Pickup Driver Almost Kills Motorcyclist

So you would understand why someone who has been harassed by police or wrongfully charged would try and kill an officer? I'd love to hear you say that you would understand in that situation cause really that is what you are saying here. Both are dumb so why are you defending the one side?
I'm not "defending" one side. I've already said I don't condone what the truck driver did. However, you do have to look at things from the other side of the fence too. Does anyone really expect that they have the right to foul someone else's neighbourhood and not expect any potential for pushback by the people that live there?

The difference is that people are protecting their own property. I fully support people protecting their own property.
And I fully support people protecting their loved ones. I may not always support how they do it, but I accept that people will act to do so. On another forum, the person who took that video stated that the truck driver claimed that his mother had been run into a ditch by sport bikes, no doubt being operated in similar fashion. Does that justify what the truck driver did? No, but it does add some understanding to why he did as he did.

It gets back to the the golden rule, do unto others as you would have done unto you. Does anyone here want the road in front of their house used as a test track by any ******* on two wheel or four who wants to play hot wheels whenever they feel like no matter what impact it may have on you, your family and neighbours?

If so, please post your road location and your name so those taking you up on your invitation can let your neighbours know that it is ok with you.
Maybe you'll change your mind if someone attempted to run you off the road. If you don't like where you live, move. You don't own the road! Brainless people like you are the worst kind of danger to society.
Like I said, I generally don't ride in a manner that would provoke even a call of complaint to police, let alone someone trying to block me or run me off the road.

And do I hear you right? You expect people to move if they don't like illegal activities spoiling their quality of life and even endangering their safety?

I think you have it backwards. The illegal activities are what need to go in that case, not the residents who have every right to live there.
If the issue of speeding motorcycles on that road is so bad the residents have no one to get angry at other than the police. If its that bad the police can pay for their entire budget (as it is a big part in the states) by camping out and ticketing riders. Or putting visible cruisers on the road to encourage people to slow down or take it elsewhere.
That doesn't look or sound like test track speeds to me in the beginning, the speeds get faster after the pass and the truck is then tailgating the lead bike...10 over doesnt even get you any points but it seems like you think it should carry a death penalty lol

I'm with Johnny on this one. I don't track ride, but those extra couple minutes at the beginning are hardly pushing it. In fact it looked far from it to me. They never left their lane until they reached the truck, they seemed to be leaving a large margin for error through all but the sharpest bends, and the engine sound does not sound like a motor being pushed at all. Things got noticeably faster after the truck started chasing the lead rider.
So what turbo is saying is that we should ride in circles around our block cause any other kind of riding is fouling other peoples areas... right????

Last time I checked when a vehicle is passing you one a two lane highway you are supposed to move to the right as much as you can and let them safely pass you....

Being annoyed with crotch rockets in your hood is no reason to attempt to kill them.
So what turbo is saying is that we should ride in circles around our block cause any other kind of riding is fouling other peoples areas... right????

No, that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that we shouldn't foul other people's neighbourhoods by riding in a way that we wouldn't do in front of our own homes, family, friends, and community.

I'm also referring to the Belfountain/Forks of the Credit effect. If too many people come to a place to ride or drive like an jackass with no consideration or respect for the people who actually live there, it's just a matter of time before the locals begin to resent those jackasses. Rising resentment increases the probability of tangible response by the locals.

Their response may be appropriate or inappropriate. Some will content themselves with the totally appropriate response of calling police or local politicians, and then you risk having them use existing or newly-created laws to target the offensive presence. HTA172 came about in response to ******* riders and drivers, and that's also how the Fork's heavy summertime police presence and most recently Caledon's new noise bylaw came about. People called police and politicians, and they reacted to rising public pressure.

Piss off enough people though and odds increase that you will also come across someone willing to go to inappropriate extremes. Then you will see things like sand and gravel and oil mysteriously appearing on corners, and maybe even a large vehicle deliberately pointed right at you.

I'm not saying that we should ride around our own blocks to avoid fouling other people's areas. I'm saying that responsible riders will avoid creating that kind of resentment as much as possible by riding with respect and consideration for the people who live on those roads, just as we would hope others riding around our block would show the same respect and consideration when riding on the roads in front of our homes.

Clearly though, there is a significant part of the riding population who just don't give a **** about others, placing the thrill of extreme riding above all else, including the quality of life and safety of others living along and using a given road. The more of them that appear on any given road, the more likely that you will see responses like this pick-up truck, or that mysterious stuff that seems to appear on corners at just the wrong time.

