Paris under attack

not all Muslims by any stretch of the imagination .....many Syrians that are being massacred are Muslims. The problem here is a well armed minority of psychopaths with an extreme view of one religion.

where did the ARMS come from.. surely Syrian army didn't turn over its entire arsenal on the very first day.
not all Muslims by any stretch of the imagination .....many Syrians that are being massacred are Muslims. The problem here is a well armed minority of psychopaths with an extreme view of one religion.
Apparently they're angry because of injustices committed against them.
So I guess the question is why do you believe that Islam feels they are "justified" in doing it?

Your statement seems to imply that "Islam" is some monolithic entity. Surely you don't think that simplistically? Do you also think that "Christiandom" is also some monolithic entity?
Apparently they're angry because of injustices committed against them.

their extremist views sustain them give them a long term purpose.. but its the desperation of the people which assure continues recruitment.

it is in their recruitment practices of targeting the oppressed/desperate people. where the opportunity is.. thats how we can end them.
no sir you feel that way.. you can go as far back as you like you will not find a single post were i said that.. you seem to have come to that conclusion..

Well. I didn't say that. I was asking why you feel, that they feel they are justified in doing it?
Well. I didn't say that. I was asking why you feel, that they feel they are justified in doing it?

i didn't say they are justified, i said they may feel justified.. remember hitlers Germany.. people followed hitler even though they knew he was wrong. because they were desperate.. they were humiliated by the treaty of versailles.. when hitler came along and promised them justice and respect.. prosperity and growth for their country and people.. people literally picked up weapons and sang along with his hateful message..

same is happening now.. desperate people are listening to the only ones offering them justice and respect... some chance of having a half decent life.. compared to what the west is offering them.. more invasions.. more bombings.. more oppression..

when the west(NATO) invades unhindered and bombs away at will with no accountability.. just then a guy shows up in you destroyed village offers yo food and clothes.. offers to make you strong so you can teach them(INFEDELS) a lesson which path do you think the confused and scared people will take? they will take the same path as the people nazi Germany.

only way to discourage people from listening to that extremist recruiter is to show in practice that they are not forgotten.. their is justice in this world... if we can't do that then we have become the monster which we ones fought so bravely against.
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i didn't say they are justified, i said they may feel justified.. remember hitlers Germany.. people followed hitler even though they knew he was wrong. because they were desperate.. they were humiliated by the treaty of versailles.. when hitler came along and promised them justice and respect.. prosperity and growth for their country and people.. people literally picked up weapons and sang along with his hateful message..

same is happening now.. desperate people are listening to the only ones offering them justice and respect... some chance of having a half decent life.. compared to what the west is offering them.. more invasions.. more bombings.. more oppression..

when the west(NATO) invades unhindered and bombs away at will with no accountability.. just then a guy shows up in you destroyed village offers yo food and clothes.. offers to make you strong so you can teach them(INFEDELS) a lesson which path do you think the confused and scared people will take? they will take the same path as the people nazi Germany.

only way to discourage people from listening to that extremist recruiter is to show in practice that they are not forgotten.. their is justice in this world... if we can't do that then we have become the monster which we ones fought so bravely against.

OK. I take your point. What do you do with the folks that are already radicalised. I feel that would be like trying to de-program someone from Scientology.
OK. I take your point. What do you do with the folks that are already radicalised. I feel that would be like trying to de-program someone from Scientology.
honestly i have no nonviolent solution for them which does not require boots on the ground.. which means another invasion.. only proper/legal solution is to support the last legitimate govt of the country in this case Assad.. to help him kill or capture them... they need to be tried fairly(after all we are civilized right). i am sure a fair trial would mean death to them as per sharia law.. and no pushing our way on them. they have their own system which works for them.. we just need to stop pushing our puppets on to them.
remember sharia law has no room for LIARS(LAWYERS) justice is based on evidence and not how slick of a lawyer you have... in sharia if they have murdered an innocent... off with their heads no excuses no exceptions.. its matter of social safety now.
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OK. I take your point. What do you do with the folks that are already radicalised. I feel that would be like trying to de-program someone from Scientology.

How do you deprogram this guy, an extremely influential leader of his particular tribe?
The quote from Dov Lior, the chief rabbi of the Israeli settlement of Kiryat Arba, was first reported by the Walla! news agency.

"The wicked ones in blood-soaked Europe deserve it for what they did to our people 70 years ago," Lior said.

The controversial rabbi once wrote an approbation for a book called The King’s Torah that was co-written in 2009 by radical settler figure Rabbi Yitzhak Shapira, which permitted killing civilian non-Jews in times of war.

The article doesn't really go far enough in describing the King's Torah, which also instructed readers that it permissible to kill even the babies of "the enemy" as they would probably grow up to be a danger to the Jewish people. Perverse barbarity and hatred is hardly the exclusive domain of Muslim radicals.
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honestly i have no nonviolent solution for them which does not require boots on the ground.. which means another invasion.. only proper/legal solution is to support the last legitimate govt of the country in this case Assad.. to help him kill or capture them... they need to be tried fairly(after all we are civilized right). i am sure a fair trial would mean death to them as per sharia law.. and no pushing our way on them. they have their own system which works for them.. we just need to stop pushing our puppets on to them.
remember sharia law has no room for LIARS(LAWYERS) justice is based on evidence and not how slick of a lawyer you have... in sharia if they have murdered an innocent... off with their heads no excuses no exceptions.. its matter of social safety now.

