Again the issue is that FATHERS who are DADS have to FIGHT for rights in the courts where as mothers who see the kids as $$$$ get a free pass. There should be more 50/50 splits of shared custody and $$ accordingly. That should be the starting point not mothers get all the rights and fathers have to beg.
Actually no... the issue here was a magazine reminded us how shallow we as humans can be.
Ill take up your points in order from less significant to more important.
A) I cant say that every mother who has full custody and has to work her bum off to support her child had a choice in this but i can tell you than many (if not most) women choose to get full custody (in many cases to despite the man) and then are left in the financial gridlock and cant afford to pay for everything and have to work all the time. well this way the kid has no present parent where as if she shared custody 50/50 the father would be alot more involved and the kid would have both parents present and much more often. This way the father would have more insentive to want to be involved both emotionally and financially because this way he actually has a child. So in many case the woman chooses to take it all up on her own and ends up struggling through it and consequently hurting the kid.
B) you mentioned the deadbeat dads. I love how you chose the extreme ends (the perfect mother who works her bum off VS the dead beat dad). I would like to inform you that just the same, there are many trashy whores who call themselves moms and hang out at cougar bars and have a different man over all the time and many amazing fathers who would love to be a part of their child but law forbids them to. So dont just point out the case that works for your argument.
C) This is the most important part. What you said about court not being biased. This is (no offense) the bigges BS i hear from women. I am witnessing (and no not myself) a case where the father is in a much much better place mentally, physically and financially and has been trying for the past few years to have some custody of the kid and he cant. And i know this case like my own brother so i know all the details. He fathered the child with a woman 10 years ago by accident and of course she "chose" to keep the baby (which men also have no legal rights in this regard and have to sit on the side line and just pay for it for the rest of their lives when it cmoes to the topic of abortion but i wont get into that). The woman also had another child from another man who wasnt around anymore. 10 years later, the father is a Captain for emirate airlines (which im sure you all know is the most prestigious airline in the world). He does not drink or smoke. Is very athletic (used to be a personal trainer). Has been successfully married for 9 years now and has a few properties in Oakville and GTA all together. Has no criminal record and personally knowing him, is a great guy (which i know is only my opinion). On the contrary, the woman is a smoker who has been to AA meetings a few time. She lives off of welfare. Has been ordered to Anger management classes and during the last school year, send the child to school almost only HALF of the school days. The father has paid hefty prices for best lawyers and still nothing. I know it sounds like im exaggerating but i honeslty am not. These are all facts of this case and i did not leave anything out unmentioned
I didnt mean to bore you all but tihs is only the most recent case amongst many others.
So you tell me how "unbiased" our legal system is.
The woman gets everything by default and the man HAS to fight for it and in most cases ends up loosing anyways. We have a very sexist legal system who keeps with the slogans of "equality" and in practice treats women as victims no matter what the case might be.
Learn how to READ…. I said I agree with the courts being biased LMAO…. You’ve really got your blinders on dontcha *Pets head* youll be ok don’t worry.
Yes the legal system is biased but its those individual women who are pushing for what they get.
Also I grew up the result of a split marriage and can’t count on both hands the number of airplane lavs I ran to so I wouldn’t be bawling in my seat. It blew.. big time… BUT I also can now see the positive impact it had on my life. I am a stronger person that some of my peers by age. I’ve been taking care of myself since I was 12. Paying bills since I was 16. I know life can shake me stir me and royally **** me up the *** and ok yeah I might be spilling tears but I’ll be standing there with my fists up going “ bring it!”
So about the deadbeat dads… you also didn’t read the part where I know deadbeat moms…. LOL ok rereading your post is making me laugh… yes I picked points to suit my argument.. yep ahuh… try reading every word I posted not every other word. By the way I know dads who bring home a different girl every night… hows that any different than a mom doing the same? And what happens if the mom brings home another mom or a dad brings home another dad? You wanna talk about all the points… lets bring up gay parents…. Ever see what their court cases are like? You wanna see unfair….
I feel bad for your brother… I feel bad for my friends (I have seen it with several friends btw… Im not just talking from knowing one person but several in the same issue both men and women) Hell I got one friend and her husband fighting to keep his daughters mom from running off to Germany….
But look at both sides. Look whos causing the issue here… your brothers baby momma, not the courts. They aren’t helping agreed, but shes the one pushing to get all that **** from your brother.