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New front tire for the Couchrocket.And Donald gave me a Stoner hat. :)
...quitter hat.
Where did you buy that beautiful front rim from? I've been looking for one for 2 years.
luck and sleeping around with a lot of girls until I finally found it

OMG!! It sounds amazing!!!


More function than fashion I guess lol
OMG!! It sounds amazing!!!
Wow that pipe is TINY!? You got the baffle in??? lol. Gonna have to shoot a drive by video once the snow melts :(

Looks like they left your o2 sensor installed, WTF?

-Jamie M.
Wow that pipe is TINY!? You got the baffle in??? lol. Gonna have to shoot a drive by video once the snow melts :(

Looks like they left your o2 sensor installed, WTF?

-Jamie M.

Hey!! Baffle is out and it's very loud!
O2 sensor is in but unplugged, they said they didn't have a plug.
Hey!! Baffle is out and it's very loud!
O2 sensor is in but unplugged, they said they didn't have a plug.
Strange, my M4 came with a plug? That's good that it's unplugged, but if you continue to run it with the o2 sensor installed but unpowered it'll get fouled quickly. It's best to remove it and set it aside in case you ever need it in the future. I have some extra o2 plugs you can have for free, but they aren't stainless steel. If you want a nice stainless one I always order these ones:

Are you going to leave it with the baffle out?? That's what your fuel map is set up for anyway ;)

Did they pull out the EXUP servo box and cables?? What did they say when you asked them to do all of that? lol.

-Jamie M.
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Strange, my M4 came with a plug? That's good that it's unplugged, but if you continue you to run it with the o2 sensor installed but unpowered it'll get fouled quickly. It's best to remove it and set it aside in case you ever need it in the future. I have some extra o2 plugs you can have for free, but they aren't stainless steel. If you want a nice stainless one I always order these ones:

Are you going to leave it with the baffle out?? That's what your fuel map is set up for anyway ;)

Did they pull out the EXUP servo box and cables?? What did they say when you asked them to do all of that? lol.

-Jamie M.

I plan on leaving the baffle out it sounds to sweet to put it in. At least until I get too many tickets lol.

I told them I had already flashed the ECU so they said no problem and yes they took the ex up servo box out.

They told me no plug came with the pipe, I have to order one.

Thanks for the link, I'll check it out
Sounds good, I'll do that ;)
Thanks! I just ran out of the stainless ones I use for people if they have stainless/titanium midpipes, hate using regular ones cause they rust like a mofo in no time, looks so crappy on the nice stainless midpipe!

Lemme know when they're in and I'll stop by with the $$.

-Jamie M.
Photo didn't show up from last post. Here's my new exhaust. Installing it tomorrow.

Photo came out fine for me before :)

What bike is it going on?

-Jamie M.
Photo came out fine for me before :)

What bike is it going on?

-Jamie M.

Hmm weird. It wasn't showing up for me earlier, thought it was because I was hosting it through the tapatalk app off my phone. It'll be going on a 2006 Honda 599. I'll be installing it tomorrow along with new sprockets, chain, undertail, integrated tail light, and a rear tire hugger. Pics will go up tomorrow assuming everything is installed without issues.
Received and installed a TST undertail and IT kit the other day. A much needed cleanup under the arse of the RR.


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