Exactly. Most breeds now have been so messed with genetically for "show" that they can't perform their original duty. I work with retreivers, and there is a big difference in these fat, heavy, slow show labradors and the more true to original muscular, slim, fast working dogs. A show dog would die (literally, that have a fatigue issue) trying to keep up to a working dog in the brush.
I hunt Coyote in southern Ontario (Norfolk County). They are big enough there. 50lbs of coyote is nasty. Think, every day that thing is out there surviving by being tough and smart. Your dog gets regular meals it doesn't have to work for and lays around all day.
I don't bring my lab out coyote hunting, too much risk. Coyotes are known to take smaller dogs that are JR sized. And now with them breeding with people's pets, you're getting Coyotes that are bolder and not afraid of people.
Yes, it was a hard winter, but I doubt it has thinned the numbers, with all the other dead critters around they had lots of food.
Had a pretty good coyote season, even on the really cold days they were still out moving around.