Paris under attack

Oh yeah, all those refugees will leave the cozy welfare states as soon as the war ends.. they'll run back home!



Some will go back to rebuild their homeland. Some will set down roots and they will stay in their new homes. Stopping ISIS means more than just what you see in that picture, it means stopping it from happening to more towns. Stopping the next wave of people fleeing ISIS.
They won't be stopped any time soon. It doesn't matter anyway, the progressive liberal morons running Europe will continue to take in refugees in troves because their bleeding hearts won't let them see the cold hard reality ahead of them.
not all Muslims by any stretch of the imagination .....many Syrians that are being massacred are Muslims. The problem here is a well armed minority of psychopaths with an extreme view of one religion.
exactly...If they were all so violent wouldn't the majority thats "so violent" outweigh the minority thats well armed?

the more peaceful ones get slayed for not following that violent mindset
the Toronto 18 were home grown, Canadian.....would you accept travel bans on all Canadians?

Everyone knows that passport controls and immigration restrictions etc aren't going to solve a home-grown-terrorism problem. This isn't simple to fix.
Everyone knows that passport controls and immigration restrictions etc aren't going to solve a home-grown-terrorism problem. This isn't simple to fix.
. No, and it's also not the correct thing to do in terms of blanket bans on a population for the sins of a psycopathic minority....otherwise we'd never let any Japanese in because of the Yakusa or Italians in because of the mafia for instance.
There seems to be some traction in NATO and Russia seeing eye to eye on this now, common enemy is a strong motivator. Jordan is going to decide what groups are terrorists and which ones will have a seat at the Syrian negotiation table, timeliness have been set, mop up is next.

What I see in my crystal ball. 250,000 pairs of boots on the ground. Attacking on three fronts pushing them into to sea with minimal allied casualties. They have made the same mistake Hitler did, attempting to fight Russia and the west at the same time.
Ever since Russia stepped in the war on Isis they've had great success. There is no political correctness in Russia & they got the job done.

It was a bad move for them to tackle to strong enemies at the same time. Then again they don't seem like a very smart bunch
Leave it up to the states to do something. Why should we put heat on ourselves? It was never our fight to begin with, we just go in with them because we're pawns to them of almost every imperialist war they launch.

Leave it to the states, they can get themselves out of the **** they buried themselves in.
All your responses are cowardly. Let's all run with our tails between our legs and hide, maybe they will leave us alone. Grow some balls, this is everyone's fight, they will eventually attack us whether we are involved or not. They have to be eliminated, and air strikes alone won't defeat them, we all need to put boots on the ground to win this round.
All your responses are cowardly. Let's all run with our tails between our legs and hide, maybe they will leave us alone. Grow some balls, this is everyone's fight, they will eventually attack us whether we are involved or not. They have to be eliminated, and air strikes alone won't defeat them, we all need to put boots on the ground to win this round.

Can we assume you and your family members are signing up to the CF?
Can we assume you and your family members are signing up to the CF?
Psh no. Everyone's so high and mighty until it's bullets flying past their or their family's heads.

But send them! Send these guys!! As long as it's not me!
Now a history lesson, just prior to WW2 (and during) many people had the exact same mentality as you do. They turned away fleeing German Jews because they were German. Many of these Jews died later. Some said they had to do it because there could be a Nazi spy on that boat, in that crowd... Next the migrations were fleeing Jews from conquered country after conquered country, of course some people turned the fleeing Jews back to their eventual deaths because those people like many people today were/are racists. They had all kinds of justifications, but in the end we know the motivation. History repeats itself unless people don't let it, there is your reason.

War is ugly. Suppose those countries had accepted the fleeing Jews and the Nazis had used this opportunity to infiltrate the countries they were fleeing to, and had ended up winning WWII as a result. Where do you think THAT would have put us today?

In wartime, sometimes it is necessary to do ugly things in order to achieve the final objectives. The Americans developed the nuclear bomb and indiscriminately killed a couple hundred thousand Japanese regular citizens. How long would the war have continued if the Americans had not done that?

It is entirely possible that WE will have to do something unpalatable to at least contain the nastiness within the Middle East and keep it OUT of western society to the extent that is possible.
A lot of killer threads lately. I wonder if GTAM should have a subsection for the various types of killer threads.

