Paris under attack

Watching a WW1 doc recently on TVO it was shown how willingly everybody trundled off to war like it's going to be some big adventure. I guess there's a huge difference in fighting for your country and allies vs being a pawn.
Ahhhh Faisal got banned. Now the thread is complete. Just like every previous political discussion on GTAM.

Thoughts and prayers go out to the French people. I spend some time in Paris last year and have friends there - the atmosphere is different to say the least. People may not know this but the Arab people (not just the troubled countries) have MASS amounts of wealth and business in France (dating back many decades).
Watching a WW1 doc recently on TVO it was shown how willingly everybody trundled off to war like it's going to be some big adventure. I guess there's a huge difference in fighting for your country and allies vs being a pawn.

If you read up on the American Civil War you will find that in the early battles spectators came out from town to watch what they thought was going to be a small skirmish. I don't know how they felt afterwards.
shows your willingness to defend no matter the cost. almost to the point you would have no plroblem taking a life to show your cause

So shahfaisal gets banned, but the above post is fine?

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Of course Donald Trump has his opinion.

Donald Trump, the Republican front-runner for president, told NBC News on Thursday night that he “would certainly implement” a database system tracking Muslims in the United States.
Of course Donald Trump has his opinion.

Donald Trump, the Republican front-runner for president, told NBC News on Thursday night that he “would certainly implement” a database system tracking Muslims in the United States.
Wowsa... It will be a nasty mess if a hawk/militant GOP candidate gets the nomination and ultimately the White House.
Wowsa... It will be a nasty mess if a hawk/militant GOP candidate gets the nomination and ultimately the White House.

The front runners in the popularity polls are scary.

Are they in it just for the moment to amuse and confuse while serious candidates prepare?

If elected will they become intelligent?
Of course Donald Trump has his opinion.

Donald Trump, the Republican front-runner for president, told NBC News on Thursday night that he “would certainly implement” a database system tracking Muslims in the United States.

The most shocking part of this is a Very sizeable number of Americans think this is a sensible idea. I can't understand it for the life of me. Americans have the most powerful military in the world, the most powerful spy agency, infrastructure to strike anyone anywhere, the population is armed and they have the strongest domestic police forces in the world. Yet, they are afraid of the boogie man and will cling onto the teat of anyone who promises to save them from said boogie man. Worse yet, the political right have been whinning for years about how the left wants communism while, at the same time, the political right act like pre-war Nazi's and Brown Shirts.
I am on the last day of a Hawaiian cruise. There was a Muslim woman on one of the tenders two days ago wearing a Niqab. One of the Americans was freaking out saying they should remove her and do a full body search. Other Canadians like my wife and I and the Aussies we have met were pretty shocked by this. Does not seem real when you are watching Fox news because that almost seems like silly reality TV like Maury Povich. To see that kind of over the top alarmist behavior in person is unsettling to say the least.
And on the TTC the other day a couple of women were verbally harassed and a woman on the street assaulted cause they were wearing a niqab. Not just the US.
And on the TTC the other day a couple of women were verbally harassed and a woman on the street assaulted cause they were wearing a niqab. Not just the US.
Wowsa... Sad to hear that; especially in such a multicultural city. Regression instead of progression as a society.
This is the exact behavior that ISIS is hoping for. It's another easy win for them. Another soft target. It's easy to create mistrust. Now, over half of Canadians don't want these refugees. It's just sad all around.
It needs to be unanimous in the world before we will finally wipe these guys. I hope that day comes soon, but they are screwing with more and more people.
This is the exact behavior that ISIS is hoping for. It's another easy win for them. Another soft target. It's easy to create mistrust. Now, over half of Canadians don't want these refugees. It's just sad all around.
It needs to be unanimous in the world before we will finally wipe these guys. I hope that day comes soon, but they are screwing with more and more people.

I'm assuming you want the refugees? If so can you tell me the following:

1. Who will pay for all of this
2. Where are you going to put them
3. How do you intend to screen them to ensure we aren't importing terrorists
4. When do we send them back

4. When do we send them back


Send them back? You do realize Syrian Muslims are some of the most skilled and enterprising people on the planet? Their kind of 'can do' spirit honed over centuries of producing some of the best art, music, engineering and world renowned products is exactly the kind of positive boost needed to jump start our sick western economy. Also they could teach us a thing or two about common sense and spirituality. Do not look this gift horse in the mouth.
Send them back? You do realize Syrian Muslims are some of the most skilled and enterprising people on the planet? Their kind of 'can do' spirit honed over centuries of producing some of the best art, music, engineering and world renowned products is exactly the kind of positive boost needed to jump start our sick western economy. Also they could teach us a thing or two about common sense and spirituality. Do not look this gift horse in the mouth.

Might as well give them voter cards on arrival then........:ack:

PS: why don't they do some of that spirit honed art, engineering and world renowed products in their own country.......
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