
Perhaps it's the brainwashing in America that's most painful to watch. Media presents blatantly contradictory stories about America's enemies, foreign and domestic that defy all logic and reason. People soak it up as though it comes from the mouth of god, digest it and regurgitate the lies to others. Global warming quietly became "climate change" and almost no one questioned why. .

America became a military superpower after they stole the Germany technologies and scientists. (e.g. Wernher Magnus Maximilian Freiherr von Braun)

Yeah, you conspiracy theorists certainly never do that.
It is clear that certain members of the American military were keen to learn Nazi secrets, as shown by this portion of a 1945 letter from Major General Hugh J. Knerr to Lieutenant General Carl Spaatz, the commander of U.S. Strategic Air Forces in Europe:

“Occupation of German scientific and industrial establishments has revealed the fact that we have been alarmingly backward in many fields of research. If we do not take this opportunity to seize the apparatus and the brains that developed it and put the combination back to work promptly, we will remain several years behind while we attempt to cover a field already exploited.”
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Yeah, you conspiracy theorists certainly never do that.

Only to the ignorant is everything that doesn't appear in the Liberal Facist press a conspiracy. The Zionist press has moulded the minds of most that refuse to think and prefer to be spoon fed manufactured news. Distracted by UFC, NFL, Survivor, NHL, Xbox and porn. Turn off your TV and put your brain to work. BTW opinions are not conspiracies, learn the meaning of words before use. University is not an option today.
Only to the ignorant is everything that doesn't appear in the Liberal Facist press a conspiracy. The Zionist press has moulded the minds of most that refuse to think and prefer to be spoon fed manufactured news. Distracted by UFC, NFL, Survivor, NHL, Xbox and porn. Turn off your TV and put your brain to work. BTW opinions are not conspiracies, learn the meaning of words before use. University is not an option today.

Put your brain to work? Like thinking? Questioning everything?

Sorry not going to believe something because it is from an alternate source. Still need solid proof, or at least some sort of logic to back it up.

So we should be skeptical of the government. But when your sources/info are questioned we are mindless, ignorant, etc.

Give me a break. Get over yourself.
Put your brain to work? Like thinking? Questioning everything?

Sorry not going to believe something because it is from an alternate source. Still need solid proof, or at least some sort of logic to back it up.

So we should be skeptical of the government. But when your sources/info are questioned we are mindless, ignorant, etc.

Give me a break. Get over yourself.

Why do you persist on everything that is alternative needs some kind of proof? You post your BS opinions and no links to the authoritive media truth that you read? B/c you don't read. Just a troll.
Why do you persist on everything that is alternative needs some kind of proof? You post your BS opinions and no links to the authoritive media truth that you read? B/c you don't read. Just a troll.

EVERYTHING im expected to believe needs proof.
I actually rarely post my opinion. I usually only ask the alternative opinion for proof...which has little.

Just a troll? Like I said name calling to those who question.
Because whatever the American government says is truth right, there is no need to question them.

No, everything I read needs proof or logic to back it up in order for me to believe it.

In the case of the original topic, im not convined either way.
EVERYTHING im expected to believe needs proof.

Could you just post an article and the proof. One that you've read and is poven to be acurate beyond any doubt, after reading the proof you provide?
This way I can satisfy your doubt by providing the type of proof you would nurture with the article.

Rarely do any news stories carry proof, they are packed with lies to get sheeple on board with the Gov. agenda. Libya, there was no proof of crimes against humanity, but there is in Isrehell, Bahrian, Syria, Algeria and Somalia. Not a NATO concern for some reason. Very rarely do the sheeple read beyond headlines or follow the after math stories because the stories are somewhere other than headline news, somewhere in the small print, several pages back. Headlies sell papers.

e.g. What happened to the terrorists that were arrested here in Canada, with a cube van full of fertilizer and were going to blow up Parliament? Big headline in the local papers and news stations. Just no follow through as to what happened to them after their trial. I followed it to the end.

Could you just post an article and the proof. One that you've read and is poven to be acurate beyond any doubt, after reading the proof you provide?
This way I can satisfy your doubt by providing the type of proof you would nurture with the article.

Rarely do any news stories carry proof, they are packed with lies to get sheeple on board with the Gov. agenda. Libya, there was no proof of crimes against humanity, but there is in Isrehell, Bahrian, Syria, Algeria and Somalia. Not a NATO concern for some reason. Very rarely do the sheeple read beyond headlines or follow the after math stories because the stories are somewhere other than headline news, somewhere in the small print, several pages back. Headlies sell papers.

e.g. What happened to the terrorists that were arrested here in Canada, with a cube van full of fertilizer and were going to blow up Parliament? Big headline in the local papers and news stations. Just no follow through as to what happened to them after their trial. I followed it to the end.


Please remind me what my point of view is?

I dont remember posting one in this thread.

But somehow you have come to the conclusion that my points are pure BS.

Wait, because I didn't quote you post along with a reply that suggested we were on the same wave length and that the common, brainwashed sheeple wouldn't understand i am automatically ignorant and stupid.

Why don't you enlighten us with some more facts. Like those about Illuminati and the alien, lizard, shape shifting creatures that run our society.
It is clear that certain members of the American military were keen to learn Nazi secrets, as shown by this portion of a 1945 letter from Major General Hugh J. Knerr to Lieutenant General Carl Spaatz, the commander of U.S. Strategic Air Forces in Europe:

“Occupation of German scientific and industrial establishments has revealed the fact that we have been alarmingly backward in many fields of research. If we do not take this opportunity to seize the apparatus and the brains that developed it and put the combination back to work promptly, we will remain several years behind while we attempt to cover a field already exploited.”

