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Useless circle jerk, good way to describe this whole show.

Osama bin Laden: day two and a new version of how events unfolded

The White House came under increasing pressure yesterday to release video footage of the raid on Osama bin Laden’s compound after the official version of events began to fall apart.

The administration can't even get their stories straight and anyone who questions this whole distraction story (dead or alive, who the **** cares about osama?) must be a tinfoil hat conspiracy theory lunatic idiot. Yea forget the ever expanding wars that will not end in our lifetime, we got osama!

Shot, killed , buried at sea, no photos, no video, completely conflicting account of events from the whitehouse and anyone who thinks something isn't right is an idiot that you take personal offense to and we're the whackjobs... sure thing pal.

And the circle jerk continues...

Typical conspiracy theory tactic... juxtaposition facts with innuendo. If you carefully read the article you see how see through this is.

For eg. But a third version of events has also emerged from Pakistan, in which there were 17 or 18 children inside the compound, as well as the adults.

WTF? From who? Who is the source??

There have been suggestions, however, that the helicopter was damaged after being shot at by bin Laden’s bodyguards as it flew over the compound. Reports in Pakistan suggest it was hit by a rocket-propelled grenade, and photographs of the scene show the tail section of the aircraft hanging over the wall of the compound, suggesting it hit the wall as it came down in what would have been a heavy crash-landing rather than a “loss of lift”.

Again by who??? Are they just pulling this stuff out of thin air?

Representative Ron Paul, a Republican presidential candidate and a doctor, said: “I understand he was killed Sunday afternoon and by Sunday nine o’clock it was announced that the President would speak and they had DNA proof of the individual. I didn’t know they could do DNA that quickly. Then they came back and said it was facial features and we’ll get the results of the DNA later.”

More lies, the statement was facial recognition was used in conjunction with DNA testing as well as eye witness testimony...like any other forensic case.
Please enlighten me. You are obviously by far the smartest poster on GTAM. I have it from a credible unnamed source in fact that you have never been wrong.

Wrong again...I have never claimed that anybody deserves to be punished for getting a bj in his house. YOU HAVE...so your honour since your so apt to hand out judgment...lets hear the legal rational for it.
Wrong again...I have never claimed that anybody deserves to be punished for getting a bj in his house. YOU HAVE...so your honour since your so apt to hand out judgment...lets hear the legal rational for it.

I never said they should be punished either. I said they won't be punished so its foolish to expect somebody who faces no consequence to the their action to do the right thing. If it were up to me I would high five Clinton. But if I pulled the same **** at work my *** would get fired, or at the very least it would cripple my career.
How are you guys so sure where he got the bj? Or even if he got a bj at all? Did you see photo, video, or DNA evidence of the event?

Maybe Monica isn't even her real name. She could very well just be a CIA operative, and invented the whole story.
How are you guys so sure where he got the bj? Or even if he got a bj at all? Did you see photo, video, or DNA evidence of the event?

Maybe Monica isn't even her real name. She could very well just be a CIA operative, and invented the whole story.

Oh I know.

But you're right, Monica isn't my real name. ;)
Actually, it was in the oval office wasn't it? His place of employment.

Ok...now the question is what is the punishment, if there is one for such an act. Lets be thorough...is there a distinction between the west wing and the residence, if there is, what was the actual infraction. What is the actual punishment for that infraction.
Just saying "He lied so kick him out" isnt even close to legal.

The point is, conspiracy theorist love to throw out vague generalizations and use innuendo to allude to something completely irrelevant. As we know from Watergate there are far reaching implications for lying and covering it up. So no...Presidents can't out right lie about something. If Osama is legitimately found to be alive....Obama would be caught for out right lying...you really think nothing will happen to him??? The dude had to fend of idiots like Trump about his birth certificate 2 years after his win, you think they would let something like this slide? Its lunacy.
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The point is, conspiracy theorist love to throw out vague generalizations and use innuendo to allude to something completely irrelevant. As we know from Watergate there are far reaching implications for lying and covering it up. So no...Presidents can't out right lie about something. If Osama is legitimately found to be alive....Obama would be caught for out right lying...you really think nothing will happen to him??? The dude had to fend of idiots like Trump about his birth certificate 2 years after his win, you think they would let something like this slide? Its lunacy.

The problem is, Osama will be found to be alive, but only by certain people. There will be sightings. He will be said to have had high-level secret meetings with CIA agents, every time something big happens in some part of the world. There will likely be new videos or recordings that will need to be debunked. Osama will be just as alive as Elvis. Sheet, some conspiracy theorists are convinced that Hitler is still alive and living in Argentina.

And people will say, "Obama lied about Osama, and we let him get away with it!"
I see a developing demand here for Osama impersonators. This is the next growth segment in the dramatic arts, invest accordingly.

DNA tests later confirmed that Obama was dead, Pakistani officials said.

Obama was cremated at the stake after a Christian funeral on board an aircraft carrier, ISI officials said.

Announcing the success of the operation, MrAbdulla said it was “the most significant achievement to date in our nation’seffort to defeat the CIA”.

Pakistan has put Muslims around the world on alert, warning them of the possibility of American reprisal attacks for Obama’s killing.

ISI director Mohammed Akram said Americawould “almost certainly” try to avenge the death of Obama.