Last time I checked when a vehicle is passing you one a two lane highway you are supposed to move to the right as much as you can and let them safely pass you....

Being annoyed with crotch rockets in your hood is no reason to attempt to kill them.
I don't disagree, but maybe certain "crotch rocket" riders should try to do better to avoid annoying others with their riding as well. So many times you here the admonishment, "take it to the track". It would save so much grief not only for the "go-fast" ******* riders, but also for the more responsible riders who get tarred with the same brush prepared for the irresponsible ******* riders.
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No, that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that we shouldn't foul other people's neighbourhoods by riding in a way that we wouldn't do in front of our own homes, family, friends, and community.

I'm also referring to the Belfountain/Forks of the Credit effect. If too many people come to a place to ride or drive like an jackass with no consideration or respect for the people who actually live there, it's just a matter of time before the locals begin to resent those jackasses. Rising resentment increases the probability of tangible response by the locals.

Their response may be appropriate or inappropriate. Some will content themselves with the totally appropriate response of calling police or local politicians, and then you risk having them use existing or newly-created laws to target the offensive presence. HTA172 came about in response to ******* riders and drivers, and that's also how the Fork's heavy summertime police presence and most recently Caledon's new noise bylaw came about. People called police and politicians, and they reacted to rising public pressure.

Piss off enough people though and odds increase that you will also come across someone willing to go to inappropriate extremes. Then you will see things like sand and gravel and oil mysteriously appearing on corners, and maybe even a large vehicle deliberately pointed right at you.

I'm not saying that we should ride around our own blocks to avoid fouling other people's areas. I'm saying that responsible riders will avoid creating that kind of resentment as much as possible by riding with respect and consideration for the people who live on those roads, just as we would hope others riding around our block would show the same respect and consideration when riding on the roads in front of our homes.

Clearly though, there is a significant part of the riding population who just don't give a **** about others, placing the thrill of extreme riding above all else, including the quality of life and safety of others living along and using a given road. The more of them that appear on any given road, the more likely that you will see responses like this pick-up truck, or that mysterious stuff that seems to appear on corners at just the wrong time.

I don't disagree, but maybe certain "crotch rocket" riders should try to do better to avoid annoying others with their riding as well. So many times you here the admonishment, "take it to the track". It would save so much grief not only for the "go-fast" ******* riders, but also for the more responsible riders who get tarred with the same brush prepared for the irresponsible ******* riders.

I really do understand what you are saying but those "crotch rocketers" in the above vid didn't do anything wrong or anything like the stuff you are mentioning... just a simple pass with no on coming traffic.
Two words..............................EASY..............................RIDER.........................

end thread.
I really do understand what you are saying but those "crotch rocketers" in the above vid didn't do anything wrong or anything like the stuff you are mentioning... just a simple pass with no on coming traffic.
That and their speed on that road. Look at the video again. Even with all those curves signed at 25 to 35 mph, all those driveways, intersections, houses, barns, and even a church literally inches away from the edge of the pavement, their AVERAGE speed is over the maximum rural speed limit for Kentucky, and double the average speed shown on the warning signs for the corners.

You can calculate approximate speeds over the various given stretches both before and after the bikes meeting the truck by using Google map street view in conjunction with the timer shown in the video. Look for where the bunch of cars are parked on both sides of the road. That's a church and this was on a Sunday. They all went through that constriction at about 65 or 66 mph.

Their riding could have been faster and no doubt there will be other riders would be faster, but that still doesn't mean their riding was appropriate for that road and the people who live, work, play and pray literally within inches of it. And no, the driving of the truck driver was not appropriate either. There's plenty of fail on all sides in that video. Nobody in that video was showing any respect or consideration for the people in the neighbourhood, not before the encounter and not after.
Latest comment on youtube from the person that posted the video:

15 hours ago:
Soo...the word on the street is that there are warrants for this guy and he is no where to be found. Actually, this came from one of the deputies in Bracken County.
The most recent is "two counts of reckless endangerment". He's also AWOL from his military unit, so there's a military warrant out on him for that as well.
Despite speeding, or annoying others by the rider in the video, the pickup driver still had no right in attempt to kill the rider or cause death. That is morally wrong.
ok, now I'm confused...
I ride a crotch rockety type bike, AND I'm a lifted up pick-up truck driving, gun toting redneck... From all the flaming going on, I should just be very, very ashamed of myself...

