Only 50% of men would dump a chick if she got fat.

Again the issue is that FATHERS who are DADS have to FIGHT for rights in the courts where as mothers who see the kids as $$$$ get a free pass. There should be more 50/50 splits of shared custody and $$ accordingly. That should be the starting point not mothers get all the rights and fathers have to beg.

Actually no... the issue here was a magazine reminded us how shallow we as humans can be.

Ill take up your points in order from less significant to more important.
A) I cant say that every mother who has full custody and has to work her bum off to support her child had a choice in this but i can tell you than many (if not most) women choose to get full custody (in many cases to despite the man) and then are left in the financial gridlock and cant afford to pay for everything and have to work all the time. well this way the kid has no present parent where as if she shared custody 50/50 the father would be alot more involved and the kid would have both parents present and much more often. This way the father would have more insentive to want to be involved both emotionally and financially because this way he actually has a child. So in many case the woman chooses to take it all up on her own and ends up struggling through it and consequently hurting the kid.

B) you mentioned the deadbeat dads. I love how you chose the extreme ends (the perfect mother who works her bum off VS the dead beat dad). I would like to inform you that just the same, there are many trashy whores who call themselves moms and hang out at cougar bars and have a different man over all the time and many amazing fathers who would love to be a part of their child but law forbids them to. So dont just point out the case that works for your argument.

C) This is the most important part. What you said about court not being biased. This is (no offense) the bigges BS i hear from women. I am witnessing (and no not myself) a case where the father is in a much much better place mentally, physically and financially and has been trying for the past few years to have some custody of the kid and he cant. And i know this case like my own brother so i know all the details. He fathered the child with a woman 10 years ago by accident and of course she "chose" to keep the baby (which men also have no legal rights in this regard and have to sit on the side line and just pay for it for the rest of their lives when it cmoes to the topic of abortion but i wont get into that). The woman also had another child from another man who wasnt around anymore. 10 years later, the father is a Captain for emirate airlines (which im sure you all know is the most prestigious airline in the world). He does not drink or smoke. Is very athletic (used to be a personal trainer). Has been successfully married for 9 years now and has a few properties in Oakville and GTA all together. Has no criminal record and personally knowing him, is a great guy (which i know is only my opinion). On the contrary, the woman is a smoker who has been to AA meetings a few time. She lives off of welfare. Has been ordered to Anger management classes and during the last school year, send the child to school almost only HALF of the school days. The father has paid hefty prices for best lawyers and still nothing. I know it sounds like im exaggerating but i honeslty am not. These are all facts of this case and i did not leave anything out unmentioned
I didnt mean to bore you all but tihs is only the most recent case amongst many others.
So you tell me how "unbiased" our legal system is.
The woman gets everything by default and the man HAS to fight for it and in most cases ends up loosing anyways. We have a very sexist legal system who keeps with the slogans of "equality" and in practice treats women as victims no matter what the case might be.

Learn how to READ…. I said I agree with the courts being biased LMAO…. You’ve really got your blinders on dontcha *Pets head* youll be ok don’t worry.

Yes the legal system is biased but its those individual women who are pushing for what they get.

Also I grew up the result of a split marriage and can’t count on both hands the number of airplane lavs I ran to so I wouldn’t be bawling in my seat. It blew.. big time… BUT I also can now see the positive impact it had on my life. I am a stronger person that some of my peers by age. I’ve been taking care of myself since I was 12. Paying bills since I was 16. I know life can shake me stir me and royally **** me up the *** and ok yeah I might be spilling tears but I’ll be standing there with my fists up going “ bring it!”

So about the deadbeat dads… you also didn’t read the part where I know deadbeat moms…. LOL ok rereading your post is making me laugh… yes I picked points to suit my argument.. yep ahuh… try reading every word I posted not every other word. By the way I know dads who bring home a different girl every night… hows that any different than a mom doing the same? And what happens if the mom brings home another mom or a dad brings home another dad? You wanna talk about all the points… lets bring up gay parents…. Ever see what their court cases are like? You wanna see unfair….

I feel bad for your brother… I feel bad for my friends (I have seen it with several friends btw… Im not just talking from knowing one person but several in the same issue both men and women) Hell I got one friend and her husband fighting to keep his daughters mom from running off to Germany….
But look at both sides. Look whos causing the issue here… your brothers baby momma, not the courts. They aren’t helping agreed, but shes the one pushing to get all that **** from your brother.
I've told women to shape up or ship out in relationships... i refuse to date girls who don't do a thing to stay fit... its preference. shallow? perhaps. I consider it disrespectful if you 'let yourself go' in a relationship.... fitness is such a massive part of my life that in my experience it just WILL NOT work if my significant other doesn't display a similar interest/passion... She'll never truly understand or support me and after the honeymoon phase is over, that leads to big problems.

I don't expect a woman to be a gym rat nutrition freak like me, but a little effort goes a long way.

Oh and these surveys are all BS anyway, tons of people (women) do not answer completely truthfully for fear of being labelled as superficial or shallow
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Wow. Therapy? Some of you need full on in-patient rehab for a very long time!!!!

