Newb Passenger looking for Ride-alongs

Early on I didn't wear earplugs, now I do even for a short ride. I hear everything, they just cut down on wind noise. Hearing loss is gradual and not repairable currently. I even started wearing them mowing the lawn.

i started ~ 30 years ago, as a sidenote, got an insane job at the time, assembling wood stoves,

8 hrs a day cutting notches in L bend metal brackets, with a grinder
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Early on I didn't wear earplugs, now I do even for a short ride. I hear everything, they just cut down on wind noise. Hearing loss is gradual and not repairable currently. I even started wearing them mowing the lawn.

+1 and I wear them no matter what I'm mowing.
The ironic thing is that if you don't wear earplugs, eventually you won't be able to hear what's going on around you.
Not hating on you, I don't wear them either. But I do find myself asking people to repeat themselves more and more as the years go by. I find my work trucks to be louder than my bike.

Sent from my Le Pan TC802A using Tapatalk

The funny thing with them is people debate helmets, gear, etc as it is all for 'in case you do go down', but for hearing, every time you take off on a bike you are doing damage no matter if you come home safe or not.

I never wore them when I started, but after I started doing longer rides and having my ears ring for 2 days afterwards, I decided to start. Also went through a bit of a scare where I thought I was already going deaf in one ear, but it turned out to just be a ton of wax that needed flushing.

I'd say give them a try, but everyone is different. I find you can hear the bike better as it cuts out 90% of the wind howl, you don't feel as mentally tired after a ride, and if you have a comms unit, you can hear it perfectly above 100km/h without having to even max out the volume. Some people also pay for customs....I just bought a tube of 100 of those foam yellow & red/pink ones from Crappy Tire, which work perfectly for me.
I'd say give them a try, but everyone is different. I find you can hear the bike better as it cuts out 90% of the wind howl, you don't feel as mentally tired after a ride, and if you have a comms unit, you can hear it perfectly above 100km/h without having to even max out the volume. Some people also pay for customs....I just bought a tube of 100 of those foam yellow & red/pink ones from Crappy Tire, which work perfectly for me.

@Hammer886 brought some for me to try yesterday when we went out. They did cut out most of the noise... I'll have to grab some for future rides.


I'm looking on amazon right now for reusable ones
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I get them by the box @HomeDepot. Orange in colour, softness in feel. Half the fun is a good licking pre insertion.
i started ~ 30 years ago, as a sidenote, got an insane job at the time, assembling wood stoves,

8 hrs a day cutting notches in L bend metal brackets, with a grinder

I work in construction. The other day I heard a jackhammer going for a long time about 60ft away on the other side of a block wall. Even at that it was uncomfortably loud. (Whenever I hear loud noises, like cutting steel studs on chop saw, I look to see if the operator is wearing ear protection). I couldn't help myself, looked to see if jh dude was ear plugged. No he was not but he thought I came over for a chit chat. So we did that.
this is what do/use

The ironic thing is that if you don't wear earplugs, eventually you won't be able to hear what's going on around you.
Not hating on you, I don't wear them either. But I do find myself asking people to repeat themselves more and more as the years go by. I find my work trucks to be louder than my bike.

Sent from my Le Pan TC802A using Tapatalk
What? ?

Sent from my custom Purple Joe Bass mobile on Tapatalk
+1 and I wear them no matter what I'm mowing.

Sent from my custom Purple Joe Bass mobile on Tapatalk
Half the fun is a good licking pre insertion.

You are in great form lately, my friend! ?

Sent from my custom Purple Joe Bass mobile on Tapatalk
The funny thing is I've never used Napster or heard of the music sharing platform until people asked me. I chose it because I like naps.... organ harvesting is a laborious task.

Are there other options other than earplugs?

How was this just overlooked?

RIP in piece riders.
Originally Posted by Napster90

The funny thing is I've never used Napster or heard of the music sharing platform until people asked me. I chose it because I like naps.... organ harvesting is a laborious task.

Are there other options other than earplugs?

i went bluetooth earbuds/mic awhile ago, too easy to snag loose long wires going to a phone & cheap nowadays @ ~ 5+ bux a pop

deals with unwanted noise, music & comms
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