Normal car recommendation….

Sold in under 36hrs. Would have sold sooner but went for dinner/drinks yesterday. Lost count but had over 50 responses (at least 30 were “still available?” Ones and I don’t respond to those). Bitter sweet seeing it go because it had lots of good memories.

Uxbridge salesman said you can come get a new Maverick anytime ;)
Haha I’m sure he did. He keeps sending me fully loaded models that are coming in…nice guy but not listening to what I’m saying.
Ya it's been really bad lately the traffic, past month. More construction, lanes down everywhere. It takes me over an hour to drive 10kms and I leave at 3pm. Work is just south of Bloor, home is near Yorkdale.

Traffic has totally sucked the life out of me. I haven't ridden the motorcycle to work, nor the RS or Stinger. So I feel you in the GTI lol. It ruins the purpose of a fun car/motorcycle.
Maverick hybrid doing great though since warmer temps. 700kms on the tank all city bumper to bumper, just a little than over a 1/4 tank left. Ya it's an appliance on a boring, long route home, might as well save gas 🙂

Was meant to quote @mimico_polak post not sure why it didn't work.
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Ya it's been really bad lately, past month. More construction, lanes down everywhere. It takes me over an hour to drive 10kms and I leave at 3pm. Work is just south of Bloor, home is near Yorkdale.

Traffic has totally sucked the life out of me. I haven't ridden the motorcycle to work, nor the RS or Stinger. So I feel you in the GTI lol. It ruins the purpose of a fun car/motorcycle.
Maverick hybrid doing great though since warmer temps. 700kms on the tank all city bumper to bumper, just a little than a 1/4 tank left. Ya it's an appliance on a boring, long route home, might as well save gas 🙂
A bicycle should save you a lot of time on your commute.
Ya it's been really bad lately the traffic, past month. More construction, lanes down everywhere. It takes me over an hour to drive 10kms and I leave at 3pm. Work is just south of Bloor, home is near Yorkdale.

Traffic has totally sucked the life out of me. I haven't ridden the motorcycle to work, nor the RS or Stinger. So I feel you in the GTI lol. It ruins the purpose of a fun car/motorcycle.
Maverick hybrid doing great though since warmer temps. 700kms on the tank all city bumper to bumper, just a little than a 1/4 tank left. Ya it's an appliance on a boring, long route home, might as well save gas 🙂

Was meant to quote @mimico_polak post not sure why it didn't work.
Wow 700km on a tank! That’s fantastic! My GTI consumption has actually gone up with warmer weather and all season tires…I must be driving faster!


Only started tracking in March so no comparison to last year.
That's not too bad considering the 2.0 turbo. I get like 12-14L/100kms in the other cars in traffic. I might crack over 800kms on this tank in the Maverick for 52L. I never run it dry, usually fill up at 1/4 tank. I'm not sure how much further I can go.
That's not too bad considering the 2.0 turbo. I get like 12-14L/100kms in the other cars in traffic. I might crack over 800kms on this tank in the Maverick for 52L. I never run it dry, usually fill up at 1/4 tank. I'm not sure how much further I can go.
I’m about 400km on 3/4 tank…but I realized I’m bombing 130kph in the mornings.
Love those things...buddy had one that he wrote off in high school.
Buddy had one in high school too.
Actually his parents funded it but he drive it.
Green color.
Maybe keeping with the German theme...
A VW Corrado??
almost bought one (in green) about 20 yrs ago. It was a VR6 swap manual, but as soon as i saw the christmas tree on the dashboard i walked.
almost bought one (in green) about 20 yrs ago. It was a VR6 swap manual, but as soon as i saw the christmas tree on the dashboard i walked.
A VW of that vintage without a christmas tree dash shows that it was reset recently. When I sold an 03, the check engine light had been on for 200K km. I knew what the fault was and it wasn't worth fixing and didn't affect operation.
A VW of that vintage without a christmas tree dash shows that it was reset recently. When I sold an 03, the check engine light had been on for 200K km. I knew what the fault was and it wasn't worth fixing and didn't affect operation.
ya i was more concerned with the oil pressure and other assorted red ones. when i inquired i was told 'it's fine'.
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