Rednecks are people too, y'all... And some of us still have all out teeth and at least average IQ!

on WERA a local guy filmed and paced the road in question....

you can see it here...


Speed limit is 55mph, and the guy has done an excellent job not only pacing the original motorcycles but also editing the original video into his video so u can clearly see it.

He starts to show the other video 4:30 into his video.

as u can see....those motorcycle were not speeding excessively, in fact, i think the fastest they go is 10mph with majority of the ride around the speed limit.

so to all those bench racers who are saying how the bikes are speeding like mad...SUCK IT!

on WERA a local guy filmed and paced the road in question....

you can see it here...

Speed limit is 55mph, and the guy has done an excellent job not only pacing the original motorcycles but also editing the original video into his video so u can clearly see it.

He starts to show the other video 4:30 into his video.

as u can see....those motorcycle were not speeding excessively, in fact, i think the fastest they go is 10mph with majority of the ride around the speed limit.

so to all those bench racers who are saying how the bikes are speeding like mad...SUCK IT!

If you actually believe that the driver of the truck was reacting to just these two bikes on that day only, then you are mistaken. I would think that the driver of the truck has seen other bikes out there, on other days. And most likely those bikes on the other days, were treating this road like their own little racetrack. To say that this incident is only in regards to the what the truck driver saw on that day only is pretty mindless isn't it? Not sure about you, but I saw other bikes going in the other direction in the original video. So I know other bikes have used that road.
Or do you want us to believe that all the other riders on that road did the speed limit +/- 10%? You mean just like the bikes do on Elephant Road, or 503, or Forks of the Credit, or Tail of the Dragon?
How convoluted are you!?! How ****ed up is your brain?

every time u spew your **** its all statistics and hard data....

here we are, looking at it, with empirical data showing that THOSE TWO RIDERS were barely exceeding the speed limit and now u go off on a tangent how "well other riders were speeding"

So if that guy didnt get his morning BJ and takes it out on riders its somehow justifiable? Should i go and try to run off the road every green cavalier i see because two years ago a green cavalier cut me off and then gave me the finger?

jeezus your posts raise my blood level
Redliner - NICE FIND!!!

As I was going through the posts I was thinking the exact same thing. The speed limit is 55 if it is unposted on a back road. It is hardly a neighborhood speed. Actually I have been in New Mexico and have seen 70mph on a similar road, it was posted and I could barely even get to the limit (car).

Anyway - the speed really wasn't all that great.... I didn't think their pace was fast AT ALL.... not stupid fast anyway. Not a speed where a car driver would think the motorcycles are lunatics. That road reminds me of Hwy69 heading east from Smithsville.... you can have some fun without going completely mental on it. The speed seems to pick up after they get to the red truck, but the road gets twistier too.

As far as the locals getting ****** off..... sometimes the locals are full of crap too. I remember 2 incidents I had, 1 on Walkers Line north of Britania where a local was putting out his garbage and yelled out at me and my friend to SLOW DOWN.... with crazy arm gesturing... I looked down and was doing a WHOPPING 5 over the limit and that was indicated.... so I was probably pretty close to the actual limit. Another one was the crazy nutcase that use to (maybe still does) live on Snake road at the top. I was showing a newbie some new roads and it was wet.... we were under the limit the whole time.... and we stopped in front of his house on the other side of the road. He comes out and starts talking trash about how he is going to call the cops and say we were doing 200 in front of his house. WTF is wrong with people???? He knew we were doing 40 MAX going up his road. The crazy nutcase on Snake road also threw something at me another time... again I was going the speed limit past his house.... seriously the dude had issues.
If you actually believe that the driver of the truck was reacting to just these two bikes on that day only, then you are mistaken. I would think that the driver of the truck has seen other bikes out there, on other days. And most likely those bikes on the other days, were treating this road like their own little racetrack. To say that this incident is only in regards to the what the truck driver saw on that day only is pretty mindless isn't it? Not sure about you, but I saw other bikes going in the other direction in the original video. So I know other bikes have used that road.
Or do you want us to believe that all the other riders on that road did the speed limit +/- 10%? You mean just like the bikes do on Elephant Road, or 503, or Forks of the Credit, or Tail of the Dragon?

Everyone, sell your bikes apparently it's ok for people who dislike sport bikes to try and end your life. Doesn't even matter if your breaking the law or not.
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