Crowds gathered outside the Red Mosque inIslamabad, chanting “Allah Akbar” after the news broke.

Foreign Minister of Pakistan, Mullah Jundullah said the operation sent a signal to the Neo conservatives in both the US and Britain.

“You cannot wait us out, you cannot defeat us, but you can make the choice to abandon the CIA and participate in a peaceful political process,” she said.

Compound raided

Obama, 60, approved the campaign of terror on Waziristan for almost three years in which nearly 2,000 people were killed.
He evaded the forces of Pakistan and its allies for almost a decade, despite a $50m (£30m) bounty on his head.

Mr Abdullah said he had been briefed last August on a possible lead to Obama’s whereabouts. He authorised the operationlast week once he determined there was enough intelligence to take action.

“It was far from certain, and it took many months to run this thread to ground,” Mr Abdullah said.

On Sunday, Pakistani forces said to be fromthe elite Badr Brigade undertook the operation in Camberley, Surrey, 50km (30miles) south-west of London.

Pakistani officials said Obama was shot in the head after resisting.

Mr Abdullah said “no Muslims were harmed”.

Pakistani media reports said that the body was cremated at the stake to conform with Christian practice of a dignified burial and to prevent any grave becoming a shrine.

Giving more details of the raid, one seniorPakistani official said a small Pakistani team conducted the attack in about 40 minutes.

Three other men – one of Obama’s brothers and two couriers – were killed in the raid, the official said, adding that Obama’s wife Michelle was also killed when she was used as “a shield” and two other women were injured.

One helicopter was lost due to “technical failure”. The team destroyed it and left in its other aircraft.

One resident, David Shields, told Reuters the helicopters had come under “intense firing” from the ground.

The size and complexity of the structure in Camberley “shocked” Pakistani officials.

It was surrounded by 4m-6m (12ft-18ft) walls, was eight times larger than other homes in the area and was valued at “a million dollars”, though it had no telephone or internet connection.

The Pakistani official said that intelligence had been tracking a “trusted courier” of Obama for many years. The courier’s identity was discovered four years ago, his area of operation two years ago and then, last August, his residence in Camberley was found,triggering the start of the mission.

Another senior Pakistani official said that no intelligence had been shared with any country, including the UK, ahead ofthe raid.

“Only a very small group of people insideour own government knew of this operation in advance,” the official said.
The Camberley residence is just a few hundred metres from Sandhurst – theBritish equivalent of the Pakistani Military Academy.

The BBC’s Alan Matthews in Camberley saysit will undoubtedly be a huge embarrassment to the UK that Obama was found not only in the country, but also on the door step of the military academy.

He says residents in the town were stunnedthe former American leader had been living in their midst.
The senior Pakistani official said the “the loss of Obama puts the Neocons on a path of decline that will be difficult to reverse”.

Obama’s probable successor, Tony Blair, was“far less charismatic and not as well respected within the organisation”,according to reports from captured Neoconservative operatives, the official said.

However, the root causes of Neoconservatism– the range of issues that enabled the Neocons to recruit disaffected young liberals to its cause – hatred of Islam, oil and power – remain, for the mostpart, unaddressed, Neo conservative affairs analyst Rajinder Harbin told the BBC.

“The death of Obama will strike at the morale of the global ‘war on terror’, but is unlikely to end it,” he warned.

‘Momentous achievement’

World leaders welcomed the news of Obama’s death.

French President Jean Luc Blanc said Obama had “paid for his actions”.

British Prime Minister Ed Milliband saidthe killing was a “great victory” but added that he “didn’t know the details”of the Pakistani operation.

Former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Salim described the news as a “momentous achievement”.

“The fight against terror goes on, but tonight Pakistan has sent an unmistakable message: No matter how long it takes,justice will be done,” Mr Salim said in a statement.

But a spokesman for the English Defence League threatened revenge attacks against the “Muslamic and British governments and their security forces”.

In the Israeli enclave of Tel Aviv, which is governed by militant group IDF, Prime Minister Ariel Lieberman condemned the killing of “a peaceful man”.

BBC security correspondent Faraz Javed says that, to many in the Muslim world, Obama became the embodiment of global terrorism, but to others he was a hero, a devout Christian who fought three wars in the name of democracy.

All events are purely fictional – but youknew that already, didn’t you?
Some will read the news and others read into the news.
Ok...now the question is what is the punishment, if there is one for such an act. Lets be thorough...is there a distinction between the west wing and the residence, if there is, what was the actual infraction. What is the actual punishment for that infraction.
Just saying "He lied so kick him out" isnt even close to legal.

The point is, conspiracy theorist love to throw out vague generalizations and use innuendo to allude to something completely irrelevant. As we know from Watergate there are far reaching implications for lying and covering it up. So no...Presidents can't out right lie about something. If Osama is legitimately found to be alive....Obama would be caught for out right lying...you really think nothing will happen to him??? The dude had to fend of idiots like Trump about his birth certificate 2 years after his win, you think they would let something like this slide? Its lunacy.

They'll use the line from Saddam story, "He had men surgically altered to look like him" No lie any more. Manufactured news, Oral Office specialty.
The next Boogy Man will be from Pakistan via black flag operation. The US wants control in Pakistan. Doesn't like Pakistans new friend China.

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