Crazy colour schemeUpgraded my bike for more fun on long trips and a bit more power
Crazy colour schemeWhat year is it? Is it a USA bike?
-Jamie M.
Nice! Very uniqueYeap, just got it from CT. It's a 2007 Anniversary Edition!
Nice! Very uniqueGot many plans for it? Delkevic exhaust?
Power commander? Really smooths out the vtec
-Jamie M.
NiceThat exhaust looks really good! Not sure if I have the budget for it now though, maybe later on. This bike's already super smooth imo. I do feel the Vtech kicking in at about 7k rpm, but it's pretty nice and smooth, nothing I'd change for now.
I wanna get a top box for it though and some soft saddle bags for longer trips. I'll be riding with my gf a lot, so the top box is def a must soon.
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cbr600rr 2005
Was that from the .net group buy?
Looks greatYepThe two on the right are my designs and the one on the left was designed by another member. I should've snapped a pic of the backs as well.
Looks greatI had some Yamaha and various other manufacturers shirts made up as well
-Jamie M.
They are really niceThanks Jamie, I'd like to check out the shirts you had made up too. I tend to go on t-shirt buying sprees every once in a while lol