Paris under attack

Contrary to my earlier posts, I'm sure whomever reaches the Canadian shores will be vetted out strongly, I'm not concerned about a "terrorist" coming through.

"Democracy" aside, the US/UK are there supporting the war for many other reasons (pipelines being one ). It's another big foreign policy blunder after Iraq.

I'd rather spend $1000 to fix their homeland than $36 to being them here. But I seem to be alone on that one.

I'm all for fixing it too but I do not know how that can be done...... Or if it can be done.

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I'd rather spend $1000 to fix their homeland than $36 to being them here. But I seem to be alone on that one.

If you've ever watched Jerry Springer you'll know fixing other people isn't a money problem.
Instead of western nations taking in millions of refugees, why not force the refugees to confront and fix the problems in their own countries? Basically we are expected to send troops to these countries to fix their problems and the people that could make a difference are running away. So in the end, the people with the skills to run society aren't there anymore and any gains military intervention has made are lost as soon as troops are pulled out.

They are funning away because it is not a problem of their own making. Who was arming all the rebel groups (ISIS) to fight Assad? Who then destroyed any infrastructure the country had through airstrikes? Maybe we as Western society should take responsibility for meddling in other peoples countries and destroying them. The west created ISIS it did not exist before the campaign to 'bomb the middle east into the stoneage'. You can't complain that they are refusing to stay in a war zone of our creation.
If you're not going to reply to things I've actually written there isn't much point in discussing this with you.

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Mike clearly believes all Syrians are terrorists but would never come out and actually confirm himself a biggot instead trying to hide behind stats without context and no willingness to understand the situation and why its happening.
We can help our vets. We can help the homeless. We can help the refugees too.

What concerns me is the government is being purposely vague about how much of the $1.3B is going to be spent on vetting out undesirables like this guy vs. the family who owned the Shawarma place on West + Clark (the only people I know for a fact that are Syrian and can use as an example) who came here and integrated into Canadian society.

Contrary to my earlier posts, I'm sure whomever reaches the Canadian shores will be vetted out strongly, I'm not concerned about a "terrorist" coming through.

The government has done a piss poor job so far, doesn't appear to be the least bit concerned with it, and as I see it, that's the crux of the issue.

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What concerns me is the government is being purposely vague about how much of the $1.3B is going to be spent on vetting out undesirables like this guy vs. the family who owned the Shawarma place on West + Clark (the only people I know for a fact that are Syrian and can use as an example) who came here and integrated into Canadian society.

Legitimate concerns. I don't fault you for that.

I read an article a few days ago. I think it was CBC or National Post but now I can't find it. This link outlines the same general information.

Maybe it will help some who are concerned about who exactly would be coming here as a refugee.

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The government has done a pi$$ poor job so far, doesn't appear to be the least bit concerned with it, and as I see it, that's the crux of the issue.


It would be nice for once to throw money at a problem and actually fix it. Rather than half measure, stop gap and morph into a new problem. I would love nothing more than my hard earned tax debt actually give value. One thing is for certain tho whoever gets on the help the refugee band wagon of government employees will be very handsomely remunerated. That's not a problem, never was.
What concerns me is the government is being purposely vague about how much of the $1.3B is going to be spent on vetting out undesirables like this guy vs. the family who owned the Shawarma place on West + Clark (the only people I know for a fact that are Syrian and can use as an example) who came here and integrated into Canadian society.

The government has done a pi$$ poor job so far, doesn't appear to be the least bit concerned with it, and as I see it, that's the crux of the issue.

Is that picture you posted referring to the 3 CN rail suspects?

Canada, and Europe for that matter, is not culturally ready for such an influx of refugees (more so europe since they are getting a lot more). These people are going to feel segregated and angry for being displaced no matter how hard you try to show them otherwise. If I'm correct (and I'm not saying I will be), they will stick together and that hate will transcend down to their children. I'm sure there will be plenty of refugees who are happy to get out of Assad's rule regardless of the war.

