Because they are 90 years old maybe!
maybe they were hoping some of the younger generations would give a damn, instead of ignoring the clear violations that took place.
people can go on being ignorant, but the facts are slowly coming out:
---officers are being charged, both under the police act and criminally.
---class action lawsuits are in the works.
---the police chief has admitted that 90+ officers broke the law by removing their identity badges.
. . .and so on.
. . .1000+ people were detained, and less than 100 were charged. . .why?
. . .video evidence of not one but two incidents of kettling, a procedure that ensnared innocent people, including RESIDENTS that live in those neighbourhoods. . .apparently you can be illegally detained for living in the 'wrong' area--which was btw, over a mile away from the protected zone that the illegal law supposedly created. . .
but no, apparently there are people that think all of this is just fine, peachy keen.
those vets, who fought against fascism and secret police, with secret laws, did so to maintain our freedoms, not see them trampled like they were worthless.