I pray none of your spouses ever get sick and have to take a steroid that packs on weight with absolutely no hope of working it off (until you're off the medication). I pray that none of your spouses ever get a disease that leaves them sickly and bony.

But most of all, I pray that some of you never find a spouse because you people are messed up!
Where do you find these chicks???

I've had bad or frustrating dating experiences, but nothing like this.

You have no idea. One of them called the cops of me because her friend saw me with a female friend hanging out and I wasn't picking up her calls. Told the cops I assaulted her. Luckily I was able to prove that at the time I was no where near her place since I had movie tickets & witnesses at the time she claimed this happened. Seriously who the **** does this?!

I don't get into serious relationships anymore. I can't afford it. I don't want to go to jail.
Wow. Therapy? Some of you need full on in-patient rehab for a very long time!!!!

I pray none of your spouses ever get sick and have to take a steroid that packs on weight with absolutely no hope of working it off (until you're off the medication). I pray that none of your spouses ever get a disease that leaves them sickly and bony.

But most of all, I pray that some of you never find a spouse because you people are messed up!

What steroid is this? Got any hookups?

Drugs do not make you 'pack on weight'. Alter you dietary habits accordingly and you won't magically gain 30 pounds. Too many people blame too many things when a simple tweak to their eating habits is all that is required.

Calories in vs calories burned. It's simple.
What steroid is this? Got any hookups?

Drugs do not make you 'pack on weight'. Alter you dietary habits accordingly and you won't magically gain 30 pounds. Too many people blame too many things when a simple tweak to their eating habits is all that is required.

Calories in vs calories burned. It's simple.

You have no idea what you're talking about. Prednisone. Look it up.
meh its all good, enough brothers and chubby chasers out there for you to "bounce" back. CrazyKell just needs a hook up and to be less crazy.
You have no idea what you're talking about. Prednisone. Look it up.

Many people are unpleasantly surprised to discover that a course of prednisone could cause significant weight gain. Prednisone weight gain is multifactorial, with the typical contributors being fluid retention, an increase in calorie consumption, and a decrease in physical activity.

Prednisone causes the body to retain sodium (salt) and lose potassium. This combination can result in fluid retention, weight gain, and bloating. Measures that can be used to avoid fluid retention in the first place are eating a reduced sodium diet and increasing potassium intake through potassium-rich foods (such as bananas, cantaloupe, grapefruit, and lima beans).

Higher calorie consumption is also typical while taking prednisone because the drug can cause an increase in appetite. Some tips to avoid gaining weight include decreasing calories consumed each day, decreasing dietary fat, and eating several small meals a day instead of 3 large ones.

Many people are taking prednisone due to an inflammatory condition or a chronic condition. These health problems often make physical activity more difficult. When possible, exercise can help prevent or lessen the weight gain from prednisone. Talk to your doctor about starting a fitness regimen that can not only help you lose prednisone weight, but can also keep you healthier in the long run.

Prednisone can also cause the redistribution of fat, which makes even a small amount weight gain more intolerable. The weight gained during prednisone therapy tends to be located in the face, back of the neck, and the abdomen.

The good news is that this side effect tends to reverse when the dosage of prednisone is taken below 10 mg/day. The fluid retention and increased appetite will decrease. Any weight gain, however, will not reverse itself right away. Sticking to a healthful eating plan and getting regular exercise will be needed to take off the pounds. It will be easier to do both of these things when the underlying condition for which the prednisone was prescribed is either resolved or under control.

Your physician can recommend the best diet and fitness plan that works with your particular lifestyle and any medical conditions. Unfortunately, there is no easy road to weight loss, which is why so many diet plans and pills that promise a quick weight loss.

The best way to lose weight, however, is still through a healthy lifestyle: reducing calorie consumption and getting regular exercise. Weight loss should be slow and steady to give the best chance of losing the pounds permanently.


Lupus Foundation of America. "Treatment for Lupus." Lupus Foundation of America, Inc. 2007 13 Mar 2007.

Johns Hopkins Vasculitis Center. "Treatments—Prednisone." Johns Hopkins Vasculitis Center, Division of Rheumatology 2006. 13 Mar 2007.

Fusco, Robert D, MD. "All About Prednisone." Three Rivers Endoscopy Center 2007. 13 Mar 2007
Anyway, my original post about dumping chicks who gain weight wasn't due to medical reasons. If someone has cancer or a serious medical issue, that's a bit different than just being a lazy *** who becomes complacent and doesn't care about looking good anymore.

I still do not subscribe to the rationalization that drugs are the sole reason for weight gain. Can you live the same lifestyle you did, before taking the drug? No, you probably cannot. Life requires us to change and make adaptations. Deal with it.
I can quote stuff from the internet too!

[h=3]Weight Gain[/h]Weight gain is usually the most dreaded side–effects of steroid use, incurred to some degree by nearly all patients who take them. The amount of weight gain varies from individual to individual. In addition to causing weight gain, prednisone leads to a redistribution of body fat to places that are undesirable, particularly the face, back of the neck, and abdomen. Pictured below is a example of redistribution of body fat to the back of the neck. Accumulation of fat in this area is sometimes referred to as a “buffalo hump”.