Fair Points. I actually agree with most of them. Again, and this is a rhetorical question, how do you do this without pissing off a whole new generation.
Funny I didn't see anyone on facebook lose their **** about this.

Boko Haram's 'deadliest massacre': 2,000 feared dead in Nigeria

I guess a death for terrorism is more important than a death for anything else.
There seems to be some traction in NATO and Russia seeing eye to eye on this now, common enemy is a strong motivator. Jordan is going to decide what groups are terrorists and which ones will have a seat at the Syrian negotiation table, timeliness have been set, mop up is next.

What I see in my crystal ball. 250,000 pairs of boots on the ground. Attacking on three fronts pushing them into to sea with minimal allied casualties. They have made the same mistake Hitler did, attempting to fight Russia and the west at the same time.
While only a tiny fraction may turn to extremism, they get sympathy from a much wider audience of Muslims, and THAT is a huge damn problem.

On this basis alone I oppose bringing in ANY refugees or immigrants from the region at all. Im absolutely dumbfounded that so many European countries are taking these people in by the tens of thousands... its perplexing.
While only a tiny fraction may turn to extremism, they get sympathy from a much wider audience of Muslims, and THAT is a huge damn problem.

On this basis alone I oppose bringing in ANY refugees or immigrants from the region at all. Im absolutely dumbfounded that so many European countries are taking these people in by the tens of thousands... its perplexing.

Maybe this will help you understand. These people are fleeing ISIS they are not ISIS, yes they are brown, yes many are Muslims but they are not ISIS, I know some people here have trouble understanding the difference. They are the victims of ISIS, not ISIS. Yes there are likely ISIS operatives in the bunch, this is a problem for Europe because they are not able to screen them, they are overwhelming their borders fleeing ISIS and once in there is no check when crossing all the other EU borders, it is likely to happen some will get in from ISIS. It is just not possible to actually turn them back, the numbers are just too much and closing one border hole will just direct them to another. For us, we have the luxury to screen them offshore then again when they get here, let in families, etc.

Now a history lesson, just prior to WW2 (and during) many people had the exact same mentality as you do. They turned away fleeing German Jews because they were German. Many of these Jews died later. Some said they had to do it because there could be a Nazi spy on that boat, in that crowd... Next the migrations were fleeing Jews from conquered country after conquered country, of course some people turned the fleeing Jews back to their eventual deaths because those people like many people today were/are racists. They had all kinds of justifications, but in the end we know the motivation. History repeats itself unless people don't let it, there is your reason.
While only a tiny fraction may turn to extremism, they get sympathy from a much wider audience of Muslims, and THAT is a huge damn problem.

On this basis alone I oppose bringing in ANY refugees or immigrants from the region at all. Im absolutely dumbfounded that so many European countries are taking these people in by the tens of thousands... its perplexing.

+1 Muslims are oppressed by other Muslims using Islam and trying to keep their people as backwards as possible. When you go in to free the people they turn against you as invaders. If you don't do anything you are helping the oppressors.

This Sympathy problem is big in Canada. Quite a few people have been brain washed from a Scarborough Mosque and Alberta Mosque. Those people have joined ISIS. I really feel strongly that we are very close to getting an event like this in Canada. I wouldn't be surprised if it was Toronto. There is a big fundamental problem with the practice of the religion in it's current form. We can't fix it, only the Muslim people can.

I'm no longer for religious freedom. Keep your religion in your backyard.
They are capitalizing on the west's "political correctness", unwillingness to discriminate, but unfortunately, that may be the only way to cope with this. If we are not able to filter out the small number of extremists from the masses of refugees (and it seems highly unlikely), it appears that the west should be refusing to accept them ... not a politically popular viewpoint.
They are capitalizing on the west's "political correctness", unwillingness to discriminate, but unfortunately, that may be the only way to cope with this. If we are not able to filter out the small number of extremists from the masses of refugees (and it seems highly unlikely), it appears that the west should be refusing to accept them ... not a politically popular viewpoint.

the Toronto 18 were home grown, Canadian.....would you accept travel bans on all Canadians?
They are capitalizing on the west's "political correctness", unwillingness to discriminate, but unfortunately, that may be the only way to cope with this. If we are not able to filter out the small number of extremists from the masses of refugees (and it seems highly unlikely), it appears that the west should be refusing to accept them ... not a politically popular viewpoint.

It is a massive migration of people fleeing ISIS. When it comes to the EU, how are you not going to let them in? If you block one entry point they will go to another. They are coming by land, by boat.. look at the map. I pointed out the WW2 massive migrations fleeing the Nazis, but you can also look at the dificulty the US had stopping the boat people. You get some not all, there is just too many.

Best way to stop them is to wipe ISIS from the face of the earth, then they have nothing to run from.
It is a massive migration of people fleeing ISIS. When it comes to the EU, how are you not going to let them in? If you block one entry point they will go to another. They are coming by land, by boat.. look at the map. I pointed out the WW2 massive migrations fleeing the Nazis, but you can also look at the dificulty the US had stopping the boat people. You get some not all, there is just too many.

Best way to stop them is to wipe ISIS from the face of the earth, then they have nothing to run from.

Oh yeah, all those refugees will leave the cozy welfare states as soon as the war ends.. they'll run back home!


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