Actually I think they do. If the arm on the seat can't go down past their blubbery mass, then they have to pay for 2 seats.
Not any more in Canada anyway.
Actually I think they do. If the arm on the seat can't go down past their blubbery mass, then they have to pay for 2 seats.
Not any more in Canada anyway.
I can't believe they consider stuffing your face with food a disability.
WTF is wrong with everyone....
This guest (woman with glasses) is a bloody moron....
****ing idiots....
I swear, some people crave coddling and parenting and want a fascist government. If they ban it for fat people, they'll ban it for skinny people too. All fat people started out as skinny people. Craptacular idea.
I too agree its a good idea...
might infringe on their rights and freedoms, but com'mon now... who doesn't have their rights stepped on.
Skinny people are like Slinkies... they have no real purpose, but they sure bring a smile to your face when you push one down a flight of stairs.
Oh thats nice you have a picture of yourself and your bike in your signature. Cute.
I see your Mom gave you back your computer privileges again. Good for you!
Obesity for a lot of people has a real psychological cause. My bff has fought with her weight her whole life. Her relationship with food is psychological. It's comforting. She's dealt with so much crap in her life it's a wonder she didn't turn to drugs. In this case, food is her drug. You can't just take food away from someone and tell them to suck it up and have some willpower. Especially if you cannot see why a person overeats in the first place. To compare, it would be like screaming at a person with anorexia to STFU and eat something. It's just not that easy.
/two cents.