Public Inquiry? Nothing to see here

Well for starters he thought our curency should be replaced with bitcoin. He also hangs with white supremacists.
Who told you that?
He actually recommended investing in Bitcoin, but in retrospect still bad advice.
Even without restropect. Crypto is gambling. There is no underlying fundamental value as it exists right now. Sure, some people get rich. Many more lose a lot. Not something a government should be playing in. Making their own will just be a dumpster fire and get no adoption and quietly die.
Even without restropect. Crypto is gambling. There is no underlying fundamental value as it exists right now. Sure, some people get rich. Many more lose a lot. Not something a government should be playing in. Making their own will just be a dumpster fire and get no adoption and quietly die.
Maybe investing in Communist China is a better idea. Like spending all our money on Sinovax!
Sheeesh, who bit you?
My apologies, I just hate seeing our beautiful Country being dismantled systematically, we used to be the land of the proud and free, the Globalist path that this Country is being driven down will unfortunately erase all that, and patriotism is now being seen as racism, I really feel we deserve better than what we are being served by this government. Enough ranting and I’ll get back to wrenching on the bike in my happy place.
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I believe David Johnston's credentials are impeccable.
The key word here is PUBLIC - for claimed security reasons.
There will be a report to follow explaining more in detail.
Oh, and in my humble opinion P.P. and the Toronto Sun are dickweeds.
Johnston certainly has an impressive academic and political career. I don't see anything in his background that would indicate he has any credentials or expertise that would make him an expert investigator or rapporteur.

He's demonstrated extreme loyalty in the past -- not so sure that's what we're looking for in a 'Special Rappoteur' that is hired by the PM to look for dark parts of the PMs party business.

I'm not convinced this is a nothing-burger.

And I don't like it when politicians toss around Jack Nicholson-like concepts they infer Joe Public 'can't handle the truth'.
My apologies, I just hate seeing our beautiful Country being dismantled systematically, we used to be the land of the proud and free, the Globalist path that this Country is being driven down will unfortunately erase all that, and patriotism is now being seen as racism, I really feel we deserve better than what we are being served by this government. Enough ranting and I’ll get back to wrenching on the bike in my happy place.
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