Neighbourhood changes?

The guy has thalidomide issues because the relevant government agencies neglected to take into account the possibility of side effects from a health canada certified medication. That’s affected him for his entire life. I have no issues with him receiving assistance that I’d see more as compensation.

So you're an expert on someone I've been friends with for 50 years? You must be clairvoyant.

FYI, he worked in fabrication and small engine repair for years. Skis and rides motorcycles. Company he worked for closed down and he decided he'd game ODSP instead of finding another job. Might want to wipe what you stepped in off your shoes.
In the line of fraud stories:

Friend had a brother. Brother passed away YEARS AGO when he was 10 or something.

Years go by and she gets audited... she had been cashing in child benefit for that kid that had passed away from the time he passed until he was ineligible age wise. So now she has to pay it back. But LORDY
So you're an expert on someone I've been friends with for 50 years? You must be clairvoyant.

FYI, he worked in fabrication and small engine repair for years. Skis and rides motorcycles. Company he worked for closed down and he decided he'd game ODSP instead of finding another job. Might want to wipe what you stepped in off your shoes.

Actually screw it. Deleted. Play with pigs and you get covered in crap. Time for Xmas beer.
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Get something like a mystery back injury that’s hard to diagnose, be off for months at a time , then forever . ( ex brother in law @ Toyota) . Die of a heart attack and leave 52k in credit card debt , that dies with you . Career ********* .

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Get something like a mystery back injury that’s hard to diagnose, be off for months at a time , then forever . ( ex brother in law @ Toyota) . Die of a heart attack and leave 52k in credit card debt , that dies with you . Career ********* .

The rest of us can just work more hours during the day to pay for it all. No problem.

Or just go after the rich (who are already punching above their weight). They won't dig in and bury more money offshore. They'll just shrug their shoulders and pony up.

Y'all be kumbaya. it's all ok in the grand scheme of things.........until your fellow Liberals put a safe injection site on your street (not THEIR'S, of course).
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I don’t know any. I know people who had to claim social assistance of one form or another at some point for genuine reasons.

The $5 billion figure is also very conservative.

We could play this game all day but I think you understand that in terms of dollar amounts you are paying for a shortfall in revenue caused by those who can most afford to pay their share rather than those who can’t.
If you don’t know anyone you might have blinders on.

You work in education right? How did all the kids driving nice cars qualify for OSAP grants?
Get something like a mystery back injury that’s hard to diagnose, be off for months at a time , then forever . ( ex brother in law @ Toyota) . Die of a heart attack and leave 52k in credit card debt , that dies with you . Career ********* .

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The credit card debt dies with your estate. If your insolvent, then it or part of it dies with you.

That said, once you die it’s no longer your worry.
In the line of fraud stories:

Friend had a brother. Brother passed away YEARS AGO when he was 10 or something.

Years go by and she gets audited... she had been cashing in child benefit for that kid that had passed away from the time he passed until he was ineligible age wise. So now she has to pay it back. But LORDY
Not uncommon. Same happens with pension plans, CPP, OAS.

I used to regularly see people collecting thousands a month in Child Tax Benefits while living abroad.

The govt should give whistleblower protection to bankers who report social assistance fraud.
Hell, go further than that. Give a finders fee. It would get cleaned up really quickly for a fraction of the cost of investigating everybody.
There is one for CRA. If they assess over 100k in back taxes, the whistleblower gets a 5 to 15% reward.
Not uncommon. Same happens with pension plans, CPP, OAS.

I used to regularly see people collecting thousands a month in Child Tax Benefits while living abroad.

The govt should give whistleblower protection to bankers who report social assistance fraud.
Would love to see the numbers from unpaid cpp. When my wife passed i was told i would get hers as a survivor benefit. Lol. It amounted to $20/month after they adjusted. Crooks!
You buy your groceries from local students? You guys really are stretching on this issue aren’t you.
I do. They are everywhere in our grocery stores.

But I think you're missing the point.
$5 billion is the conservative estimate of taxes lost to questionable practices for the purposes of avoiding paying tax. That figure is widely used in multiple sources but is also a few years old.

It’s true, the figures for welfare fraud are difficult to find. $100 million is a figure used in one report and that was based on convictions. Even if it’s 10 times that amount that’s still 20% of what could be recovered by ensuring the filthy rich and corporations pay their fair share. Mike keeps saying the richest x% pay x% of all taxes in Canada. That’s great, but unfortunately the amounts they should pay are determined by the relevant authorities and not the individuals themselves saying ” I think I’ve paid what I want to pay now”.

I’m not saying don’t pursue both, I’m saying one of these things is more than the other by a wide margin but the manufactured rage is usually directed at the welfare fraud rather than the white collar crime. Often as a means to detract from the bigger issue.

I except that the 5B is conservative... but my question is.. are they breaking the law, or using it, and it's loopholes, to avoid paying taxes?
If it's the latter.. then your issue is with the government. You can't blame someone for taking advantage of the laws to their favour... the same as you can't blame someone that qualifies for assistance.. for taking that assistance.

I don't have the numbers, but I'm sure that the number of convictions for fraud are similar to other crimes.. and that only a percentage are caught.. and less convicted. I read through a couple studies.. by universities.. and both conclude there is no real measure of welfare fraud numbers. One stated that multiple studies have it between 1-10%.
The only thing I found was a KPMG number for Alberta that put it between 2.6-3.6 of total payments.

But.. I think that when you talk about odsp and ow fraud.. you should also consider that a lot of that fraud is people working for cash, or owning businesses, while collecting.. and include that unpaid tax in the total fraud amount...
In all 3 examples I know.. the people are collecting benefits..2 are working cash jobs and 1 owns a business. I'd estimate it's about 170K in unreported income between the three.

That said.. I don't disagree that the tax laws, and loopholes, need to be cleaned up. Everyone should pay their fair share!
My feeling is the wealthy are using the law as the price for breaking it is high.

At the other end it’s more likely breaking the law, out of desperation, misguidance on entitlements, or simple grifting.

Not an expert on either.
My feeling is the wealthy are using the law as the price for breaking it is high.

At the other end it’s more likely breaking the law, out of desperation, misguidance on entitlements, or simple grifting.

Not an expert on either.
On the wealthy end, they may not even know what is going on. Some accounting firms were doing mighty shady things. As a person paying a skilled advisor, you trust them. Even if you directly ask the firm, they would say it is aggressive but legal. Whether CRA agrees with that position is worked out once CRA is aware that that interpretation is being used.
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