How are the above quotes a conspiracy..? It's a FACT that this was done. The three major powers (UK, USA, and USSR) had an Easter Egg hunt of sorts going in the closing year of war and the months after the collapse, for the Axis war programs and secrets. The US space program was BUILT upon German rocketry advances, and NACA (later NASA) was headed by a certain Werner Von Braun, Nazi rocketry wonder-boy. He took them to the moon, Baby!

Dec 7th, 1941 made the US an official super-power. Not the end of the war. The share of German technological advances captured by the US at the end of the war, merely cemented their relationship in the post-war world. It didn't make them a super-power in itself.

Quoting Admiral Yamamoto, a statement that he made before the attack, on the potential consequence of the attacks upon the US territory of Hawaii and it's military installations on Pearl Harbor and other interests, he recognized that the US was a nation of emmense resources and a resolute people, that made them a formidable foe. He recognized that the US, even in it's insular pre-war state, was a nation that could not be defeated just by attacks upon it's periphery.

Should hostilities once break out between Japan and the United States, it is not enough that we take Guam and the Philippines, nor even Hawaii and San Francisco. To make victory certain, we would have to march into Washington and dictate the terms of peace in the White House. I wonder if our politicians, among whom armchair arguments about war are being glibly bandied about in the name of state politics, have confidence as to the final outcome and are prepared to make the necessary sacrifices.


The US became a super-power by virtue of it's own efforts, technological advancements, industrial might, and economic strength in order to defeat it's Axis foes - not the miscellaenious war booty that came out of it. The foundations for that ascendancy were laid in the beginnings of the industrial revolution in North America, at the beginning of the century.

It sounds like you are ignorant in reading for conspiracy lurking behind every tree, at the expense of your own education.
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The US was industrialized around the turn of the century, and enjoyed a lot of prosperity in the 20s, but that doesn't mean it was a superpower. They remained an insular country with very little foreign presence until the second world war. They barely participated in the first world war, essentially being dragged into it with the sinking of the Lusitania. And they joined the second world war late, only after the bombing of pearl harbour. They didn't really want to participate in the League of Nations in the interwar years, and most people in America didn't feel they should be involved in other peoples' wars.

Well.. sorta. The Lusitania definitely played a real role of putting a public relations face on the US government decision to enter the war. However, behind the scenes, the real reason was the Zimmerman telegram - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zimmermann_Telegram

A direct threat upon it's borders, was much more effective in drawing the US into the war and out of it's isolation for the US government, than the 128 dead US passengers that were aboard that ill-fated passenger liner.
Please remind me what my point of view is?

I dont remember posting one in this thread.

But somehow you have come to the conclusion that my points are pure BS.

Wait, because I didn't quote you post along with a reply that suggested we were on the same wave length and that the common, brainwashed sheeple wouldn't understand i am automatically ignorant and stupid.

Why don't you enlighten us with some more facts. Like those about Illuminati and the alien, lizard, shape shifting creatures that run our society.

Could you just post an article and the proof. One that you've read and is poven to be acurate beyond any doubt, after reading the proof you provide?
This way I can satisfy your doubt by providing the type of proof you would nurture with the article.
How are the above quotes a conspiracy..? It's a FACT that this was done.

b/c there is no proof and some readers require proof that this is true and not some conspiracy and so I labelled as such.
b/c there is no proof and some readers require proof that this is true and not some conspiracy and so I labelled as such.


No proof? No proof of what?

No proof, to those that are ignorant and uneducated in the ways of reality, perhaps. Are you one of those?

Otherwise, those intelligence/technology gathering activities were pursued by the three major powers of the Allies. All benefited in one way or the other from Axis technological advances that came into their hands through organized 'easter egg hunts' at war's end. None of it gave the USA 'Super-power' status. That political position in the post-war world, was attained well beforehand.

That is YOUR statement in this thread, and YOU have no proof that your position is based upon reality. It's your conspiracy theory, not someone else's.

No proof, to those that are ignorant and uneducated in the ways of reality, perhaps. Are you one of those?

My sentiment exactly, but there are kids that put all articles on trial for the reasons you mentioned. And no, I'm not one of them, I posted the articles b/c as you indicated they are known fact to the educated.
My sentiment exactly, but there are kids that put all articles on trial for the reasons you mentioned. And no, I'm not one of them, I posted the articles b/c as you indicated they are known fact to the educated.

The facts, and those articles that you have posted to show proof of your assertion that:

America became a military superpower after they stole the Germany technologies and scientists. (e.g. Wernher Magnus Maximilian Freiherr von Braun)

are full of horse-poop. While they are based loosely upon established facts of what occurred inside Germany during the war years, and how the victors benefited, the rest of it is filled with baseless conjecture, baseless leaps of logic with no evidence behind them, and many erroneous facts used by the author, backing up at best, a conspiracy article of delusion.

Foo-fighters? flying saucers manned by people in black 'SS' uniforms kidnapping US citizens 16 years after the war ended, The US got three Atom bombs from Germany? ... come on. The strains of the Twilight Zone theme are playing quite loud inside your 'proof', don't you think?
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The facts, and those articles that you have posted to show proof of your assertion that:

America became a military superpower after they stole the Germany technologies and scientists. (e.g. Wernher Magnus Maximilian Freiherr von Braun)

are full of horse-poop. While they are based loosely upon established facts of what occurred inside Germany during the war years, and how the victors benefited, the rest of it is filled with baseless conjecture, baseless leaps of logic with no evidence behind them, and erroneous facts backing up at best, a conspiracy article of delusion.

Foo-fighters? The US got the Atom bomb from Germany? ... come on.

Guide me to the truth. I look forward to reading you links.
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