin (not that it will affect anything for him personally, like usual)

Just spreading our hard earned money around to his friends, cronies and family, nothing has changed in 7 years, scandals are a good thing for them
And David Johnson steps down , feeling the public has no confidence in the transparency of the process .
Who says he’s not a smart guy? Wonder what his exit contract looks like .
And who will be the next chump to carry the cloak of invisibility?

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Nope , I’ll go exponentially

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I'm with you. JT never spent a day in the world 99% of Canadians live in. He grew up privileged with fine schools, dropped out of engineering school, traveled the world on Canadians with his dad, and now, and inherited his daddy's wealth, ideology, lived off a trust fund, and political network. In a word, entitled.

Harper was different. MA in Economics, had accomplishments as a writer, political commentator, and historian.

One is smart, tge other is an actor trying to play smart.
I'm with you. JT never spent a day in the world 99% of Canadians live in. He grew up privileged with fine schools, dropped out of engineering school, traveled the world on Canadians with his dad, and now, and inherited his daddy's wealth, ideology, lived off a trust fund, and political network. In a word, entitled.

Harper was different. MA in Economics, had accomplishments as a writer, political commentator, and historian.

One is smart, tge other is an actor trying to play smart.
So like the guy in charge of the cons now no real world ever.

Sent from the future
At least he listens to and understands the plight of the common man, rather than the condescending stuff down your throat whether you like or not approach
We knew different harpers.
So like the guy in charge of the cons now no real world ever.

Sent from the future
Well, he has an education in international relations with a minor in finance. He held several significant ministerial roles in public service, has held leadership positions since his teens, had an unprivilidged upbringing so he's lived as part of the protaleriate.

He doesn't have JTs skills or experience in scandals, nepotism, costumes, ethics violations.

Oddly PP's better at drama than the drama teacher he opposes.
He just pisses and moans with no solution it is easy to complain when you don't have any ideas

Sent from the future
So you obviously don’t listen to a word he says, virtually his whole platform is real world solutions although if he ever gets to power it’s going to be a hard go after the fiscal and unaccountable messes the current government is creating. The current administration is spending us into an unfathomable whole that may take a quarter century to dig out of.
He just pisses and moans with no solution it is easy to complain when you don't have any ideas

Sent from the future
Do you understand the role of the opposition?

The government has a right and duty to govern. The opposition’s right and duty, if it believes the public interest is at stake, is to oppose the government’s policies and actions by every legitimate parliamentary means.

Todays civics lesson: and duty,change places with the government.

The time for detailing, platforms and solutions is during an election cycle. That's really the only time that matters, because the evaluation is not done by governing party, it's done by the electorate.

Till an election run up, the opposition keeps its powder dry
The subject at hand here should be the most disappointing end to a political career in Canadian history and, how/why these otherwise well meaning people get thoroughly destroyed the minute Trudeau tries to shield himself in order get out of these ongoing scandals?
He just pisses and moans with no solution it is easy to complain when you don't have any ideas

Sent from the future
You're jumping the gun here my man, that stuff is saved for an election.
So you obviously don’t listen to a word he says, virtually his whole platform is real world solutions although if he ever gets to power it’s going to be a hard go after the fiscal and unaccountable messes the current government is creating. The current administration is spending us into an unfathomable whole that may take a quarter century to dig out of.
A currency based on bitcoin? Tell me more.
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