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They are really nice :) I can put you in touch with the guy who made them, he'll make whatever you want. The quality is super nice, Gildan shirts, printing is flawless and holds up wash after wash :)

-Jamie M.

hmm... interested. PM'd! :)

just picked this bad boy up today! 09 cbr600rr
Yeah man, he even through in a part to fix my old clutch lever... I think I caught him in a good mood that day.
There is also a Magura bit that came with the package if you need it.

Id need an ASV to use that part, basically that lever fits Brembo levers and Maguras so they give you barrels for both....The magura and Brembo levers are very similar
Nice, when is this bike hitting the road man?

Hopefully before the end of the week, the only thing holding me back at this point is my front rotors. Tony said I should get them this week, along with the rest of my Brembo stuff plus a PCV+Autotune+quick shifter setup.

And when I take possession of my home next month, going to buy a

To go with it :D
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