Noise restrictions bylaw coming for Oakville

You really are something else ... rather a guy who always leaves an impression that you know it all. I mean really all.
riding my bike last season with stock pipe in the first three weeks while waiting for my yosh i was cut off many times normal stuff .I have been riding 30 yrs so prepared for it no biggie,Once I installed the yosh found it happened much less,not to say having a pipe is saving my life cause I know how to ride defensively,but I am sure it helps. As far as the bylaw for oakville if the popo is behind me keeping the revs down and riding responsibly will help.Sure if I am riding like a shmuck and my bike is marginally loud he will pull me over.So ride responsible,keep the revs down and be aware of your surroundings and all will be fine
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i would really like to live in the fantasy world you live in.
my 2006 cbr1000rr comes stock with 145 to 147 give or take. has
full exhaust
air filters
head ported/polish
HRC cams and degreed
valve job
full HRC electronics ecu etc,alternator
HRC volosaty stacks
520 gearing and carbon fiber rear rotor, even the centers of the bolts are drilled out.
HRC ram air intake
and i only manage 167hp
so onless you have scott miller,mike crompton,harrold surian,tony russell tuning your bike really i would like to know how you can make 18hp with just a pipe ,filters,and laptop.and none of those guys would tell you,you can make 18hp with just a pipe.
and to make 70hp you would need a turbo or about 60to 100grand to the motor to make those numbers.
regardless it would not be a bike you could drive on the street..only the hyway

Maybe you should take your pos Honda and trade it in on one of these if you want some real H.p.?

Drop your Rocket III off at Carpenter's shop in N.J. and about $6000.00 later you ride away with a bike dyno'd at a minimum of 240 hp.

On the subject of noise I've seen these laws coming for years and many of the posters on these forums have been warning of this for a long time too. If you continue to not only have excessively loud pipes but also to use them in an irresponsible manner then you can eventually expect to be legislated off the road. I personally like to hear the sound from my bike but make sure I don't ride in town at 3-4000 rpm attracting attention to myself.
I personally like to hear the sound from my bike but make sure I don't ride in town at 3-4000 rpm attracting attention to myself.

Presumably you must be on a bike in which 3-4000 rpm is something of an achievement. None of my bikes will get out of their own way when the revs are that low!

(But, point being, keep the revs low relative to what the engine will do, whatever that may be, when riding around town. At 4000 rpm, my VW diesel is on the verge of redline and that's about where it quits making power, too ...)
Is 240 hp even useable, even on a TR3? Do they have traction control? Still like the headers projecting off the right side of the block, even if the rest of the styling is Harley inspired.
Thanks Tripletrouble for trying, most of these guys just do not know what its like to ride a bike with stock 140 H.P 140 cubic inches and 140 MPH (read MPH not KPH).They are just in awe and wish they had one.

And Flywheel 240+ is usable, theres lots of guys in the U.S. and Australia that have 240 HP+ Triumphs,and riding the street.
My bike is not like a Harley, just need to look at the motor and you will see its not a V twin.
Anyways this thread is supposed to be about noisy exhausts, lets get back to that.
Maybe you should take your pos Honda and trade it in on one of these if you want some real H.p.?

Drop your Rocket III off at Carpenter's shop in N.J. and about $6000.00 later you ride away with a bike dyno'd at a minimum of 240 hp.