Let me tell you, fighting a potentially fatal disease, while gaining weight due to Prednisone, and still trying to live your life and keep your family together........."losing" weight was probably the last thing on my mother's mind. Thank god she had a supportive husband who didn't bail at the first sign of a couple of extra pounds. 20 years later she's still alive and in the best shape of her life.
And no she didn't eat crap (healthiest eater I know) but with a family to support and a house to run I guess she didn't have time to devote to all of your so called remedies. Oh ya, all the while fighting that pesky disease that nearly took her life.
My fiancé and I had this discussion last night. Medical issues are acceptable but being lazy and eating garbadge you can leave there's the door. Were both in good shape, eat well, and I work out, she doesn't have time and I understand that. However if you gain 30lbs because your lazy your damn right I'm not going to be happy and I wouldn't expect her to be any different. Her sister gained atleast 40lbs after one kid and just packed on a few more after the second and says her knees are too weak so she can't exercise to loose weight.....eating bags of chips and only drinking pop is her "diet". If that were my wife chicken and vegtables are all you get anything else and that's 2 laps around the block! Don't like it there's another! lap!! I also saw my 1 year old nephew eat a piece of ice cream cake that was bigger than mine! And it was his second piece that day!!! WTF and people wonder why their kids are fat.
I can quote stuff from the internet too!


Let me tell you, fighting a potentially fatal disease, while gaining weight due to Prednisone, and still trying to live your life and keep your family together........."losing" weight was probably the last thing on my mother's mind. Thank god she had a supportive husband who didn't bail at the first sign of a couple of extra pounds. 20 years later she's still alive and in the best shape of her life.
And no she didn't eat crap (healthiest eater I know) but with a family to support and a house to run I guess she didn't have time to devote to all of your so called remedies. Oh ya, all the while fighting that pesky disease that nearly took her life.

Thanks, you proven my point.
Thanks, you proven my point.

I guess you didn't quite understand that all of your "remedies" likely would've been useless in the case of Prednisone for someone who eats a healthy diet and does moderate exercise.

Look whos causing the issue here… your brothers baby momma, not the courts. They aren’t helping agreed, but shes the one pushing to get all that **** from your brother.

There wouldn't be so much congestion on the 401 if we block it from vehicle traffic. Bottom line is that scum routinely gets their outrageous demands (such as crack money in the form of child support or using spousal support to take care of boyfriend/fiance) taken care of by the courts, so it's reasonable for them to expect to get what they ask for. If the courts didn't routinely allow that ****, they wouldn't be asking for it.
Anyway, my original post about dumping chicks who gain weight wasn't due to medical reasons. If someone has cancer or a serious medical issue, that's a bit different than just being a lazy *** who becomes complacent and doesn't care about looking good anymore.

I still do not subscribe to the rationalization that drugs are the sole reason for weight gain. Can you live the same lifestyle you did, before taking the drug? No, you probably cannot. Life requires us to change and make adaptations. Deal with it.

My sister had thoroid cancer and had her thoroid completely removed and is now on hormone replacement therapy for the rest of her life........she's not fat and did a fitness contest this year......where there is a will, there is a way.

Not saying that eveyrone needs to be into fitness and I sure as hell don't only date gym rats or rail thin girls for that matter but I take care of myself so I expect at least a little effort from the other side too. Gaining 20 lbs cause of pregnancy or cause of some medical condition, or even cause the girl is going through a rough patch (someone in family died, etc.) is completely acceptable as long as she is putting in a little effort to loose it back or at least the intention of loosing it in the near up and saying "screw it, I dont' care any more=" is not. It says a lot about your personality too. I don't want to date a quiter with no drive. And this goes for all faucets of life.
Problem with that is people change, who you pick today will not be the same person tmro. Family life and believes died with our parents and grandperants.
Its just easier to get a divorce now then to work at fixing a marriage. Society has warped the image of married life, marriage is hard. Its a constant struggle to stay afloat dealing with bills and kids and inlaws.
Watching your unmarried friends going out and having fun while your stuck at home breastfeeding or putting in overtime.
Our parents and grandperents were not warped by the reality of what raising a family is all about. Kids these days throw the word love around like its candy. They have no idea what its about...
Its not the younger gererations fault, its society in general. Im divorced, what kind of example am I setting for my kids? That its ok?
Marriage is about sticking it out when its at its worst. True love is watching your child being born and knowing you would give your life in a second for them.
Everything esle is BULL.
Dont hold your breath waiting on true love, it rarely last longer then past your moneymoon.

I disagree, and put my money where my mouth is by buying an engagement ring last month.

I'm lucky to be with a very intelligent, strong, caring woman from a great family. She's not bad on the eyes either. We don't have any illusions of an easy life together - we're both broke, apart during the week when she's at school, and both remember what it was like for our folks when they battled financial issues, stress and balancing work and home life.

I'm more than willing to roll the dice and commit to her. Who knows what will happen?

Good luck to you, hope you find what you're looking for. Be selective in picking your next mate.
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