Penalty for Weaving Traffic

I'd like to assume that your post is just a joke/troll... but otherwise, I really hope you are not seriously suggesting running from police. They may not be able to filter like a bike can, assuming there's not a clear shoulder etc for them to follow via, but they can certainly radio ahead to other officers who would be able to cut the rider off further ahead. Not to mention that the very idea of running from police is idiotic, as if you do get caught, any hope you'd had of avoiding charges disappeared the moment you added "attempt to evade" to the list.
No way! :shock:
I adjusted the above slightly. =D

being picky aside, its because multiple offences may apply and the cop will have discretion on charging with the worst one.

Adjusted the above slightly :cool:
The only "loophole" of any use is.

you may ride in the same lane as the parked cars - look out for the door prize.
you may use the HOV lanes in Toronto (only Toronto).

Just a note on the HOV lanes in Toronto, this is only if posted. I almost got a ticket for this but the cop was sympathetic. Went home and read this line "Once the existing HOV signs are altered to include a motorcycle/scooter pictogram, this change will take effect."
Any good loopholes i need to know?

The only loopholes I know if is if on a 2+ lane road and there are cars parked on the far right side, you are able to split the far right lane. I remember reading it somewhere in the HTA. Careful it's not designated a bike diamond lanes. I'm sure you'd get snagged for that...can we actually use a diamond bike lane?
As far as I'm aware, the only place to lane spit legally (Canada and US) is California (correct me if I'm wrong). Everywhere else you can get majorly nailed.

When I was in California last year I kept waiting for a Bike to get crunched as cars tried to immediately merge over to the HOV lanes at every on ramp and all the bikes are lane splitting.

I didnt know lane splitting was legal at the time so it makes more sense now.

I will add that I was also in China and they made LA look tame. The best is when I saw 5 on one Bike and they dont use lanes.
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And insurance hike?

yea for sure but only if they find out...I've managed to fly under the radar a couple years because I've never changed my policy or given them any reason to look into me.
what about carpool (diamond) lanes on the 400 series highways? Can bikes use those lanes during rush hour if your not carrying a passenger?
So you wanna ride/operate a vehicle like a complete idiot? No worries, you'll fit right in, within the greater Toronto area.
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As far as I'm aware, the only place to lane spit legally (Canada and US) is California (correct me if I'm wrong). Everywhere else you can get majorly nailed.

Confirmed it is call lane sharing for motorcyclist when riding in California.
I ride in the same lane as parked cars on queen st. still not too sure if that's considered lane splitting or not.
worry about the door prize, not the ticket.

i do the same thing, you can theoritically get a ticket if there is someone inside the car, but i have never heard of anyone actually getting one.
I ride in the same lane as parked cars on queen st. still not too sure if that's considered lane splitting or not.

Not when the cars are parked.
Not when the cars are parked.

Exactly. Moving cars can also share the lane with parked cars, but bikes have the advantage of size, heh.

It's actually faster for me to get from Yonge and Bloor to Royal York and Bloor with a lane of parked cars than two driving lanes, thanks to this.
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