Provincial Election

I lived in MIssissauga too.

Remember how bad Mcallion was and that she handpicked Crombie as her successor? Remember at one point Mcallion was collecting two salaries: one as the mayor and one as a professor/consultant at UTM?

Doug is the lesser of two evils. At least he gets things done. And if anyone but him gets in they'll derail everything he's done and the province will be back to square one again. Imagine if they cancelled the Ontario Line or reopened all the dead programs in the universities that he cancelled, or re-empowered the public sector unions to start sucking up our taxes again?
There's no free lunch with either party. Ford's follies will take longer to unfold. That gives us more time to prepare.
I agree with Brian's point about the risk of open edges. Knowing what a complete crapfest transit construction projects are and then the maintenance nightmare after (I think problems with the doors would greatly increase transit downtime), I think it is not a great solution. As an interim measure, I don't see a reason that 90% of the platform edge shouldn't have a fixed guard rail. No moving parts, durable and cheap. Leave gaps where the doors are. But no, the only solution ttc considers are a painted line or floor to ceiling glass and automated doors.
Should we really be cheating Darwin?
Any chance of using eminent domain?
Lesson from Trump - Speed tariffs.

Douggie should issue an executive order to add photo radar or transponder time-distance calculus to assess speeding penalties.

Slow that SOB to 100KMH and see whether the 407 owners want to negotiate.

Union nod towards Ford, Autoworkers did as well (also a first time for the PCs).

Union nod towards Ford, Autoworkers did as well (also a first time for the PCs).
I have uneasy feelings about union endorsements - particularly PSUs.

I don’t think the quid pro quo gets redeemed with a box of donuts.
I love election season promises…

CTV cut of the part of the video that Styles said was going to start a food stamp program. And there are only 5.5M private homes/dwellings in Ontario. In her mind ¾ of the households in the province are in poverty. Just promise me my damn unicorn, woman.
CTV cut of the part of the video that she was going to start a food stamp program. And there are only 5.5M private homes/dwellings in Ontario. In her mind ¾ of the households in the province are in poverty. Just promise me my damn unicorn, woman.
I like that she costed it at over 400M monthly. That's a smaller number than 5B yearly. I'm a little surprised she didn't give it a cost per day and tell us it's the same as a coffee.
I’m getting tired of the slur adds from Bonnie. With do much good stuff to pick from, why does she run such deceptive ads?

My latest fave is the one that says Doug just blew $195m to hold an election.
I’m getting tired of the slur adds from Bonnie. With do much good stuff to pick from, why does she run such deceptive ads?

My latest fave is the one that says Doug just blew $195m to hold an election.
There's a sliver of truth there. I agree, she has lots of better items she could work with. Election 16 months early blows roughly 65M. The real question is how does each vote cast cost $45. That is shocking.
There's a sliver of truth there. I agree, she has lots of better items she could work with. Election 16 months early blows roughly 65M. The real question is how does each vote cast cost $45. That is shocking.
Seriously, expecting math from a Liberal?
If the Greens get elected (which they have a 0.0% chance of achieving), they vow to cancel every major project Doug instituted. Ontario place, 413, bradford bypass all dead. They vow to rip up the agreements. They don't comment how much that would cost (and I suspect the answer would be many many billions).

Supervised consumption sites reopened.

They also want to reduce voting age as they are having trouble getting adults to vote for their crazy ideas so they need ideological children with no concept or the real world to prop up their numbers.

No interest loans of $25K to allow people to add affordable ADU's to their residence. Again, no reality. For $25K, you don't get much more than an outhouse. I guess you could rent that out at an affordable rate.

Reinstate rent control and stop AGI's for years. Watch rental stock completely evaporate and homelessness skyrocket with that stupid plan.

Minimum wage to $20. Mandatory two weeks of paid sick days.

Working towards UBI. The panacea for wankers everywhere.

Day of truth and reconciliation would be a stat holiday.

As expected, they either don't know or don't care that most of their ideas reduce GDP and increase costs. That is not a longterm path to success. You may get a quick pump and then down the toilet you go.

It isn't worth paying attention to the promises of groups that have no chance of being elected. If they write them on social media in a way that allows open comments (not forcing you to donate or join), have at it ... call them out on BS wherever it is seen.
It isn't worth paying attention to the promises of groups that have no chance of being elected. If they write them on social media in a way that allows open comments (not forcing you to donate or join), have at it ... call them out on BS wherever it is seen.
True but based on their insane platform, even if I cared about the environment and wanted to vote green, I would vote elsewhere as I believe they have mostly come off the rails. Own your niche, try to get some seats and lean policy in the desired direction. Don't bother wasting time on stupidity you know nothing about.
Been hearing a lot of the ads on the radio, man they are so lame, both PC (Ford) and Lib (crombie).... I can't believe this is the best that Ontario/Canada might have.

Honestly, you might call the Green Party a lame duck, but they seem to be the only party trying to address some of the issues middle class Canadians are facing, instead of fleecing tax payers and nothing changes with the main 2 parties. Yeah some of their policies might seem wild, but are you telling me the other parties don't have ridiculous promises, tunnel under 401 anyone.
Maybe we need some real change.
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