On the subject of noise I've seen these laws coming for years and many of the posters on these forums have been warning of this for a long time too. If you continue to not only have excessively loud pipes but also to use them in an irresponsible manner then you can eventually expect to be legislated off the road. I personally like to hear the sound from my bike but make sure I don't ride in town at 3-4000 rpm attracting attention to myself.
yea your right i'm clueless.
your bike 2300cc ,800lbs(which im sure is genourous and notice how it round to a perfect number which led me to think BS)problaly more 900+ and 243hp if i belive it.
and all packed into and cruser bike chassi. which has a front wheel larger then my g/f car tire.
now lets take what you call my pos honda.
my bike 1000cc, 371 lbs (with 1/2 gallon of gas) and 167 hp now if you want to compare apples to apples
my bike with 2300 cc would roughly have 389.6hp and i would have to add 429 lbs to my bike
i like the shops saying
As they say in the horsepower game, “there is no replacement for displacement
now that is someone with there head in the sand.
there no replacement for technology.
motogp bike 800cc 230hp
and wieght 320lbs i think
F1 cars are now down to 2.4 liters and still have close to the same hp they did 10 years ago

at the end of the day would you want to be doing 140mph on a cruser? i think your nuts if you do.
but i would gladly do 160mph on my bike all day long.
but you right I'M the clueless one.
yea your right i'm clueless.
your bike 2300cc ,800lbs(which im sure is genourous and notice how it round to a perfect number which led me to think BS)problaly more 900+ and 243hp if i belive it.
and all packed into and cruser bike chassi. which has a front wheel larger then my g/f car tire.
now lets take what you call my pos honda.
my bike 1000cc, 371 lbs (with 1/2 gallon of gas) and 167 hp now if you want to compare apples to apples
my bike with 2300 cc would roughly have 389.6hp and i would have to add 429 lbs to my bike
i like the shops saying
As they say in the horsepower game, “there is no replacement for displacement
now that is someone with there head in the sand.
there no replacement for technology.
motogp bike 800cc 230hp
and wieght 320lbs i think
F1 cars are now down to 2.4 liters and still have close to the same hp they did 10 years ago

at the end of the day would you want to be doing 140mph on a cruser? i think your nuts if you do.
but i would gladly do 160mph on my bike all day long.
but you right I'M the clueless one.

I guess you are because a Silverback Rocket III will (and has) run the quarter at 9.1 @152 mph which I believe is quicker than your own bike "10.2 @146.66mph in the 1/4" and you didn't even know what a Rocket III is. BTW the Rocket is no lightweight at 704 lbs dry about 800 fully fuelled. And fwiw I don't think badly of Hondas I just reacted badly to your ignorant slam at Triumphs in general.
243hp and its only 1 sec faster.not sure is this a full drag bike?my bike is a road race bike just imagine if i turned it into one.and its 9.2 not 9.1dude i have seen somewhat stock busa do those timesfor 2300cc it should be ALOT faster.
here is one for yea
stock zx14 ctock pipe and what look likes stock tires. doing 9.7 in the 1/4 mile
but you right the triumph is the cats meow.
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Dunno - I use to have a store in the downtown core (Oakville) and yes there was one particular incident this past summer that was a bit ridiculous. I'm sure that didn't help and happening on a weekend afternoon when the street was at its busiest was also not the greatest move.

Having said that..... do we really need another law? I was down there 6 days a week and it would happen every once in a blue moon. To pass this law is IMO lame. There is no need for it. Plus I agree that vehicle related laws should be left to Federal and Provincial law makers, not local council. I have a couple of young kids too and honestly I don't see the point of this law. We have lived over 100 years with vehicles on the roads. They keep getting quieter and quieter..... there is the odd loud one... there have always been a few.... woopty doo. All the sudden it needs a whole new law. Sorry - I think it is lame. I guess I got out just in time, although all my road legal vehicles are stock anyway.
243hp and its only 1 sec faster.not sure is this a full drag bike?my bike is a road race bike just imagine if i turned it into one.and its 9.2 not 9.1dude i have seen somewhat stock busa do those timesfor 2300cc it should be ALOT faster.
here is one for yea
stock zx14 ctock pipe and what look likes stock tires. doing 9.7 in the 1/4 mile
but you right the triumph is the cats meow.

