We keep coming back to your disconnection with reality, and in this last post of yours you make that break several times. I will point out each instance for one last time. The thing is, I don't believe you're stupid, I believe you are deliberately tying to obfuscate the issue so I'm obviously not going to have a lot of patience for your ongoing efforts to change the topic.
You make it sound like every second cop is out their sitting behind a tree with a radar gun or staking out a corner waiting for some van full of immigrant workers to roll through a stop sign. Nothing could be farther from the truth.
What I said: "...when they choose to ignore crimes because they've allocated too many resources to speed traps then something is really rotten in the system."
What you read: "...when they choose to ignore every crime because they've allocated all their resources to speed traps then something is really rotten in the system."
Again, Toronto's 2010 police budget allocation for their traffic units was only 4% of the the budget, and only 5% of their cops.
AGAIN, that is irrelevant.
Aside from the fact that that number is meaningless on it's own, it also doesn't have any merit in this discussion. I don't care if 0.0000000001% of the budget is designated to traffic enforcement. As long as an officer is not available to respond to every reported crime, then those resources are poorly allocated.
Note, this does NOT necessarily mean that we should stop efforcing traffic laws (just to get ahaead of your twisted interpretation of everything I say).
Given that there were 55,000 crashes in the city in 2010, the relatively few cops in that traffic unit spent a huge part of their time investigation and writing crash reports, and not sitting under a tree with a radar gun or staking out intersections waiting for stop sign rollers.
Given that in 2009 when Toronto saw one fatality every 7.6 days, one cyclist injured every 8.8 hours, one truck collision every 4.9 hours, one pedestrian injured every 4.3 hours, and one person of any type injured every 31.8 minutes in collisions that occurred every 9.6 minutes each and every day of the year, maybe Toronto isn't allocating enough resources to their police traffic unit.
Here you really jump the shark. A couple sharks even! Way to raise the bar of irrelevance.
You are using the example of that crash of migrant workers to clearly suggest that if only the driver of that van had been ticketed for rolling through a stop at some time in the recent past, then the van wouldn't have blown straight through the stop sign like it did and all those lives would have been saved.
Clearly, ticketing him wouldn't have prevented anything. There is nothing traffic enforcement could have done to prevent that,nor any other crash that wasn't due to aggressive driving, even if they happened to be conducting a stop sign blitz right at that corner right at that time.
You then top that by suggesting that every collision should be attended to by a cop. All 55,000 of them. One every 9.6 minutes. That can be the only relevant reason for repeating those figures like a mantra. Hey that's all swell if you can afford it but once again you are sidestepping the discussion. This discussion is about the regular failure of the police to respond to criminal acts, not traffic accidents. The excess traffic enforcement has only been mentioned in this threat to contrast the lack of crime unit involvement, because everyone agrees (except you) that criminals represent a much more severe problem to society than speeders do.
So let's bump up fines some more and let the traffic scofflaws pay more of the cost of traffic enforcement.
The inept, the over-confident, the reckless, the impatient, and the irresponsible among drivers and riders on our roads kill and injure more people than the criminal among us, yet we allocate only the smallest portion of police resources to deal with them.
Now you're just addressing your own talking points, nothing to do with the thread.
What do you suggest, let driving idiots run rampant?
Before letting criminals run rampant, absolutely. It's a no-brainer to everyone but you.
You clearly are making no attempt to understand what others are complaining about, instead yapping on in defense of some argument that is purely you own invention. Before you reply again, please try to read what is being said without any prejudice so that you may understand the real problem as it is actually being presented.