Refugees aside, we can look aroind the GTA to see how segregated the cultures already are. Italians, Indians, Chinese, Jewish, etc.
Some of the nicest people I've met are right here in our own fine country. Maybe you have different experiences but nevertheless, citizens of our country come before non-citizens.

Why do you constantly throw your fellow citizens under the bus while blindly accepting foreigners based on your so-called personal "experiences".

Yes we both know you'll ignore the following because it directly contradicts your "worldview" but for the rest who want an interesting read:

Actually Mike...I've met/encountered some of the dumbest, most ignorant, most hateful, most laughably illogical people and most unchristian christians right here in Canada...recently....and I've seen a reasonable chunk of the world and still have a lot more of it to see. It's endlessly entertaining though as it definitely seems split on an educational divide and although they are boorishly loud, their populations are vanishingly small compared to the sensible ones.

I didn't follow this story closely (it's not my job) but something about this pic is off. Is one of these guys an informant? How does a visible Muslim get himself dragged onto a train bridge in broad daylight? Besides, the bomb goes below. If I were a visible Muslim I wouldn't loiter around any load bearing structures for the foreseeable future.
I didn't follow this story closely (it's not my job) but something about this pic is off. Is one of these guys an informant? How does a visible Muslim get himself dragged onto a train bridge in broad daylight? Besides, the bomb goes below. If I were a visible Muslim I wouldn't loiter around any load bearing structures for the foreseeable future.

Don't have to be muslim, just brown. Look at the attacks on sikhs recently. I know a few people who have darker skin and are not middle eastern that have expressed concern over idiots that would lynch them... I guess in 50 years we haven't changed at all
Don't have to be muslim, just brown. Look at the attacks on sikhs recently. I know a few people who have darker skin and are not middle eastern that have expressed concern over idiots that would lynch them... I guess in 50 years we haven't changed at all

So I should stop tanning for my trip to Jamaica?
They are funning away because it is not a problem of their own making. Who was arming all the rebel groups (ISIS) to fight Assad? Who then destroyed any infrastructure the country had through airstrikes? Maybe we as Western society should take responsibility for meddling in other peoples countries and destroying them. The west created ISIS it did not exist before the campaign to 'bomb the middle east into the stoneage'. You can't complain that they are refusing to stay in a war zone of our creation.

You hit the nail on the head.
Canadians have been extraordinarily generous when it comes to refugees and the $37 per Canadian over 6 years cost of this latest round is peanuts. One case of beer spread out over six years, oh the horror!

When that mosque in Peterborough was recently torched by an arsonist, crowd-funding raised over $100K in three days. The average contribution was over $50 per person. Check out the names of the contributors at and see if you can guess the demographics of the majority of contributors.

Those contributions are a huge middle finger pointed right at those hate-mongering rednecks and bigots who would opportunistically use Paris to stoke hate against an entire religious demographic. Well done.

Well the gun registry was supposed to have only cost $2,000,000.00 and it ended up costing 1000 times that, so I don't have much faith in government estimates. That being said I guess the Paris terrorists are one humongous middle finger at western generosity. And speaking of hate and rednecks and bigots, when I deal with some hard line muslims at work the men look at you with hatred in their eyes if you dare speak to their wife. In the healthcare environment please leave bigotry at the door.
They are funning away because it is not a problem of their own making. Who was arming all the rebel groups (ISIS) to fight Assad? Who then destroyed any infrastructure the country had through airstrikes? Maybe we as Western society should take responsibility for meddling in other peoples countries and destroying them. The west created ISIS it did not exist before the campaign to 'bomb the middle east into the stoneage'. You can't complain that they are refusing to stay in a war zone of our creation.

So it is big business rounding up civilians and putting them in cages and drowning them in pools, cutting of their heads, packing them in cars and firing an RPG at it? If 100,000's had the will to fight a few thousand it wouldn't be a war zone.
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