The real problem is 1000 dogs are awesome and fun and well behaved, but 2 of them ran over to greet an old lady that dropped her groceries and shrieked and one nipped a little kid because he just finished a peanut butter sammich. Now we get a leash law. One that nipped the little kid 'looked' like a pit bull, so we banned them. We created off leash parks and some dogs scrapped because they are DOGS and pack animals and will sort it out on their own, its over in 15 seconds, its never a fight to the death and in 15 yr of daily use I've never seen a dog bleed from it. Yes i'm in favor of extensive dog training, my idiot lab has had yrs of professional training, but once in a while he's a DOG, he makes mistakes. Stop making it worse for the rest of us, we have places around here that don't allow dogs at all, leash or not.