Off leash dog complaints

It's a really bad idea for you to try and confront the person who made the complaint. I don't think they want to talk to you about it. What you might say may not appear to be confrontational to you and you would consider "civilized" it might not to the other person.

Just let it go. Move on and don't break the law.

For ajaxguy, all this topic is emotionally charged.. this "civilized conversation" is going to end being a shouting match and the police being called and etc. etc.

It is a bad idea to go into a confrontation! Much easier and cheaper to pay the fines, and any other future tickets...
again thanks for the replies, either good or bad ones. Not much more to say here, plus yes I may get in trouble for what I say because YES I am very passionate about animals and dogs especially... so if i seem like a prick to some, then sorry. I feel that some of the people on here are just like the pricks that complain about a dog that doesnt bother them.... and like i said only because there dog is not as well trained, or they just hate animals and pets and do not want them around.

I will be more aware, but will not stop walking my dog off leash, not gonna happen! Sorry for some of you folks, its great for my dogs health, and he is only here for a short time so I let him enjoy it!
nobodys lawn is getting crapped on? HOW DO YOU KNOW?

This happened to me about 4 weeks ago – a white dog off leash comes running from the street into my back yard and it is running around and around in circles. I am looking at him through the window trying to recognize him but it is like the first time I see it. I am dog friendly, all I’m thinking is “who is the owner?”

Then, he takes a huge dump on the rose bush we keep in the back. He couldn't go closer to the tree, or do it on the middle where we have only grass... he had to go to the f'ink roses.

Then, the owner (the daughter of my neighbor from across the street) comes calling him from the street (NOTE- she did not walk into my property and did not see him poooing...) the dog went to meet her, and they were gone just like that.

I was p*****d off knowing that I had to go clean the sh**** they left in the backyard, I’m trying to get my pants on (I was wearing shorts, it was early morning in the weekend), trying to find my jacket, my boots, and my wife steps in and tells me to let it go. She said “no big deal, it is on top of the snow, I’ll pick it up, if you go out right now you are going to rip her head off, and then kill the dog, just let it go”. :angel8:

So maybe you think your dog is an angel, :p but unless you keep him on a leash 100% of the time, you just don’t know, all what it takes is 60 seconds to upset someone...

I am not interested in complaining to the City, but I guess your neighbor is.

Specific situation and yes I do know 100% of the time when he poos, as i watch him go down into the forest there and take a dump... the coyotes actually dump right on the path and what should i do call the city and complain about the coyote crap?
This is my "backyard" look no leash! yaaaaaay!
Cute dog, men this thread is making me miss my dog, he was a boxer mix with pit.

My dumb *** dog would have jumped on that little river in the middle of winter lol.
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If it is public space don't you think people have more of a right to it than your dog?

Specific situation and yes I do know 100% of the time when he poos, as i watch him go down into the forest there and take a dump... the coyotes actually dump right on the path and what should i do call the city and complain about the coyote crap?

Well, you may convince yourself that your dog is perfect 100% of the time, but obviously it is annoying some else, hence the complain.
I hope you eventually solve this situation... good luck.

Specific situation and yes I do know 100% of the time when he poos, as i watch him go down into the forest there and take a dump... the coyotes actually dump right on the path and what should i do call the city and complain about the coyote crap?
At least make sure that he's not breeding with the coyotes. Those mixes are vicious, and not afraid of humans.
I like dogs but I understand not everyone on this planet feels the same. I'm sure they have their reasons and I don't make assumptions as to why or feel that they need to explain themselves.

I think you're on the right track of being more aware and if you let him off leash, do it where no one else can see. Obviously someone has been watching.
Cute dog, men this thread is making me miss my dog, he was a boxer mix with pit.

My dumb *** dog would have jumped on that little river in the middle of winter lol.

Ya runs down there, and will play in the water, he heard something in the distance and just sat there looking to see if he could see what it was... probably a bunny or something

If it is public space don't you think people have more of a right to it than your dog?

They can do what they want... you rarely see anyone down there, and if I did, now I would call my dog and put the leash on him till they leave just to be considerate

Well, you may convince yourself that your dog is perfect 100% of the time, but obviously it is annoying some else, hence the complain.
I hope you eventually solve this situation... good luck.

He is not annoying anyone actually because he doesnt encounter anyone. People may see him like i said through there back window looking onto the ravine there, and thats the only way, but that shouldnt bother them

Specific situation and yes I do know 100% of the time when he poos, as i watch him go down into the forest there and take a dump... the coyotes actually dump right on the path and what should i do call the city and complain about the coyote crap?

unfortunately you can't complain about the coyote's pooping.....they were there long before you and I.....
He is not annoying anyone actually because he doesnt encounter anyone. People may see him like i said through there back window looking onto the ravine there, and thats the only way, but that shouldnt bother them

But it does and they have the law on their side. Could be just a busy body but thats the way it goes the law isn't leash your dog expect if he's nice. Maybe it should be that way people not all dog owners are responsible or reasonable enough for that. The person might have in their mind valid reasons for reporting it.
lots of strong opinions...

