True. But, as soon as ANY part of that assembly turns violent, then they are in violation by putting others at risk.
Sure, most didn't go there to do damage, and most didn't participate, but those idiots in black ruined it for all those that went there with the idea of being peaceful.
If they are to be pi$$ed off at anyone, it's the idiots that were there to cause problems, not the cops that were there trying to deal with too many people.
Just by being there when you didn't need to be, you are supporting those going for attention, and the ones getting the attention were the ones that were there doing things they KNEW were wrong and had to hide there faces. You would think, if they were so proud on their stance, they would want people to know who they are. Shows just how big of Pu$$ys they are.
It's like laughing when the class clown picks on some kid. Sure, you didn't do anything wrong, but by laughing (which is what the clown wants) you are encouraging the behavior, just like being there, giving these idiots attention (which is why they are there) you are encouraging them.
If people had a clue, and wanted the cops to get rid of the problem smoothly and efficiently, they would have LEFT, and let the cops put their limited manpower to that task, and once the problem was over, they can all join back together, hold hands and have their peaceful demonstration.
Not a hard concept.
I don't care what people were protesting, as it doesn't matter since that wasn't the issue.
How many have you have been swarmed with people where there was a possibility for violence? I doubt many have, so that's why I'm taking the side of the TPS here, as I can totally understand what type of a stress filled situation that is.