Terror (ISIS and regular)
In/or out of custody police
Theaters, malls and schools
Laid off/fired workers
Postal workers
Stand alone fast food franchise
Disgruntled Texan
Assisted suicide
Group rides

well said.. eye for an eye makes the whole world blind..

in my opinion the pull back has to be genuine though.. we can't pull back our uniforms.. hang the uniforms at the base and send the MEN in as private contractors.. that would just be a redressing of the problem.

An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.
Winston Churchill
War is ugly. Suppose those countries had accepted the fleeing Jews and the Nazis had used this opportunity to infiltrate the countries they were fleeing to, and had ended up winning WWII as a result. Where do you think THAT would have put us today?

In wartime, sometimes it is necessary to do ugly things in order to achieve the final objectives. The Americans developed the nuclear bomb and indiscriminately killed a couple hundred thousand Japanese regular citizens. How long would the war have continued if the Americans had not done that?

It is entirely possible that WE will have to do something unpalatable to at least contain the nastiness within the Middle East and keep it OUT of western society to the extent that is possible.

Well, hell, then that settles it. We can use chemical and biological weapons on Islamic State and if a few hundred thousand regular civilians get taken out in the dispersal spray, that's just fine for the ends justify the means, right?
Can we assume you and your family members are signing up to the CF?
This is a candidate for dumbest reply ever. If I was young enough absolutely I would sign up. I would love for my kids to sign up,but I can't force them. These guys sign up knowing they could be in action, this is their job,and if you talked to them,they would tell you that. We can't sit around while the rest of the world fights.
Psh no. Everyone's so high and mighty until it's bullets flying past their or their family's heads.

But send them! Send these guys!! As long as it's not me!
Like I posted in adrath's comment, this is their job, they signed up for it, they are trained for it. You are scared of you own shadow that's the problem. BOO, now c!imb out from under your bed, that wasn't the boogyman.
This is a candidate for dumbest reply ever. If I was young enough absolutely I would sign up. I would love for my kids to sign up,but I can't force them. These guys sign up knowing they could be in action, this is their job,and if you talked to them,they would tell you that. We can't sit around while the rest of the world fights.

Dumb is repeating the same mistakes over and over again with lots of dead young men and no results. Afganistan, Iraq and now Syria. Many Canadians don't want to be forced to send their kids to a pointless quagmire in the middle east. Stop playing political games in countries that are not yours its pretty simple.
Dumb is repeating the same mistakes over and over again with lots of dead young men and no results. Afganistan, Iraq and now Syria. Many Canadians don't want to be forced to send their kids to a pointless quagmire in the middle east. Stop playing political games in countries that are not yours its pretty simple.
Actually it's not that simple. All countries have to form an alliance to defeat this freaks. We can't afford not to..
Well, hell, then that settles it. We can use chemical and biological weapons on Islamic State and if a few hundred thousand regular civilians get taken out in the dispersal spray, that's just fine for the ends justify the means, right?

Well, no. The excuse that the extremists use (that they are under attack from the West) needs to be removed. Seal 'em up the best we can. Nothing in, nothing out.

The most numerous victims of the fundamentalists aren't citizens of Paris, or Nigeria. They are fellow Muslims, presumably many of whom are just regular people not wishing to be involved.

There is no politically-correct way of fixing this. There may not be a way of fixing this at all - only to isolate and contain it.
War is ugly. Suppose those countries had accepted the fleeing Jews and the Nazis had used this opportunity to infiltrate the countries they were fleeing to, and had ended up winning WWII as a result. Where do you think THAT would have put us today?

In wartime, sometimes it is necessary to do ugly things in order to achieve the final objectives. The Americans developed the nuclear bomb and indiscriminately killed a couple hundred thousand Japanese regular citizens. How long would the war have continued if the Americans had not done that?

It is entirely possible that WE will have to do something unpalatable to at least contain the nastiness within the Middle East and keep it OUT of western society to the extent that is possible.

I agree. Sometimes total war is the only answer. It worked against fanatical extremist Nazi fascists and Bushido Japan after all.
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