I have no idea why you are so angry or nasty nor why you are down on Triumphs. I have been civil and merely pointed out facts. If we were to stick to facts then I would ask why your claimed weight for your bike is about 70 lbs less than any report I ever read? FYI The Rocket in question is a streetbike with standard suspension and wheelbase.If you want to get really wild a friend of mine has a Carpenter Rocket III plus it sports a TTS supercharger and he makes 400+ hp so maybe there really is no replacement for displacement......LOL
i agree. but maybe some people should think about what is going to happen next time they leave tim's and grab a had full of gas.
just because some of us dont have to go to work in the early moning. think about the houses right beside tim's
i live a couple of miles away from the closes tim' at dixie/boviard road which has a perfect 1/4 str8. and it seemed like every guy leaving the tim's would let it hang.
now at 3 am it would wake me and my dogs up. so i can only imagine living on dixie would be like.
at the end of the day we did this to ourselves.
I have no idea why you are so angry or nasty nor why you are down on Triumphs. I have been civil and merely pointed out facts. If we were to stick to facts then I would ask why your claimed weight for your bike is about 70 lbs less than any report I ever read? FYI The Rocket in question is a streetbike with standard suspension and wheelbase.If you want to get really wild a friend of mine has a Carpenter Rocket III plus it sports a TTS supercharger and he makes 400+ hp so maybe there really is no replacement for displacement......LOL
if you seen my bike you would know why it wieght the wieght that it does..i have more carbon fiber on it then mostlikely any thing you have seen first hand.
and how is supercharging a displacement advantage? that would fall under technology in my book.(and yes i know supercharger have been around since like the 50 or 60s)
why im down on triumphs is because to me they are like jag cars. unreliable at best.
i remember a guy trying to race them at shannonville and had to bring 2 spare frames. why? because by friday night he was having to put a new one in.
most triumph i have seen have electical problems.
and nothing looks like it has change. at grandbend the perrili guy mark brand new bike had a tatal lost motor with less the a 1000 km on it.
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And V4 Hondas never had cam problems and Gold Wings never had a recall for frames cracking and..............Get real
None of the Hinckley Triumphs I have owned has ever had an electrical problem. How many Triumphs have you owned?
Forget it, Btw supercharged engines have been around since the late 1800's, mister know it all .
I'm finished with this.
amazing how authorities only careabout noise, but could care less of the cat free aftermarket exhausts virtually every bike runs.

noise over air quality. hmmmmm.
Its Oakville folks,(probably coming to a town near you soon) , but what else would happen? The townies see Caledon got a bylaw so some folks lean on the town council and they get one too. It has nothing to do with hp or safety, it has everything to do with some people seeing thier quality of life being disrupted and the guy that voted in Councillor Smith can vote him out again. Squeaky wheel gets the grease.
Freedomfighter and Tripletrouble - BOTH of you, knock off the horsepower and weight and whatever discussions and take it somewhere else. It is off topic for this thread.
Just remember if people do not abide by common sense, then it will be legislated to. 1968 was the the first car my family owned with seatbelts, but it was not until 1977 ( or thereabouts) that they legislated people to wear them.

Yes I now live in Bala, and I hear the complaints from my neighbours, the cottagers and tourists when the "LOUD BIKES" roll through town. The cottagers are very powerful and have a lot of friends who make up the rules and the OPP would just love to have another way of pulling over bikes to check them for other issues.

I am not going to go into the debate of "Loud Pipes Save Lives", because there is no imperical evidence to show that they do. Just antidotal stories, just like smoking doesnt cause cancer because "I know someone who as an aunt twice removed who smoked until she died at the age of 99."
I'm hoping for such a bylaw in Milton. We have a few idiots in the Dorset Park area with straight piped Harley's that are FAR beyond the noise level that anyone could deem safe and are completely disrespectful of the community. One guy in particular, with ape hangers on his bike that look stupid, sits at stop signs and does nothing but listen to himself regardless the time of day.

My bike is pretty loud too, but I make it a point to keep the revs down through residential areas and enclosed downtown areas.
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