Newb Passenger looking for Ride-alongs

Check out the HJC CL line of helmets. Good reviews, excellent value. I roll with the CL17 (lol, I know, sounds like a sailboat amirite) Anyway, I've gone the whole year without washing the liner. A lot more robust than my underwear that's for sure.

Not washing might make it last longer. What about regular washing? Will it stand it stand up to a wash after every time I wear it? I exaggerate... But durability is a concern too...
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I have no further information at this time.
There's a huge end of season sale at Speedworx in Markham (15 Heritage Rd #10, Markham) You may find a great deal on helmets. They have some great prices on Scorpions.

Thank you all for making the first year of the new Speedworx retail boutique such a fantastic one!
To make room for our 2017 inventory we are clearing out everything in stock with everything discounted from 20-70% off!

Scorpion helmets retail $569.99 sale $169.99!
Arai : Prices too low to advertise!
Shoei: Prices too low to advertise!

Not washing might make it last longer. What about regular washing? Will it stand it stand up to a wash after every time I wear it? I exaggerate... But durability is a concern too...
The top brands, Shoei, arai, schuberth, icon, Bell

Sent from my STV100-3 using Tapatalk
I will check out as many of these sales as I can.... Markham one is closer to home.

Another question. Aren't all lining supposed to be removable? I am reading the description of them and some of them don't say it.

And which features are necessary?

There's so many
Ventilation (I can't tell the difference between the descriptions)
UV Protection
Integrated pockets for speakers
Shell Integrated spoiler - what is this?
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Thanks, I will check out the website. I honestly don't know how to tell which brand is good, which are worthwhile or not. Aside from fit, for similar pricing, what makes it a good helmet?

When was this made? I've never seen it before... Kind of weird...

Years ago (mid 90s I think?) back when Napster first came about and started bringing MP3 sharing to the masses. Metallica took offense to this and I believe tried to sue them, which spawned a bunch of things like the video I posted. Ironic too as part of Metallica's rise to fame came from people sharing tapes back in the 70s and 80s.

I will check out as many of these sales as I can.... Markham one is closer to home.

Another question. Aren't all lining supposed to be removable? I am reading the description of them and some of them don't say it.

And which features are necessary?

There's so many
Ventilation (I can't tell the difference between the descriptions)
UV Protection
Integrated pockets for speakers
Shell Integrated spoiler - what is this?

First rule is that it fits...more important than anything else at all.

After that, if it vents and the visor blocks UV are the big ones. Anti-fog likely is nice, but I've survived 5 years without it on my RF-1100. The spoiler thing just means there is a lip at the back of the helmet for better aerodynamics...integrated means it isn't a separate piece that screws on, which could cause a bit more noise. That said, you should wear earplugs when riding anyways otherwise you will wreck your ears over time.

Also not all have a removable liner as far as I know, but my Shoei does and I know Arai do too. That said, if you keep it clean (I typically wear a skullcap under mine), you shouldn't need to clean it that often. I clean my jacket more often than my helmet, that's for sure.
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I will check out as many of these sales as I can.... Markham one is closer to home.

Another question. Aren't all lining supposed to be removable? I am reading the description of them and some of them don't say it.

And which features are necessary?

There's so many
Ventilation (I can't tell the difference between the descriptions)
UV Protection
Integrated pockets for speakers
Shell Integrated spoiler - what is this?
Most of this you don't need.

The priorities:
1. The fit
2. Quality, see my previous post
3. Visibility
4. Comfort

They all come with vents now. Mine had the pin system anti-fog which is useless. If it fogs up, open the visor a crack. The added anti-fog fog plastic insert for the pin system makes weird optical effects at night. You don't want that. NEVER listen to music when riding. A passenger needs to be just as aware as the operator. Ear buds are bad for your hearing anyways. Don't put anything in your ears ever.

Linings all come out. Spoilers are just bs, the quality helmets are all tested for dynamics.

I chose the Shoei gp helmet because it has an inner sun visor and a regular fully close able clear visor. I hated getting caught with the visor to dark at night, or blinding sun when I had the clear visor, sunglasses just get fogged up then you are screwed. Unless you take them off and throw them.

Sent from my STV100-3 using Tapatalk
Don't over think it. A perfectly serviceable full face helmet can be had for less than $200. You could pay quadruple for a slightly better one. It's gut check time.
Years ago (mid 90s I think?) back when Napster first came about and started bringing MP3 sharing to the masses.

That said, if you keep it clean (I typically wear a skullcap under mine), you shouldn't need to clean it that often. I clean my jacket more often than my helmet, that's for sure.

The funny thing is I've never used Napster or heard of the music sharing platform until people asked me. I chose it because I like naps.... organ harvesting is a laborious task.

Are there other options other than earplugs?
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The funny thing is I've never used Napster or heard of the music sharing platform until people asked me. I chose it because I like naps.... organ harvesting is a laborious task.

Are there other options other than earplugs?
Naps are good! I wonder if you will hear me this time...DONT LISTEN TO MUSIC WHEN RIDING...motorcyclists want to hear the engine.

Sent from my STV100-3 using Tapatalk
Naps are good! I wonder if you will hear me this time...DONT LISTEN TO MUSIC WHEN RIDING...motorcyclists want to hear the engine.

Sent from my STV100-3 using Tapatalk

I can't hear written words. But you may want to reread what I wrote. I said. "Earplugs" not "ear buds ". You know stuff that block out noise?

Anyways @irocian just bailed on me... Soooo since no one actually confirmed if they are coming. I get off at 5:30pm... Anyone up for dinner and a ride with me?
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I can't hear written words. But you may want to reread what I wrote. I said. "Earplugs" not "ear buds ". You know stuff that block out noise?
Sorry I can't read apparently. I never use them. I like to hear what is going on around me.

Sent from my STV100-3 using Tapatalk
Sorry I can't read apparently. I never use them. I like to hear what is going on around me.

Sent from my STV100-3 using Tapatalk
The ironic thing is that if you don't wear earplugs, eventually you won't be able to hear what's going on around you.
Not hating on you, I don't wear them either. But I do find myself asking people to repeat themselves more and more as the years go by. I find my work trucks to be louder than my bike.

Sent from my Le Pan TC802A using Tapatalk
The ironic thing is that if you don't wear earplugs, eventually you won't be able to hear what's going on around you.
Not hating on you, I don't wear them either. But I do find myself asking people to repeat themselves more and more as the years go by. I find my work trucks to be louder than my bike.

Sent from my Le Pan TC802A using Tapatalk
I know. It depends on what you ride. My exhaust is not much louder than factory. I wear ear plugs when I go for a long trip. Ear buds are worse for you than what you hear under a lid.

Sent from my STV100-3 using Tapatalk
When I go for a ride longer than 15-20min on highway I try to always have earplugs. Still able to hear everything around me...just more muted. I find with music I just keep going faster and faster and faster with a good tune...ear plugs work great. Plus not as tired after a long ride, and much more pleasant experience.

To each their own I guess. Time to go home from work.
Early on I didn't wear earplugs, now I do even for a short ride. I hear everything, they just cut down on wind noise. Hearing loss is gradual and not repairable currently. I even started wearing them mowing the lawn.
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