and the cops were on top of them with force, threatening them unlawfully, demanding identification unlawfully, searching unlawfully, arresting unlawfully, beating people illegally, making up "the law" as they went and treating the citizens like dirt - many of whom were not even part of the protest.
Yes, with force. Law en
FORCEment. Not lawsuckyourdickment. It's not unlawful for the police to demand ID. It's not unlawful for the police to search you. It's not unlawful to arrest. It's not illegal to use escalated force if necessary and since those are all NOT unlawful then nothing was made up like you say..
And I find it funny that you say many were not there to protest. Which just proves that they were there to gawk and contribute to the BS for nothing other than to be part of it without having anything to say. Also, many also means that some were there to smash stuff and burn cars. Hmmmmm.... just like
some cops are good and
some are bad but you say all of them do the "illegal" stuff you mentioned. All.
Here's a comparison, and I know these are weak but say, just for argument sake a few hundred people decided to lawfully stand around your home and protest you because you ride a motorcycle. They claim motorcycles cause death. That's their
right to do so apparently. They are there yelling for hours. You come out to ask them to leave but they spit on you, poke you in the chest and then
one of them (your not sure which) throws a brick through your window. What would you do? Seriously now, think hard.
Would you go at them with "illegal force"?
Or, would you call the police?
Last thoughts on this.
The prolls will always cry that they don't have enough. They want a handout and something for nothing. They don't want to work hard and be successful and they hate those that did and are. They couldn't even have success in their own life but they think they know what is best for the rest of us. That will never change.
Canada isn't the worlds shot caller. It has to play with the big boys and G whatevers are the forum for just that. They won't stop and we won't stop bending to their will.
Protesting doesn't effect any change in Canada. The fat cats don't hear it, don't see it and don't care. I know this is a fact.They just think of ways to make it harder for honest people to be heard.
It is stupid to hold these things in populated areas because the end result is always the same. It costs
US millions of dollars. There is
always the few that use it as an opportunity to destroy other peoples property and innocent people get caught up in mob mentality and get arrested and charged.
If you want to make changes to the country (actual changes) start a political party and win the hearts and minds of the people. Se if the majority wants your hopes and dreams and even shares your point of view. Just be able to do a better job in all aspects of running a Country. Thats all. The protesters think they have all the answers so obviously it's no problem at all.
Or, have a nice big old revolution. Kill them all and seize power.
Either or.
Throwing a hissy fit in a store is what children do when they want something and don't understand why they cant have it. AKA: Public demonstration.
Good thread.