Well-known member
Damn whitey. They should have voted for the gay transgender black lady that was running for the position...
It's been a very long time since anyone's gleefully pointed at Bob Raes' government. Will today be the day?
I wish they would pick someone electable to lead the party, I could consider voting for them then. There seems to be a complete denial in the party the people want a fiscally conservative but socially moderate party.
I am pretty sure the Fords were supporting Elliott. Doug up front and Rob after Monty dropped out. I guess Brown was too Neocon even for them...
Isn't Patrick Brown?
I wish they would pick someone electable to lead the party, I could consider voting for them then. There seems to be a complete denial in the party the people want a fiscally conservative but socially moderate party.
I still don't like Bill Davis for creating the separate catholic school system.
Maybe they're aware enough of the toxicity of their name, and were trying to scuttle her leadership bid?Oops... You're correct. I had misread that when I first read some articles. Wowsa... Interesting that the Fords supported Elliot considering that she was fairly moderate and who I had skin in the game for.
I still don't like Bill Davis for creating the separate catholic school system.
How old were you back then?
I still don't like Trudeau for being the "Father of our Debt".
He started this whole buy now, let your children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren pay later thing, that passes as Liberal fiscal policy.
Now we've become a have-not Province.
Some have-not province. I see a lot of very expensive cars and homes.
Some have-not province. I see a lot of very expensive cars and homes.
All paid for with ever-increasing levels of debt...
Some consider Trudeau's economic policies to have been a weak point. Inflation and unemployment marred much of his tenure as prime minister. When Trudeau took office in 1968 Canada had a debt of $18 billion (24% of GDP) which was largely left over from World War II, when he left office in 1984, that debt stood at $200 billion (46% of GDP), an increase of 83% in real terms.[SUP][99][/SUP] However, these trends were present in most western countries at the time, including the United States.
See where it dips to the lowest point and then almost triples percentage-wise?
That was Trudeau. Nobody else wanted to try and deal with it after that.