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The Chinese Cozy Up to the Pakistanis

WARNING: Not for the politically illiterate

i actually found this (somewhat related) article in that source to be more interesting:


as far as chinese economic hegemony goes, it doesn't surprise me at all. china will eclipse the u.s. in global economic strength within our lifetimes, and will do so without ever needing to use its military might, any religious imprimatur, or political ideology.
i actually found this (somewhat related) article in that source to be more interesting:


as far as chinese economic hegemony goes, it doesn't surprise me at all. china will eclipse the u.s. in global economic strength within our lifetimes, and will do so without ever needing to use its military might, any religious imprimatur, or political ideology.

Keep in mind that the USA has only been a superpower for about 60 years. The "West", as we define it, has only been the driving force in world development for the last 200-300 years. These are very short periods of time in human history. For the vast majority of the history of civilization, economic power was held in the Far East. India's and China's history of economic development goes back thousands of years, not hundreds. Maybe we'll go back to the normal state of affairs within our lifetimes...
Keep in mind that the USA has only been a superpower for about 60 years. The "West", as we define it, has only been the driving force in world development for the last 200-300 years. These are very short periods of time in human history. For the vast majority of the history of civilization, economic power was held in the Far East. India's and China's history of economic development goes back thousands of years, not hundreds. Maybe we'll go back to the normal state of affairs within our lifetimes...

as a global superpower, i think it might be a bit longer than 60 years for the u.s. they industrialized and were nascent by the '20s, pushing a political and economic ideology through the western hemisphere. ww2 and the cold war focused then diversified their geopolitical interests.

yes, historical time has a way of truncating events. the 1900s was the american century. i imagine the 2000s will be the chinese-indian century.
as a global superpower, i think it might be a bit longer than 60 years for the u.s. they industrialized and were nascent by the '20s, pushing a political and economic ideology through the western hemisphere. ww2 and the cold war focused then diversified their geopolitical interests.

yes, historical time has a way of truncating events. the 1900s was the american century. i imagine the 2000s will be the chinese-indian century.

The US was industrialized around the turn of the century, and enjoyed a lot of prosperity in the 20s, but that doesn't mean it was a superpower. They remained an insular country with very little foreign presence until the second world war. They barely participated in the first world war, essentially being dragged into it with the sinking of the Lusitania. And they joined the second world war late, only after the bombing of pearl harbour. They didn't really want to participate in the League of Nations in the interwar years, and most people in America didn't feel they should be involved in other peoples' wars.

They didn't have much military presence in other countries, weren't involved in international affairs, and didn't even export all that much, so they weren't so much of an economic superpower. The second world war changed everything, and it was only through that experience that they became a superpower.

You would have never called 1920s - 1930s America "a superpower". Land of opportunity, maybe, but not superpower.
The US was industrialized around the turn of the century, and enjoyed a lot of prosperity in the 20s, but that doesn't mean it was a superpower. They remained an insular country with very little foreign presence until the second world war. They barely participated in the first world war, essentially being dragged into it with the sinking of the Lusitania. And they joined the second world war late, only after the bombing of pearl harbour. They didn't really want to participate in the League of Nations in the interwar years, and most people in America didn't feel they should be involved in other peoples' wars.

They didn't have much military presence in other countries, weren't involved in international affairs, and didn't even export all that much, so they weren't so much of an economic superpower. The second world war changed everything, and it was only through that experience that they became a superpower.

You would have never called 1920s - 1930s America "a superpower". Land of opportunity, maybe, but not superpower.

if you look at their spreading influence throughout central and south america, beginning with the monroe doctrine, you'd see an almost wholesale replacement of european influence with an american hegemony by the '20s. further, the u.s. had considerable economic clout given the debt owed to them by all sides following the first world war.

i don't think there was any question that by the '20s that the u.s. had arrived as a global power.

but perhaps that's just my .02 cents
Perhaps it's the brainwashing in America that's most painful to watch. Media presents blatantly contradictory stories about America's enemies, foreign and domestic that defy all logic and reason. People soak it up as though it comes from the mouth of god, digest it and regurgitate the lies to others. Global warming quietly became "climate change" and almost no one questioned why. .

America became a military superpower after they stole the Germany technologies and scientists. (e.g. Wernher Magnus Maximilian Freiherr von Braun)
Perhaps it's the brainwashing in America that's most painful to watch. Media presents blatantly contradictory stories about America's enemies, foreign and domestic that defy all logic and reason. People soak it up as though it comes from the mouth of god, digest it and regurgitate the lies to others. Global warming quietly became "climate change" and almost no one questioned why. .

America became a military superpower after they stole the Germany technologies and scientists. (e.g. Wernher Magnus Maximilian Freiherr von Braun)

Yeah, you conspiracy theorists certainly never do that.
It is clear that certain members of the American military were keen to learn Nazi secrets, as shown by this portion of a 1945 letter from Major General Hugh J. Knerr to Lieutenant General Carl Spaatz, the commander of U.S. Strategic Air Forces in Europe:

“Occupation of German scientific and industrial establishments has revealed the fact that we have been alarmingly backward in many fields of research. If we do not take this opportunity to seize the apparatus and the brains that developed it and put the combination back to work promptly, we will remain several years behind while we attempt to cover a field already exploited.”
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Yeah, you conspiracy theorists certainly never do that.

Only to the ignorant is everything that doesn't appear in the Liberal Facist press a conspiracy. The Zionist press has moulded the minds of most that refuse to think and prefer to be spoon fed manufactured news. Distracted by UFC, NFL, Survivor, NHL, Xbox and porn. Turn off your TV and put your brain to work. BTW opinions are not conspiracies, learn the meaning of words before use. University is not an option today.
Only to the ignorant is everything that doesn't appear in the Liberal Facist press a conspiracy. The Zionist press has moulded the minds of most that refuse to think and prefer to be spoon fed manufactured news. Distracted by UFC, NFL, Survivor, NHL, Xbox and porn. Turn off your TV and put your brain to work. BTW opinions are not conspiracies, learn the meaning of words before use. University is not an option today.

Put your brain to work? Like thinking? Questioning everything?

Sorry not going to believe something because it is from an alternate source. Still need solid proof, or at least some sort of logic to back it up.

So we should be skeptical of the government. But when your sources/info are questioned we are mindless, ignorant, etc.

Give me a break. Get over yourself.
Put your brain to work? Like thinking? Questioning everything?

Sorry not going to believe something because it is from an alternate source. Still need solid proof, or at least some sort of logic to back it up.

So we should be skeptical of the government. But when your sources/info are questioned we are mindless, ignorant, etc.

Give me a break. Get over yourself.

Why do you persist on everything that is alternative needs some kind of proof? You post your BS opinions and no links to the authoritive media truth that you read? B/c you don't read. Just a troll.
Why do you persist on everything that is alternative needs some kind of proof? You post your BS opinions and no links to the authoritive media truth that you read? B/c you don't read. Just a troll.

EVERYTHING im expected to believe needs proof.
I actually rarely post my opinion. I usually only ask the alternative opinion for proof...which has little.

Just a troll? Like I said name calling to those who question.
Because whatever the American government says is truth right, there is no need to question them.

No, everything I read needs proof or logic to back it up in order for me to believe it.

In the case of the original topic, im not convined either way.

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