Playing Hookey Ride - Wednesday Scarborough

Edit: leaving tomorrow...
I'm planning a small adventure on Tue. Oct 16-17th. Leaving from the usual spot at 6:00 am to reach Port Dover for breakfast. The plan is to follow the north shore of Lake Erie to Windsor. There will be frequent stops on the way down and possibly taking the 401 home. PM me for more details if interested.
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And out the door I went... Let the fun begin.
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Another "Hookey Ride" squeezed in before it gets too cold. This one included an overnight stay in Windsor. Yes it's a bit late in the season but the forecast was looking good - six layers, early morning drizzle and the freezing cold morning temperature did not stop me from taking this adventure. I took the 401 to the 403 to Hamilton and continued to Port Dover on Hwy. 6.

I watched the sun rising from the Pier at Port Dover, a delicious breakfast at the Dairy Bar and off I was to follow the coast to Windsor.


I left Port Dover and headed west on Hwy. 6 to scenic Hwy. 42, passing through fields of pumpkins, Wind mills, and the picturesque costal towns of Port Rowan, Port Burwell, Port Bruce and Port Stanley.







I very much enjoyed the coastal towns draped in their fall colors. I had the roads to myself and by 11:00 the sun came out and the temperatures started to rise - the mitts were replaced with my riding gloves and off came the rain gear (It was very useful to stop the cold wind from stealing away vital heat from my core). When I stopped to take a picture of one of the colorful roads it happened....


The Accident!
While braking for another picture - my front wheel locked up on some loose gravel causing my 700 pound bike to topple, twisting and pinning my left foot under the passenger floorboard. Pinned and laying face down on the road I twisted my body allowing my right foot to push on the bike seat just enough to free my aching ankle. Limping, cursing and finally gaining my composure after some loud screams of pain, I concluded my foot was not broken and could continue. The "crash bars" kept the bike from any real damage, so in pain, I tightened the boot laces and continued on my way to Hwy. 3 along the scenic shoreline dotted with vinyards and beaches.




I visited my hometown of Harrow meeting the present owners of my boyhood home and sharing stories of winning my little league championship in 1971, how the house was heated with coal, and of the barn we had out back and my mom's huge garden. It was great to remember those days. I stopped by the local watering hole for lunch and met some locals who never left the small town of 2000 people.


I took the backroads to the farm where I picked tomatoes as a boy. I remembered seeing my first mini skirt - knowing it was good but not knowing what to do with it. I remembered how big of a man I was, being able to by my own "bell bottoms" and moccassins when I started grade 4. (1970).


I continued to Windsor's waterfront to see the Ambassador bridge, the Casino and Detroit across the river.



I woke up this morning to a horribly sore and swollen left ankle (shifting foot) I was unable to put any weight on it and had to decide if I should ride home or visit the hospital in Windsor. I decided if I needed a cast it was better to get it done in Toronto than try to figure out how to get my bike home from Windsor with a cast on my foot. So painfully I headed down the 401 and back home. Thankfully the xrays proved it is not broken. I just hope my ankle is well enough for this weekend's ride with 30 other bikers.....:)

I think there is still time for the 507....'till the next Hookey Ride...


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Hope u weren't seriously hurt
The pics look great. Hugs, hope you heal up soon.

Thanks for the hugs, I feel better already. Not a bad point and shoot eh? If I'm up to it and the weather cooperates, I may post a 507 run next Wednesday.
Great pics buddy. Good to hear you were't hurt too bad.
glad you sound okay ! are you?
great pics and great story!
hows the bike?

Heck ya, I'm ok. So I can't walk for a couple of days - big deal...nothing broken! YEAH!!! The bike has a scrape on the crash bar, a spring from the kick stand fell off (I picked it up and put it in the windscreen pouch - I'll put it back on when I am more mobile). I was almost stopped when the bike crushed my foot - so no real damage. It would have been disasterous if I had not been wearing my thick hiking boots. Surprisingly the rain suit did not even get scraped...but the helmet has a small paint chip and a slight scrape on the windshield. I'm also glad I was wearing the full face as I usually ride with my half bucket.

Heck, I expect to be able to join the group ride this weekend. My wife says she won't join the ride if I can't support the bike (walk properly). Yesterday morning at the hotel, it took quite some time to suit up - with lots of painfull groans. Oh man, getting on the bike and getting it off the stand was brutal. Shifting gears was so painfull...I was glad to park it and rest my foot while taking my van to the hospital.

Cheers everyone - wear the gear - and ride safe!
gee... scary having an accident when your alone out of nowhere... glad you're ok....

will keep an eye on your 507 ride...
Thanks for your concern 3M TA3. I've been in worse situations. No it wasn't scary at all. The scary part was thinking of the damage to my foot if I had on running shoes. I had my cell phone on me (with GPS) should I have needed an ambulance. I have been icing my foot for 4 days now. Thankfully I can put weight on it now. Lesson learned - pay more attention to the road when braking. So well see how the weather is on Wednesday. The scary part was the painful ride home from Windsor - thinking about switching hobbies.
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So my shifting foot is almost back in shape - took the beast out for a spin yesterday and virtually painfree while shifting. (walking is still a bit painful). I seem to have a bit more respect for the road, as I rode a bit more cautiously yesterday. I also re-evaluated switching hobbies - NO! I kinda like the freedom of the road and won't be dropping motorcycling anytime soon.

Hookey Ride Wednesday October 24th

All riders welcomed to join...

I will cancel early the morning of the ride, if rain is in the forcast.

Meet up: Timmies Kingston rd. (Hwy 2) just east of Port Union (south side)

8:00 am head out 8:15

- full tank - empty bladder.

Destination: The 507

Dress warm it is freezing until the sun comes out.
Depending on skill level of riders; route will be either 401 to 115 or backroads all the way.

What time do you think you will be back in TO? I maybe able to join, but gotta be back for 4 at the latest. You seem to put on crazy hours. I don't mind the early start.
Back by 4:00 is my goal. We can aim for 3:30 to give some leeway. The backroads make it tougher to make it back by 4:00 though.
Sorry SeaBreeze, I made a mistake, I can do Thursday hookey but not Wed this week. For sure can do next week, weather permitting. I'll book it as a day off just in case. Hope the ankle gets better soon.
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