I will offer my two cents... for the record I love animals, i have two dogs, one big and one small (a ChowChow and a Shihtzu) and even a cat.

Your dog can be the biggest angel, but its not up to others to give it the benefit of the doubt, they should err on the side of caution. our Chow is the biggest baby ever, but becasue of the breed and some people perceptions they think he is going to eat them. I was once asked when in PetSmart if Chows are as viscious as they are runmoured to be. I told gus to lay down and roll over, after rubbing his belly, the people were amazed. We even had a store worker that wanted to meet him because she was attached by one as a kid, he helped her get past the fear of the breed. Is he the exception, maybe, but we also are diligent about being good owners. in our backyard and at off leash parks the dogs are allowed to be on their own, otherwise it s the leash for our owen peace of mind and their own safety. They are well sociallized and fairly obedient (the dog is still a dog).

I have had numerous times where off leash dogfs have come running at us or the dogs and I must expect they are not well intended. Your neighbour, especially if they dont know you/dog should be expecting the same.

If your area has leash laws, respect them, they are their for a reason, not by waht your dog may have done, but because of some other dog that likely had poor ownership, but you get to bear that cross. if you want the dog to be able to run free, buy some farmland or go to an off leash park
Cute dog, men this thread is making me miss my dog, he was a boxer mix with pit.

My dumb *** dog would have jumped on that little river in the middle of winter lol.

Hahahah. +1 lol. Mine was like deno from the flinstones. Miss that big idiot !

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If your area has leash laws, respect them, they are their for a reason

When my city starts respecting their own bylaws about trimming 3 foot weeds and their employees dumping garbage in public, maybe I'll consider that. Until then, they can bite me.
I will be more aware, but will not stop walking my dog off leash, not gonna happen! Sorry for some of you folks, its great for my dogs health, and he is only here for a short time so I let him enjoy it!

Isn't that why they made off leash dog parks?

Also, a question, What if someone was walking their dog through the trail and your Boxer ran at them (Friendly or not), Would you be fine if that person got scared and defended themselves?

Because I have been in that predicament where the owner was yelling about 2 football fields away "don't worry, he is friendly" at about the same time his dog attacked mine, and he was ****** that I hit the dog with a tree branch that was laying there, saying he was going to press charges and called the cops only to get a ticket himself.
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Isn't that why they made off leash dog parks?

have you ever been to an off leash park?? I went there twice and both times horrible experience. Dogs that are not to being of leash or shouldnt be, literally ganging up on other dogs. Both times i have seen blood from the fights. never again!
When my city starts respecting their own bylaws about trimming 3 foot weeds and their employees dumping garbage in public, maybe I'll consider that. Until then, they can bite me.

Maybe they are saying the same thing..i'm not going to cut those weeds near that guys house he does not follow bylaws. 2 wrongs =/ 1 right and all that man. You want to run the risk when you selectively choose what laws to follow as long as the risk is to you i don't have a problem with that
When my city starts respecting their own bylaws about trimming 3 foot weeds and their employees dumping garbage in public, maybe I'll consider that. Until then, they can bite me.

I get where you are coming from, but maybe i should elaborate.

my comment re: respect the law, by-laws etc has less to do with yours or any city's weed control program, idiot municipal workers or any other issue that is currently bothering you. My concern re: leash laws is your animal protection from idiiots and their impact on you and your dog from anti-dog people and poor dog owners who havent a clue and are the cause of so many rediculous laws. Unfortunately like having a kid, any idiot can get a dog and raise it poorly, their is no skill testing quiz, screening etc...

To let your dog off leash requires training, which requires time. Just because you can let adog off leash doesnt mean you should. many people dont get this simple principle, they are the same people who dont know how to toilet train a kid. unfortunatley the laws in place are there not because you have done anything wrong, but because some other moron ruined things for responsible people
have you ever been to an off leash park?? I went there twice and both times horrible experience. Dogs that are not to being of leash or shouldnt be, literally ganging up on other dogs. Both times i have seen blood from the fights. never again!

I have had our dogs at many parks, mostly good experiences and some very poor.

My chow was attacked twice within minutes by a boxer, the owner tried justifying it that its ok thats just how they work things out. Peiople fail to understand, just because the dog can be let off leash doesnt mean it will turn out well if they have never been socialized.
I have had our dogs at many parks, mostly good experiences and some very poor.

My chow was attacked twice within minutes by a boxer, the owner tried justifying it that its ok thats just how they work things out. Peiople fail to understand, just because the dog can be let off leash doesnt mean it will turn out well if they have never been socialized.

I completely agree... It is not worth my time to bring my guy there and risk a huge vet bill because of some unsocial dog. I have the luxury of having a huge space behind my house, so I will use it.
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