Here you go bro........
What's even worse is that you take pleasure in knocking people down for their personal choices.
Personal freedom. Just like you have the personal freedom to start an ATGATT club. You can even pat eachother on the back for wearing your 1pc suits to Timmies/restaurant meets. I won't judge.
Very sexy.
So let me get this straight, you're all about personal choice and how bad someone is for making fun of squids but you yourself started another thread preaching about other people's personal choice for penny pinching and re-using their wheel weights and stuff? Talk about being a hypocrite eh
I personally don't care wear gear don't it's no ones business but your own just like reusing wheel weights, just thought it was funny the pot calling the kettle black that's all.
Lol, not saying ATGATT riders are wrong, but quit preaching about how safe gear makes you feel. I know the consequences of riding squid and I accept them every time I throw a leg over my bike. We're all grown here.
Ive had my share of cracked ribs, busted knees, torn ligaments, muscular back problems, road rash and arthritis (im 28).
Wow your write really good for 2
Wow your write really well for 2.
Wow. Grammer police.... Really.
That is HOT!
Wait till you burn your legs on the exhaust, you learn quick. Not once but twice.I wore shorts once just to drop my wife off somewhere quick. HOLY F the frame was hot!!! I don't know how people do it.
Here you go bro........
It wasn't Grammar. Look at the Emotocon at the end
Squids don't bother me anymore but I still cringe when I see some girl in a halter, shorts and flipflops sitting on the back.