Explain that one to me. You're in the right lane in free flowing traffic, someone passes you in the left lane, how are they affecting your drive home? You either can't read, or understand.
And I've clearly said a few times now, I don't think there's anything special about me. I simply choose to break different laws than the laws that others break. Riding on the shoulder is a smaller ticket than doing 20kms over the limit, yet I can guarantee everyone on this forum breaks that law DAILY. So what you guys are saying is that it's okay for YOU to break laws that you're comfortable breaking, but it's not okay for others to break laws that you're uncomfortable with, even when those laws carry a smaller fine. Even if I didn't ride, I'd still support lane splitting and filtering. When I'm driving and come to a red light, if there's a car behind me that's turning right I will always move up into the cross walk (assuming there's no pedestrians) so the person behind me can be on their way. The dumb @$$ mentality of "I'm waiting so they have to wait" would never cross my mind. It is of absolutely no benefit to me that they wait behind me, and it costs me nothing to let them past.
I could explain it with crayons and construction paper but I still don't think you'd understand.
Keep up the good work, rockstar!
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