I'm not "defending" one side. I've already said I don't condone what the truck driver did. However, you do have to look at things from the other side of the fence too. Does anyone really expect that they have the right to foul someone else's neighbourhood and not expect any potential for pushback by the people that live there?So you would understand why someone who has been harassed by police or wrongfully charged would try and kill an officer? I'd love to hear you say that you would understand in that situation cause really that is what you are saying here. Both are dumb so why are you defending the one side?
And I fully support people protecting their loved ones. I may not always support how they do it, but I accept that people will act to do so. On another forum, the person who took that video stated that the truck driver claimed that his mother had been run into a ditch by sport bikes, no doubt being operated in similar fashion. Does that justify what the truck driver did? No, but it does add some understanding to why he did as he did.The difference is that people are protecting their own property. I fully support people protecting their own property.
It gets back to the the golden rule, do unto others as you would have done unto you. Does anyone here want the road in front of their house used as a test track by any ******* on two wheel or four who wants to play hot wheels whenever they feel like no matter what impact it may have on you, your family and neighbours?
If so, please post your road location and your name so those taking you up on your invitation can let your neighbours know that it is ok with you.